EP.17|Do you know your blood type? Personality can also be seen from blood type

Before listening to this episode, Ben has a question for you, "Do you know your blood type?" If you don't know your blood type, that's okay! In the end, Xiaoben will teach you how to test your blood type for free, remember to hear the last paragraph! We all know that Taiwanese are notorious for looking at constellations, but what about the neighboring Koreans and Japanese? Do they also like to see horoscopes? The answer is beyond your expectations. South Korea and Japan actually prefer to look at blood types than to look at constellations~

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(00:00) [Opening song_Opening remarks_Ladies first]

This is komoto's podcast

(00:11) [Opening music_About?]

Hey~ Hello everyone, my name is Xiaoben. How are you all doing recently? Before you know it, there are only three months left in this year, and now it’s already October. Time flies so fast. In a few days, it will be the Double Tenth Day holiday, and everyone can have a holiday again~ Let’s look forward to it. Going to work is for the purpose of Are you working hard on vacation?

Well, today we're going to talk about blood type and personality.

(00:39) Blood type distribution is related to ethnicity

Xiaoben first asks you a question, do you know your blood type? Do not you know? It doesn't matter, Xiaoben will teach you how to test your blood type for free.

Guess which one has the most blood types in Taiwan? Give you three seconds to think about it, three, two, one, the time is up, have you thought about it? Then I will announce the answer~

The answer is type O, did you guess right? Type O accounts for almost 40% of Taiwan's population.

According to the statistics of the Taiwan Blood Foundation, a medical consortium, in 2020, the O-type population accounts for about 44.11% of Taiwan's population, the A-type population is about 26.42%, the B-type population is about 23.53%, and finally the AB-type population The population of only 5.94% of the total population.

Citation source: 2010 Annual Report and Epidemic Prevention Special - Page 128_109 ABO and RhD Negative Blood Types and Proportions

In fact, it is not difficult to guess that most of the people in Taiwan have type O blood. In my impression, people with type O blood are the kind of big-handed, generous, and sloppy personality, and they can be regarded as an optimistic group of people. Although sometimes it makes people feel... um~ It's quite rude, but my existing impression of O blood type is this. Of course, everyone's personality is different, but in terms of nationality, Taiwanese are indeed quite happy, which is a good thing.

Then, let's look at the neighboring countries. Let's first look at Hong Kong. The distribution of blood types (blood types) in Hong Kong's statistics last year in 2020. The most blood type is O, accounting for 41.56%, and the second most The blood type is B type 26.22%, followed by A type 25.22%, and finally AB type, the proportion of the population is 6.23%.

Citation Source: Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service - 2020 Blood Collection Data

Let's look at China again. The proportion of blood types in China is similar to that in Hong Kong. Type O blood still accounts for the largest number of people at 34.4%, followed by type B at 29.2%, and then type A at 27.9%. AB type is more than Hong Kong and Taiwan, about 8.5%.

Citation source: Ningxia Blood Center - "Geographical Code" in Chinese Blood Types

Then I think a country with a stronger ethnicity will have a higher proportion of the A-type population. For example, take Japan as an example, A-type people account for about 40% of the whole Japan, which is almost every 10 people. There are 4 people with type A, then 30% of type O, 20% of type B, and finally 10% of type AB.

Citation source: Japan Red Cross Society - Hyogo Prefecture Red Cross Blood Center - About blood types

Then everyone should have seen the kind of order and personal self-control that the Japanese showed when they faced the disaster during the 311 Great East Japan Earthquake 10 years ago. In fact, this is related to the strong collective consciousness of the Japanese. We are part of this group, and once this is a given, they will consider the impact it will have on those around us.

Those who have studied abroad will know that the Japanese are actually a very xenophobic country, and it is difficult for foreigners to integrate into their groups. Although not every Japanese is like this, but compared with Taiwan, Taiwan is very welcoming to foreigners, and it is easier to accept people from different cultures.

Sorting out the numbers mentioned earlier, previewing them with a stacked bar chart would look like this.
(03:59) Traits of Type A people: meticulous, serious, stubborn

Do you know which country you care about most about your blood type? It's Korea and Japan.

(Huh? That should be two countries, yes! These two countries like to see blood types very much.)

