<The reason why it is early in the morning> Former citizen "Mr. Pirate"

What is a "writer"?

❑ Preface:

The 7th Red Chamber Poetry Society's Publishing Sponsorship Program of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Publishing Sponsorship Program (April-May 2022)

I paid attention to this subsidy last year. Later, I felt that my work was too thin and gave up the application, but I continued to pay attention. Accidentally found that a citizen of Matters was shortlisted because he used the same name "Mr. Pirate" . Later, when the Red Chamber Poetry Society's Facebook broadcasted the "Shortlists Sharing Session", I heard a little of his sharing, but I just remembered that he mentioned that the creation of novels has been affected by him. The influence of Haruki Murakami.

After that, he really got the sponsorship of the publication, and he was very happy for him, but he seemed to keep a low profile, and I gradually forgot about him.

It was not until recently, when the call for applications for the seventh session of the Red Chamber Poetry Society began, that I thought of Mr. Pirate again. I wanted to interview him about what happened after he got the sponsorship, only to find out that he has deleted Matters' account since I don't know when...

Fortunately, he did not abandon the nickname of "Mr. Pirate", and contacted him through the blog of "Mr. Pirate". He is a humble and kind person. He responded that due to the problems in my interview, there were already detailed information in the blog. records, so, with the author's consent, I directly excerpt the material I am interested in from it.

 💡This article is very long, but it is closely related to the person who wrote it. What Mr. Pirate said, the editor-in-chief resonated very much, so I don't care about the length.

Screenshot from Mr. Pirate's blog
The rules of the game for the Red Mansion Poetry Society to solicit documents, those who have obtained sponsorship qualifications must find a publishing house to sign a contract and actually publish a book, in order to receive a complete subsidy (100,000 yuan) .
It’s no wonder that the judge’s final meeting minutes (second half) also took into account the possibility of marketing, when you talk about your novel “The Morning That Can’t Be the Future” has nearly 100,000 words, “and Taiwanese readers are getting impatient to read. For long novels, everyone may still be more used to the short way of reading, and long novels seem to be very difficult to promote.”
I was wondering, did the process of finding a publisher to publish a book go smoothly after being notified of the sponsorship status?

Excerpted from "Publishing Process in This Half Month" (10/17/2021)

I asked the Red Chamber Poetry Society, which is the unit that sponsored me. They mentioned that they were busy raising funds recently and had little time to match up, but they would find time. As mentioned earlier, I was in a hurry, so I asked them about the time between the reviewers. In general, they mentioned that the editor-in-chief of Ye Meiyao (the editor-in-chief of New Classic Culture, and also Zhang Dachun's wife, but I only found out later) wanted to recommend my publishing house, so I just said that if you don't need to go through your Red House Poetry Society If it is, I can contact myself. Of course, the Red House will not give me the contact information of the editor-in-chief Ye. Anyway, they (the reviewers) are very busy people. The mailboxes were all given to the editor-in-chief, and then the first series of waiting began.

All of this happened so suddenly. My original plan didn't have the option of winning the prize. I just planned to publish my own e-book. However, my original plan was disrupted, which is true.

Maybe you think you all think it’s too condescending to say that you don’t plan to win the award, but really, otherwise I wouldn’t bury my head in the manuscript (Editor’s note: I just wanted to come up with electronic book), because I just didn’t expect that I would win the award. Don’t just look at the results, but also consider the process between this and me. The thing I am most confident about is that I have no confidence, and I am at best. I can only be regarded as an amateur . "The Morning That Can't Be the Future" was my first novel, and it wasn't written for the purpose of awards at the time. It was just a record of what I still remember. Among them, the Poetry Society of the Red Chamber was selected, which is unbelievable when I think about it, but it’s actually very simple. I want to do something after writing it, whether it’s a submission or something, I don’t want to just finish writing it and it’s gone, so I search the novel online. , as a result, there was a novel award, and I slowly clicked into it. Most of them were unpublished and the number of words was only about 10,000. I have to say, almost all of them are of this kind. There is no limit, whether it is the number of words, the type, or whether it has been published, as long as it is not published, it is fine. Fortunately, I have seen it, otherwise it will not evolve into what it is today.

