I'm in a rush to become a City of Matt's appreciative citizen of the road

My lessons for those in the US who want to get involved in the Matt City economy - (maybe) don't need a Keplr wallet! !

I initially joined Matters just to have the freedom to write Chinese... but recently, since I've been researching how to play Web3 , and I've also received kind support from the good neighbors of Matt City during this time (thanks @ 刘国@Matty@zzzyx) , so I decided to study how to participate in the economic activities of Matt City. I followed Liker Land's tutorial all the way through - it's pretty detailed, but I stumbled and took quite a few detours. Write my experience and lessons here; if you are in the United States and want to play Appreciation Citizen, I wish you better luck than me!

The following content is basically in the form of a running account to write down the pits I fell and various psychological activities; if you want to see the conclusion directly, please skip to the end of the article to see the flow chart I drew.

Store Value for Matt City

Let's talk about HKD recharge first: this is very simple, in Matters > My Wallet, just swipe the credit card directly. I topped up HKD100 today and $12.78 was charged to my credit card - same exchange rate as today, no extra fees.

Besides LikeCoin stored value , this is a little more troublesome. At present, I am grateful for everyone's wrong love, and I have received about 700 LIKEs. But 700 LIKEs are actually quite a few. One article is sent 166, and it disappears after one or two visits. I plan to buy more to save.

Credit Union in Matt City

But we all know that to become a citizen of appreciation requires 5,000LIKE to be entrusted to Civic Liker , so I went to the entrustment center and first entrusted the 300LIKE I had to Matters , and a few weeks later I earned 8+ LIKE;

Pit: Matters and Civic Liker are two different Validators! I entrusted to Matters because I did it wrong 🤑 But it's nothing, Matters' expected rate of return is 9.28%, and Civic Liker's expected rate of return is 0.00%. So there is nothing to lose by entrusting to Matters! In the future, I have more likes and will often entrust them to others.

Another thing worth mentioning is: Clicking "Become an Appreciated Citizen" in Liker Land will take you to the commission center, but the commission center https://stake.like.co/ and Liker Land ( https://liker.land ) are two different a different app! I've been bouncing back and forth between these two apps for a long time.

  • Liker Land is an app that can read Super Like content on Matters, but I think its reading experience is average, it is more appropriate to use it to check the return on investment of your Like Coin , as if it is hung on Matters.
  • The entrustment center is the name I gave it, because its interface has no name (囧), but from the interface design, it looks like a credit union in the village . We deposit money here, entrust it to different project people, earn Take a little interest.
  • Although the functional interface of the design is different, the two apps seem to share user login information (Like ID). Both of them can be logged in with the Keplr wallet or with Matters' author account. I've always logged in with my Matters author account, so my Like ID and Matters ID are the same, GardeniaDurian.

I don't have enough LIKEs now. The exchanges in the US do not sell LIKEs, and the exchanges that sell LIKEs do not allow US residents to register 💔 So I have to find other ways to get LIKEs.

Wallet melee! stupidly indistinguishable

When Matters said that I could bind the encrypted wallet, I already had a MetaMask (little fox) wallet, so I bound the "little fox" (it can't be changed after binding!) Later, I found that the Matters account should have been tied to the little fox, because that It's used to collect Travellogger, it has nothing to do with Liker Land and Civic Liker. (For details about the little fox wallet and Travellogger, please refer to: @Reading Bi Geng's commentary )

Then I found that the little fox could not receive LikeCoin!

$LIKE is currently a relatively small coin; the coin that can be exchanged with $LIKE and is easy to buy in the United States is $ATOM. So I have to buy ATOM first, and then go to replace.

I usually buy and sell cryptocurrencies on Coinbase, so I naturally thought of using the Coinbase wallet directly; but the Coinbase wallet is very difficult to use, and the coins bought from the exchange market still have to be transferred into its own wallet, so I still have to charge a fee. Did a lap of testing.

Here I finally decided to build a Keplr wallet.

The reason I didn't follow the tutorial steps to set up the Keplr wallet at the beginning was because I lost the fee every time I transfer money between wallets. I want to do things with as little wallet as possible.

After setting up the Keplr wallet, I started my journey of burning money…

My Journey Map

The status of the appreciative citizen is updated every day from 12:00 to 1:00 in the East Eighth District (that is, midnight Eastern Time); I finally succeeded in the commission after about 1:00 in the middle of the night... I just missed the status update of the day ❤️‍🩹 So again Waited 23 hours to finally qualify!

In fact, the Journey Map that can be improved

Finally, while writing this summary, I found out that I can actually do without the Keplr wallet.


My Like ID is a wallet! In theory, you can connect to the Osmosis exchange to exchange with Atom directly! !

Try again in a few days if you can transfer $ATOM in Osmosis!

But then again, this way of going back and forth will cost you a lot of handling fees. Do I still go back to the beginning, is it more straightforward to charge HKD directly?

In addition, I also learned that cash withdrawals at Matters can lose up to 20% of the handling fee . It's not easy to live a life!

Finally, what did I learn from this story?

If I put HKD in Matt City, I'll be mostly a donor mentality. And I know that 100 Hong Kong dollars can only buy two packs of instant noodles and a few green vegetables in New York, but in a small county in China, a family of three can go to a small restaurant for a meal. So to a certain extent, my contribution is relatively easy.

What's the point of injecting $LIKE without the hassle? Really need to be able to agree with the vision of $LIKE. Go and see.


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