Taiwanese people like to look at horoscopes very much, and even I am a person who loves to look at horoscopes, but in Korea and Japan, they prefer to look at each other's blood type rather than look at horoscopes. Even in Japanese and Korean bookstores, you can read many books related to blood type personality theory.

Then let's also talk about the relationship between blood type and personality, then let's talk about type A first.

Type A's keywords are meticulous, conscientious , and stubborn .

In terms of basic personality, they are more traditional and introverted, and have a sense of responsibility, so they often think more about things and are more cautious. For example, regardless of the weather, Type A people will always keep an umbrella in their bag for emergencies. Although it is an advantage to plan ahead, but if you are too cautious and think too complicated about everything, you will always choose to think negatively first, so it is easy to become tied or tied when doing things. It's a matter of gain and loss, so you're just adding to your own troubles~

Type A people are also a group of people who are very worried about the future, so they are more timid when starting new things and things. Hmm~ Then they also care about what others think of them, and they don't like to communicate with strangers, but they also attach great importance to the sophistication of people and the overall sense of harmony, so they force themselves to socialize, and they end up messing up their lives. tired. Then they are also good at observing people, as well as reasoning and analysis, and the ability to judge things is also very strong.

The relationship between blood type A and health. People with type A are more likely to suffer from three highs, such as heart disease, and different types of cancer. Basically, the attack rate of several common cancers is higher than that of other blood types. a lot.

Having said something like this... um... that doesn't sound good, then I've also prepared a strategy for improving the happiness of Type A people .

It is recommended that type A people look at everything a little bit. Foresight can certainly reduce the occurrence of some "unexpected accidents", which will meet the expectations of the society and most people, but don't just put yourself "ㄍ One ㄣ" too tightly. Good baby occasionally makes a little mistake, or don't be so perfectionistic, but it will make people feel easier to get close to, and they will not lie on their own bed because they are worried about making mistakes No. In addition, you should also practice "honestly facing your inner feelings". Whether a person is good or not does not necessarily have to be affirmed or denied by others.

 The last sentence for Type A people is, "Don't be too demanding of yourself, and be open to everything!"

Citing source:
1. Wind Media - Taiwanese love to ask about constellations when making friends, but Japanese ask about blood type! He revealed a very different side of Japanese culture
2. Heho health - "blood type" determines what kind of disease you have! Type O is prone to stomach ulcers, type A is prone to heart disease
3. Wind Media - Melancholy is actually related to blood type? Experts analyze 4 major blood type traits to find out the secret of depression

(06:54) Traits of Type B people: go their own way, cold, positive

Next, let's look at the personality traits of Type B people. First of all, their keywords are going their own way, indifferent , and positive .

The personality of type B people is very different from that of people with blood type A. They belong to a group of people who are optimistic and cheerful. They are the pistachio of many people. Those B-type people often live in their own small universe, and they are very used to taking the initiative to stay away from the limitation of "there is nothing in the world, nothing to worry about." , that the freedom to travel, eat and drink is the real life.

If there is something they "dislike", they will also clearly express "what they don't like", but they don't like to conflict with others. the world, then they also have a different way of thinking from ordinary people. Well, Type B people are standard "curiosity babies". If they find something they are interested in or like, they can devote themselves to research without looking ahead. Therefore, Type B has produced many experts. Also very broad.

The thoughts of type B are more positive than the thoughts of other blood types, but the mood fluctuates greatly, so his emotions will also be written on his face. Then the relationship between them and their friends is "if the relationship is better, it will become colder", the chat messages will become shorter and shorter, and the dialogue will become less. On the contrary, if the B-type person is right Unfamiliar people are more friendly.

The relationship between blood type B and health , the diseases of type B people are mainly concentrated in "metabolic diseases", such as diabetes, pancreatic cancer and so on.

That Xiaoben also prepared a strategy for improving happiness for B-type people . In the chapter of Wei Linggong in "Lunyu", Confucius once said: "If people have no foresight, they must have near-term worries." Although people with type B blood are optimistic and positive, follow Sexual freedom, those who do things like to "remain unchanged", but please don't trust your brain and intuition too much. Before doing anything, you still need to have a deep vision and plan to avoid Overlooked some key details and become extremely happy like this.

