"Strangers Met in Namtso" (8) Nyingchi, Basongco, Brahmaputra Grand Canyon (IV)


The next day was another early morning trip. She woke up first and found that he was holding her at some point. Her face flushed.

She got up quietly, hoping not to wake him. However, he still woke up.


"Morning. You sleep a little longer, and I'll call you again. I'm going to wash up first."

After that, she rushed to the bathroom.

When she came out again, she found that he had changed his clothes.

"Why did you change your clothes before brushing your teeth and washing your face?"

"Men don't matter."

He smiled and walked to the bathroom.

After eating the breakfast provided by the hotel, the tour group set off to visit the Yajiang Grand Canyon.

They first sailed in the river for about an hour by excursion boat.

The weather was not very good that day, the wind and the rain made them half-cold on the boat. They were like two kittens leaning on each other to keep warm.

After the boat arrived at the shore, transfer to the bus to go up the mountain, have a bird's-eye view of the Yajiang River from a height, and also visit some nearby scenic spots along the way. To be honest, the two of them don't even remember the names of those "scenic spots", but they were just some special trees/rocks that were changed to some special names.

Her favorite is the observation deck there.

She stood there quietly for a long time. She felt that she could look at Yajiang here all day.

Looking at the turbulent river below, she had the urge to jump down.

His voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"What's wrong with you, staring at the river in a daze."

Knowing it was him, she didn't look back, and continued to look at Jiang Shui.

"Until today, I understand why some people choose to jump off a cliff. In front of the majestic momentum of nature, sometimes people really can only obey, and even want to be a part of her."

"Don't scare me, you're not going to jump off a cliff, are you?"

"It's not that I'm jumping right now, I just feel like I can understand why people choose to jump off a cliff to end their lives. Or if I choose to end my life one day, I might also choose to jump off a cliff. It's good to come back here and jump. "

"Don't be so scary. Why jump off a cliff in front of such a beautiful sight."

He held her hand gently and stood beside her.

They stopped talking and stood there watching the river together.

Yajiang's itinerary is over in half a day. The tour group returned to Bayi Town for lunch. After experiencing the battle for food again, the tour guide said that there was only one itinerary in the afternoon, to a scenic spot called "Big Cypress". After hearing that, he said he didn't want to go, he wanted to go back to his room and take a nap.

She decided to go with the tour group. She thought, it's okay to separate herself from him and calm down.

As a result, she felt that she had made a serious choice, and those "attractions" were actually shopping spots. A group of people followed the tour guide to several shopping spots. Although she was not forced to spend, she felt that it was a waste of her life to visit those shopping spots that she was not interested in at all.

She prefers to stay on the observation deck and keep watching the water of Yajiang flow better.

It was more than six o'clock after finishing the shopping trip and returning to the hotel. The tour guide had arranged for dinner, but she decided not to eat it.

She didn't see him for an afternoon, she tried to find him, but he turned off the phone.

I couldn't find him on the phone, I had to go back to the hotel room to find him. But no one answered the door when she went to the room. The guest only had one key to the door, but it was in his hand. She couldn't even go back to the room to wait for him.

After seeing her helpless look, the hotel waiter opened the door and let her in.

Turns out he was still sleeping. She tossed with the hotel attendant, and he woke up.

She thought that the trip these days had really exhausted him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were still sleeping. I thought you didn't know where to go, so I asked someone to open the door and let me in."

"It doesn't matter, I've slept enough, I have to get up. Have you eaten dinner yet?"

"No, I rushed over to find you, and I didn't participate in the dinner battle with the rest of the group."

He laughed.

"Come on, let's have a non-arguing dinner."

The two chose a restaurant near the hotel and ordered a few side dishes to eat slowly.

They ordered beer and came with a small glass, the size Koreans use for soju.

She thought it was funny and the cups were beautiful.


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namtso一切的一切,都始於納木錯 你見,或者不見我 我就在那裏 不悲不喜 《班扎古魯白瑪的沉默》 扎西拉姆·多多
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