Another World Fantasy Novel "Assistant to the Demon" Chapter 8 (1)

熊太先森|NFT 社群研究
The 3rd Tianxing Novel Award was shortlisted. "What qualities do you think a person needs to have to be a king?" An Englishman born in the ordinary world - Bertha. After living in the Demon World for three years, Bessarius received a letter from the Demon King because he solved a dangerous incident, and learned that he was invited to become the Demon King's direct assistant with a high salary. However, behind the high salary, the responsibility that needs to be shouldered is not only your own safety, but also the life of others. Bertha's first job as an assistant was to deal with "Merlin"'s betrayal of "King Arthur"!

"Welcome to the Avalon Arena!"

Although the Arena of Avalon has the same name as the place where King Arthur was buried, God's Blessed Island, it is not as beautiful as the legend says it can be called Elysium, and there are no countless plants and apples in it, or A place where the body can be buried. In the devil world, it is more like the Great Arena in ancient Rome. It is built with stone devil fragments, iron devil excrement and concrete made of various sand and mud. The long, narrow sand is surrounded by high platforms linked together by hidden passages. The high platform is the stage for the audience. Among them, humans and demons each occupy a long side, orcs occupy a short side, and the remaining side is the VIP area. Dozens of knights stood guard in the VIP area, and it seemed that there would be special guests coming later.

This is my first time here, so before I entered the passage of knights with Arthur, I stopped and observed at the gate of the arena for a while, and found that there are not only beautiful carvings on the top of the gateposts, but also stories full of stories on the pillars. Patterns, like Egyptian paintings without color. When I entered the arena and looked up, there was a bridge made of transparent material across the two long sides in the high sky of the sand, and there was a female knight in light clothes standing on it, and she used the force of nature to reach all comers. The audience here said that it seems to be the emcee of this competition:

"Today's public test at the Avalon Arena is titled: 'Distinguish the real and the fake! Arthur Pendragon vs. Arthur Pendragon'!"

How is the name like those variety show names made at low cost.

"This competition is to distinguish the authenticity of the two Arthur Pendragons! The winner will be recognized by the country as the real Arthur Pendragon. The competition will be held in the form of a "defeat of life and death" , In other words, since the Demon Hunter Knight exam two weeks ago, everyone can once again witness the scene of the contestants tearing each other apart!”

There were countless cheers and cheers from all around. These bastards who see life as shit.

After the crowd calmed down a little, the female voice said, "Now, please sit down in the auditorium according to the instructions of the knights. The competition will be held in thirty minutes..."

My focus went back to Arthur behind me, and after listening to the advice, he was shaking in a light shirt, denim shorts, and booties, showing how nervous and frightened he was right now. When he saw me staring at him, his blue eyes showed his desire to run away. I ignored it, patted the "Emperor Yan" on his waist, and then pointed at the long sword that was rented from the practice range on his waist, trying to tell him "no problem", but it didn't work well.

I walked by the stairs that climbed to the high platform, turned into the knight's passage leading to the inner part of the underground, and proceeded on a corridor with a red carpet. I saw no one. Every few meters, there are small windows on either side of the walls to take advantage of natural light to illuminate the interior. Between the windows, there is a stone pillar that seems to be used as a support, which is mainly simple and unadorned. About half a minute later, when we were about to enter a crossroads, there was some metal-to-metal collision, several knights in heavy armor were carrying supplies, and Bedwell was standing behind them, like a A stone statue in silver armor stood until he saw us.

"Finally, here you are, Miss Vessalius and Mr. Pendragon," Bedwell said. He was walking through the crowd, walking slowly towards us, and the great sword on his back made him look very steady.

"I kept the promise, knight." I said to him, who was at least ten centimeters taller than me. "Did your Arthur Pendra just keep the promise and bring the real sword in the stone to fight?"

"Of course. As long as it is the order of the Knights, all knights must obey. Meanwhile, we will check again before the game, please rest assured." He showed a gentle smile. "Please come with me now, and I'll take you to the preparation room." After he finished speaking, he turned and walked. Arthur and I followed after him after looking at each other, walking past a group of people running in the corridor. The knights running around passed the temporary first aid station set up by the medical force, and passed boxes of supplies from the country packed in huge wooden boxes. Then, we turned a corner.

"Arthur!" Someone yelled at this moment. Arthur and I immediately looked around, but we couldn't find anyone talking to us. Only in front of Bedwell's huge body, a man happily followed a man behind a pile of supplies. people speak. Going a little further, behind it is a teenager who is dressed in the same clothes as him seven days ago and looks exactly like Arthur:

Merlin pretending to be Arthur.

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