 The last sentence I want to give to B-type people is "optimistic and casual, and don't forget to plan carefully before doing things~"

Citing source:
1. Wind Media - Taiwanese love to ask about constellations when making friends, but Japanese ask about blood type! He revealed a very different side of Japanese culture
2. Heho health - "blood type" determines what kind of disease you have! Type O is prone to stomach ulcers, type A is prone to heart disease
3. Wind Media - Melancholy is actually related to blood type? Experts analyze 4 major blood type traits to find out the secret of depression

(09:20) Traits of Type AB people: pacifism, self-esteem, fear of loneliness

Next, let's look at type AB. The keywords of type AB people are pacifism, self-esteem, and fear of loneliness.

People with blood type AB account for about 5% or even about 10% of the world's total population. They are a relatively rare race. They also have the personality traits of type A blood and type B blood. The usual personality is relatively implicit. Only Only in some special moments will it show the outward side. People with blood type AB are kind-hearted and willing to do good deeds; they have their own ideas, but they don't necessarily express them.

Because the personality is relatively low-key, and he will not disclose his interests and private life, the relationship of making friends is also relatively shallow, and he is not very good at expressing himself. Then type AB is a combination of type A and type B, so like type B, it loves freedom, and sometimes it will say things that stray from the theme, or have different ideas from others. Then they also like beautiful things, and they will also look for better-looking people when they are looking for a partner. The AB type is also more afraid of being alone, but they are not very interested in others, so they are actually a very contradictory group of people.

The AB type also does not like to rely on intuition. They will observe things very calmly and objectively, so their observational skills are very excellent. Those who are good at discovering are people's lies. Invisible, often smiling to betray each other or pick on other people's faults, so that others feel caught off guard, and therefore often give people a scheming impression.

Well, the relationship between people with AB type and diseases , on the contrary, people with this blood type are less likely to have people with type A, type B, and type O. They (A, B, O) are prone to these diseases, and even they ( AB) 2 has a protective effect on the three highs, and it is not easy to cause high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar.

So what are the strategies for improving the happiness of AB-type people ?

They are affected by the characteristics of the two blood types, A and B. People with AB blood type will also be hesitant or indecisive. The way to improve is to suggest that you talk to your heart and spend more time on it. Knowing yourself, you can get closer to religious beliefs if you have the opportunity, and use the scriptures to perceive your heart, which will also help (reduce) your inner conflict, and (can) increase your happiness.

 The last sentence to AB-type people is "kind but loves to be at the forefront, you should learn to talk to yourself more!"

Citing source:
1. Wind Media - Taiwanese love to ask about constellations when making friends, but Japanese ask about blood type! He revealed a very different side of Japanese culture
2. Heho health - "blood type" determines what kind of disease you have! Type O is prone to stomach ulcers, type A is prone to heart disease
3. Wind Media - Melancholy is actually related to blood type? Experts analyze 4 major blood type traits to find out the secret of depression

(11:54) Traits of Type O: Romance, Rationalism, Masculinity, and Feminism

Finally, let's introduce O-type people, so what are the keywords of O-type people?

Romance, rationalism, big man and big womanism

Personality analysis of O-type people. They are usually a group of people with a sense of justice. When they see injustice, they really want to take care of or say something. They like to express their ideas and arguments, and they are also over-enthusiastic. , even often a good teacher. Moreover, O-type people are usually more straightforward in character, they speak faster, and they talk more, so they are not stingy to share everything; then they do not like things with small noses and small eyes, I don't like to be overcast either. I think it's better to say it directly if there is something to say.

In life, they pay attention to efficiency and convenience. For example, they feel that it will become dirty after cleaning, which is inefficient, so they are not very good at cleaning, and they do not have the habit of cleaning regularly. Then if you see an O-type person wearing the same clothes every day, he may answer you: the clothes can be worn, it is easy to make people feel that beauty and taste are problematic, but in fact, they are just pursuing efficiency. Type O people seem to be very casual about a lot of things, and that's because they're not casual unless they're interested in them. Then they are also very social and like to participate in activities, so they can easily make many friends, but there are very few real friends. They are also good at observing words, but when they are very angry, they will keep silent.

From the perspective of health, O-type people mainly focus on "infectious diseases", such as norovirus, malaria, etc.; and the gastrointestinal tract is not in good condition, and it is easy to have pylori and cause the digestive tract. ulcer.

