This year. that year


At the age of 32, I changed a new job, the starting point for all changes in my life.

In 2021, I left the company that I had served for seven years, where I started as a small grassroots, picked up a rag to wipe the machine, took a broom to sweep the floor, and then maintained parts, replaced parts, and repaired abnormal equipment. Next, he became the foreman, leading a group of companions to maintain the operation of the on-site machine, and was gradually promoted to the head of the department. From a small soldier who listens and acts, to a role of leading squad soldiers and assigning tasks, to a role of organization and coordination, communicating with top and bottom, and communicating with parallel departments.

This way, I stumbled and stumbled along the way. After becoming a middle-level supervisor, I also encountered bullying and sour words from veterans. Facing the pressure of superiors, I had to be sympathetic to my subordinates and work in other departments at the same time. coordination. Although I can't say that I did a good job, I really did my best to ask myself. Next, I changed the unit and was responsible for a new project, and the responsibility was heavier.

The content of the work I faced changed every year there, and the road I saw in the future was clearly in front of my eyes, a road that could continue to improve.

However, I gave up. I don't know if I go on like this, and look back ten years later, what did I get? Every day's energy is spent on work, from morning to night, after get off work, before going to bed, and waking up with a little trouble in sleep. So I woke up and left, and that's where everything changed.

2022.07.07 Photographed on the way to get off work, the rainbow is always soothing

After taking off the burden, I realized that the life of the past few years seems not to be my own, or that it is not what I want. After get off work, I started to have my own time, instead of worrying about work, I started a holiday where I could really relax, instead of waiting for group notifications or phone calls at any time.

In fact, it was chaotic at first, and suddenly there was a lot of free time, and I really didn't know what to do. Turning on the computer, watching the games that I used to love, I felt empty after a while. It turned out that when I realized that life might not be so boring, it would naturally change. It's not going to be worse anyway, is it? (At least in retrospect, these attempts really made me grow!)

I also experienced a short-lived, but hard-to-remember love relationship, and the taste of happiness was obtained. In turn, it was even more painful. In the end, I got depression and anxiety. After realizing my illness, I kept reminding myself, Pull yourself out of the quagmire with a hundredfold effort.

Make an appointment with yourself for a small trip in winter

Start reading seriously (finally?) and fill the bookcases in the room with the books you read. This is not an easy goal.

Pick up the brush and paint a new series of works

Look at yourself in the mirror and start exercising

Speaking of which, I am quite curious. If I find it interesting, I want to explore and try various things. There are many, many things that I didn’t have the time or effort to do in the past. It seems that they all started this year.

My life is full of various itineraries and plans, and I also have some bold attempts to explore at work. It seems to be going well, but my heart is still a little empty, as if I can't find the motivation behind me? It seems that there is a lack of fire, there is no fire to ignite enthusiasm, and life is arranged too rationally. Start to wonder what life is all about? Doubts and anxiety kept popping up, but I knew what to do in this moment and try life hard.

Is it because of the new attitude towards life brought about by the new job, or simply because of age, or because of a change in thinking brought about by meeting different friends, maybe all of the above.

In short, transformation begins when you step into an unfamiliar place.

These days seem to be moving in a good direction, so let's live like this for now! What is the meaning of life? Maybe you will understand it after living it!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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