I was opened while I was using the toilet - MTR's response


Last Wednesday, when I was using the disabled toilet at a MTR station, I encountered an unpleasant incident (incident details: https://www.jessie.hk/?p=147 ). A representative of a patient organization who participated in the meeting of the Accessibility Group of the Transport Department learned of the incident and, with my consent, referred the matter to the Accessibility Group of the Transport Department for discussion.

The group just held a meeting on the afternoon of 29/6 (today), thank the representatives of the patient organization for their help, and just received their response to the MTR Corporation. Because they use voice messages, I'm too lazy to type them out, and I don't know if they can all be made public, so I won't go into too much detail. The following is the general content.

The headquarters of the MTR Corporation has directly checked the situation with the station involved, confirmed the truth of the complaint, and asked the patient organization to convey their apology on their behalf.

On the micro level, the MTR Corporation will handle the incident appropriately to the contractor involved and the incident.

On a macro level, the MTR Corporation will remind all contractors to pay attention to the arrangements for handling toilets for the disabled in meetings with the company-wide contractors, so as to cater for the feelings and personal needs of passengers.

I am satisfied with the response of the MTR Corporation, and I also think that this incident is not my own incident, but an incident involving infirm friends and all passengers. I hope that by making the incident public and reporting it through the patient organization, I can really improve the plight of the infirm friends, and I also hope to encourage everyone to have the courage to report the unfair/inappropriate incidents they encounter in an appropriate way, so as to benefit the whole society.


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