However, I saw a report on the BBC that after being infected with the new coronavirus, the probability of serious illness is lower than that of people with other blood types. , but at least in a new direction.

The next step is to improve the happiness of O-type people . Although O-type people’s personal characteristics are straightforward and natural, and they have a sense of justice, it is recommended not to read the news too often, because whether it is social news or political news, as long as there is any injustice Unrighteous content may make him emotional, blood pressure soars, and even curse words. For O-type friends, you might as well focus on the beautiful people and things in life, because whether they are reading a good book or eating a delicious meal, they all have the characteristic of automatically magnifying their feelings, which can make "little happiness". become "great happiness".

 Then the last sentence to O-type people is "full sense of justice, watch less negative news!"
Citing source:   

1. Wind Media - Taiwanese love to ask about constellations when making friends, but Japanese ask about blood type! He revealed a very different side of Japanese culture
2. Heho health - "blood type" determines what kind of disease you have! Type O is prone to stomach ulcers, type A is prone to heart disease
3. Wind Media - Melancholy is actually related to blood type? Experts analyze 4 major blood type traits to find out the secret of depression
4. BBC - Covid-19: What role does blood type and genetics play?
5. Good morning health - the severity and infection rate of new coronary pneumonia, this blood type is the highest! Research statistics released

(14:38) Personalities of Type A, B, AB, O people I know

Do you know what blood type I am? I am type O, the blood type of the most vegetable market (Taiwanese) , and if I grab someone on the road to ask about their blood type, they should all be type O. Because it is too popular, it feels like a very boring blood type. nope~


Let’s talk about my views on the four blood types. The first is type A. There are not many friends with type A around, most of them are friends with type O, but in terms of blood type, the blood type I am most afraid of is type A. people. Because A-type people are very smart, otherwise they have a lot of cleverness. Sometimes their little cleverness is invisible, maybe they don't even notice it, even if they are invisible, they will bring it to the people around them. troubled. That's what I observed myself

Type A people give me the impression that they are smart, stubborn, and depressed

Type A people are often duplicitous, that is, they are clearly thinking about A, but what comes out of their mouths is another thing, which is why I think they are a very depressed group of people.

Then again, stubbornness, why mention stubbornness? I once had a friend of type A, that is... If that day, we have to walk to a place, then suddenly someone said that we should use public transportation, and suddenly change the original... Lu. .. Itinerary or means of transportation, the friend of type A will instantly change her face to show you, and she will run to the opposite road and run over. Then everyone watched her helplessly, crossed the road while exploding over there, and "walked" toward the destination.

Although this example is a bit extreme, it is what really happened to me. If the usual trivial things are said to be good things and suddenly change what everyone said, then A-type friends can easily show them to you in an instant like a Sichuan Opera changing their faces. Or is it that most of the Type A people I meet are more extreme? If I were to categorize Type A people, I would put them in the agitation group.


Type B people belong to a group of people who have some distance from other people, but I think they are cold on the outside and warm on the inside. But if they are familiar with each other, B-type people are warm inside. But I think there are two types of people in type B. One is the type I just said, the cold on the outside and the hot on the inside, and the other is the opposite, the type with heat on the outside and cold on the inside. will become cold.

Regardless of whether they are cold outside and warm outside, people with type B are basically a group of people who are very eager to help others. I once met a classmate in my class. He was the best student in the class, but he kept a distance from unfamiliar friends and his attitude was cold. But one day I asked him a question in class. I thought he would ignore me, but I didn't expect him to answer my question quickly and write down the answer for me, although this B-type classmate was cold Coldly answered my answer, but he still helped me. Because other students with good grades in the class ignored me at that time, only he was willing to answer my answer, and I am very grateful at the moment.

However, my impression of B-type people is not bad!

The main impression is coldness, helping others and being neutral.

Before that, there were stories of B-types who were cold and helpful. Then I want to talk about maintaining neutrality here. The B-type people are also a group of people who go their own way. Maybe they are afraid of trouble or something. If it is something that has nothing to do with them, they will not take the initiative to contact them. Yes, and I'm not very likely to comment on this matter behind my back. Of course, this is a good point~ Don't judge a person casually.

In short, these three points are my existing impression of B-type people.


Then there are AB-type people. I think the most representative characteristic of AB-type is that they have a lot of emotional ups and downs. Although they have a lot of emotional ups and downs, they will not take anger at others, and I think this is very good. It should be said that AB-type people are less likely to hide their emotions. They laugh when they want to laugh, cry when they want to cry, and they are a group of people who can control their emotions more freely.

The impression of Type AB is that they are emotionally fluctuating, sensitive, and practical.

The sensitive point is that I think they can easily detect some differences, such as the atmosphere of the scene is not right, or the other party's expression is unnatural, (or) the whole thing is a "weird" word, then they will be very easy First aware of that "different" place, then they naturally seem to have a built-in sensitive antenna, which may have something to do with their attention to detail.

Then there is the reality. I think AB-type people are less imaginative, and they are a group of people who "know the current affairs of the world". Many people say that AB-type people have dual personalities, and their opinions will change. But I think the dual personality of type AB is an advantage, just because they have dual personality, they can switch from different positions to look at the same thing, then finally (can) make the most practical judgment, which will of course be the same as the initial statement There will be discrepancies. There are not many AB-type friends around, so this is what I observed.


Finally, it is the O-type person, that is, myself! I think O's are optimists and forgetful, but O's don't like to be unconventional, and then, I think once they identify with this group, they will have the spirit of sacrifice and dedication, and they can be regarded as instrumental people. kind of.

My impression of Type Os is that they are easy-going, outgoing, and like to interrupt others.

The O-type people are people who like to make friends. They are friends all over the world. They are probably synonymous with O-type people. Then I know many O-type people who really have familiar friends everywhere. Maybe they are naturally easy-going and outgoing. related. Most O-type people are very outgoing and open, so their emotions come and go, they don't hide their emotions at all, and they like to talk straight.

Then there is the point that they like to interrupt others, which seems to be the disadvantage of O-type people, because they are outgoing~ and they are more confident in themselves, so more or less they don't listen to what others say. Then unconsciously there will be a love to interrupt other people's speech. Then I'll admit it! When I am excited, I do accidentally make this mistake, so I will always pay attention to whether the other party has finished speaking. But I'm not the kind of person who is full of confidence like I said just now. It's just that when emotions come, I accidentally interrupt what the other party is saying.

Of course, blood type is only a reference for the general direction. Then everyone's family conditions and growth background are different, so we can't look at this matter of blood type personality theory completely, but at least there is a direction, then give For your reference~

(21:24) Talk about the blood donation process in Taiwan and the snack cabinet and small gift exchange that you can take

After talking about blood type and personality, let's talk about the process of donating blood.
As mentioned earlier, how do you know your blood type for free?

Deng~Deng~ is to go to the blood donation center to donate blood~
Is it a great thing to test your own blood type for free and help others?

Before that, I jokingly told the shameless guy in my family: If you have a new partner and want to know if the other party has hidden illnesses, then take him to donate blood on the first date, if you can... If you can donate (blood), Then the other party is a normal person, but if he can't donate, he may have some secrets that cannot be revealed. Um

When it comes to donating blood, I have donated 14 times in total. In fact, I have been donating blood since I was about 22 years old. However, the situation that I often encounter is that the hemoglobin is not enough, and I can’t donate after being shot by the nurse. Only donated 14 times.

In the general blood donation process, you will be asked to draw a number plate first, and the service staff will take a tablet for you to fill in basic information, and also ask you to measure your weight, and then record your weight on the tablet. At this time, the service staff will also ask you for an ID card or a health insurance card, one of which will be given to him. (Remember to bring your ID when donating blood!)

After filling out the information, just wait for the number to be called for consultation~

During the consultation, you will be taken to a small room, there is only a nurse and you (the door of the small room will be closed at this time), and the nurse will ask some private questions, such as you Have you had surgery recently, or been taking drugs, or having multiple sexual partners? (If you have these conditions, you cannot donate), then he will also ask you at this time: How much CC blood do you want to donate? Basically, it is 250cc and 500cc. Girls can only donate 250cc, and boys can donate 250cc or 500cc.

Basically, the consent of the blood donor will still be sought. After the question, the nurse will ask you to sign on the tablet, which should be just an electronically signed consent form for the consultation.

The nurse will also ask you: Do you want to donate your left hand today? Or the right hand? If it's left-handed, he'll put a thin plastic strap around your left wrist like you would wear in a hospital. Well, if you can't decide which hand to donate right now, then it depends on which hand you write with or which hand is your dominant hand, then try not to use the dominant hand Go donate (and the writing hand), because after the blood donation, the nurse will ask you to try not to...that is, use the blood donation hand to lift heavy objects.

The next step is to wait for your name to be called in to donate blood. When there are many people, the wait will be longer. You can use this time to go to the snack cabinet to get the Come and eat biscuits, the biscuits and drinks on the snack cabinet are free. Usually, I will drink 2~3 cups of warm boiled water first, and eat 1~2 packets of biscuits. Drinking boiled water is... .It is intended to warm up the body, so before donating blood, replenishing water can also make blood donation faster.

Then, after the nurse inside calls your name, you can go in and donate blood. The nurse will reconfirm whether you want to donate your left or right hand, and then he will ask you your name and date of birth, don't feel impatient, this is their existing process, to confirm the person who donated blood identity.

The nurse will start to disinfect the elbow socket where you want to donate blood. After the disinfection, he will ask you to relax, and then tell you that the needle will be inserted. Then I usually watch the nurse give the needle, because I am not afraid inject. Then you will see that the nurses put your blood into 3~5 glass test tubes one after another, and the test tubes are put into the test tubes for testing. Because blood bags need to be tested before they are used by patients, and they can only be used by patients after passing the test, so don't be too surprised to say: Why are several tubes of blood drawn before blood donation?

When the blood starts to enter the blood bag, the nurse will ask you to start with the hand that donated the blood. Just hold the fist and loosen it so that the blood can generate power, and the blood donation will end sooner.

Portal: Taiwan Blood Foundation - You can do this during the blood donation process.

Then if it is in winter, your hands will be colder, and the blood flow will be slower. The nurse will put a hot water bottle on the palm of your donating blood. Drink 1-2 cups of warm water. In winter, you can drink warm water to warm your body, and the speed of donating blood will be faster~

After the blood donation machine stops swinging, the blood donation is complete~

The nurse will bandage your wound and give you a conscience card, just because the person who donated blood is here to test for AIDS, in case you are an AIDS patient or maybe... you may have AIDS patients, you can call to cancel your blood bag, the card also has your blood bag number on it.

Here's a reminder that the blood donation center does not provide reminders for blood donation and AIDS testing. So don't think of the blood donation center as an AIDS testing unit.

After donating blood, you can go to the snack cabinet to get biscuits and drinks to eat. Then I will probably sit outside for about 5 minutes in the seat in the blood donation waiting area, and I will leave after eating biscuits and replenishing water. Prevent yourself from passing out after donating blood. Then don't go in a hurry~

[Reminder] After donating blood, you must rest for at least 10 minutes before leaving. You can see the following portal.

Portal: Taiwan Blood Foundation - Tips after donating blood.

By the way~ I didn't mention the small gifts. During the consultation, the nurse will ask you: Um... Are you going to gather some points? Or a small gift? But I don't really like small gifts, because they all have the words "donate blood to save people" printed on them, so they are too high-profile~ Even if I take them, I don't dare to use them.

So I usually just accumulate points, but so far I have not exchanged gifts, the points are plus or minus a collection episode~ I remember when the epidemic first started to heat up, I went to the Taipei blood donation room to donate blood, then ~There were masks at that time~ It was a time when one mask was hard to find, then I thought it was good, but I only donated 250cc, it seems that I can only get about 20 masks, but if you donate 500cc, yes Just take a box away. In fact, the gift also depends on the time and space background at that time to get it, and the gifts in each place are different.

After donating blood, in about 3 days, the blood donation center will send you a mail, which will notify you whether the blood bag can be used or not, and will stop you from waking up for the date of blood donation after 3 months, which is quite considerate. However, the more troublesome thing for girls is that they have menstruation every month, so basically they cannot donate blood at all when menstruation comes, because the hemoglobin will be terribly low. Then for your reference~

[Reminder] In addition to donating blood, don't forget to keep your documents! The documents are usually returned to you before donating blood.

<Photo source: Everyone Focus - Famous American Psychologist: Your blood type determines your personality>

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