Screenshot from Mr. Pirate's blog

I once said in the sharing session that when I was halfway through writing, I stopped for half a year. During this time, I thought about whether I should continue to go back to work or continue to write, because I really love to write, and then I simply If I didn’t want to go to work, I would sell paintings, do some design projects, and then continue to write. It seems pretty scary now. If I had decided to go back to work, I would have nothing. As mentioned in "The Morning That Can't Be the Future", work means nothing to me, it's just for money, I can make a living for the time being, and my relatives have also given me some help, so that I can make money occasionally when I don't go to work. Keep writing.

In the end, the editor-in-chief Ye Meiyao said that she thought I could try the Times . She said that the last place he stayed was the Times, and he was also the editor of Haruki Murakami. Well, I don't know. Then she said that she would contact the judges and ask them to write letters of recommendation, and then wait for the record of the final review to be made public, and then submit the letters of recommendation, records and manuscripts to the editor-in-chief. To be honest, if there is I have only infinite gratitude for the opportunity to be in the same publishing house as Haruki Murakami. In a word, editor-in-chief Ye told me not to rush to publish. The previous editions should be eager to publish and want to get 100,000 yuan, so I chose all The independent publishing alliance that is relatively young and willing to try the water temperature right away is indeed the same. How can I say it, I really want to write, and my intention will not change, so I also know the importance of choosing a publishing house, otherwise With the number one award winning, I think it would be easy to find a small publishing house, but I just don’t want to, I want to choose a big one, someone who has been in the publishing business for a long time, and has already gained a little bit, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it will be a relatively large publishing house. Editor-in-chief Ye told me not to rush. She will help me to get to the Times. If it is a flash in the pan, it is better not to publish it. I know, we all agree with this view, and I do not want to publish it. If you have an award-winning book, and then you get 100,000, you don’t care, then it’s really better not to publish it. If you want to publish it, you have to be persistent. I said it very clearly, I want to go on for a long time.

▷ About " Publishing Status and Some Miscellaneous Matters " 11/17/2021

The content mentioned that the special feature of this sponsorship program is that every judge who participated in the final review, of course, including the organizer's Red House Poetry Society, will try their best to assist in contacting suitable publishers, write recommendation letters, and promote the final work. successfully published. (The detailed process is described in the Blog)
Screenshot from Mr. Pirate's blog

▷ 2021 Minutes of the Final Judgment Meeting of the 6th "Seven Million Publishing Sponsorship Program" of the Red Chamber Poetry Society ( first half )

▷ 2021 Minutes of the Final Judgment Meeting of the 6th "Seven Million Publishing Sponsorship Project" of the Red Chamber Poetry Society ( Second Half )

The minutes of these two final judging meetings are very valuable. How do judges assess whether a book is worth publishing?
Not only the content of the work is considered, the editor is the bridge of communication between the author and the reader, the core value of an author, through all the details of a book, including the front cover, back cover, book back, book waist, table of contents The preface and typesetting design can be smoothly conveyed to the readers. Editors need to know how to adjust the arrangement so that readers can touch the important value of a book.

< I'm going to publish a fragment of the trial record > 11/27/2021

The content refers to the latest publication of the novel "The Morning That Can't Be the Future" :
Screenshot from Mr. Pirate's blog
 Anyway, I'm going to publish, the Times.
It is expected to be published in summer 2022.

Mr. Pirate said that Haruki Murakami was like a shadow he couldn't get rid of, so come and hear what the judges have to say. Excerpted from "Minutes of the Final Judgment Meeting" (first half)

Lu Yujia:

 Mr. Pirate, "The Morning That Couldn't Be the Future," underestimated it at first, mistaking him for contentment in imitating Haruki Murakami. The plot is protracted, and the transparent beautiful girls appear one by one, and they don't look different. They are very plastic and painful to contrive. But in the progress of the story, unfold his super capture ability, thinking description. With Haruki Murakami's looseness as a carrier, he was allowed to write down Yoshimitsu Kataha. Haruki Murakami is a note paper.

The author said in the sharing session that his memory was incoherent because he took medicine for depression, and he could only spit everything that happened that day on paper and died of exhaustion. Originally, I thought it was Haruki Murakami's hard-core detective novel, which should be suspenseful, accidental, and unclear; then I realized that the layout was no longer the focus, and he wrote this person. For example, the novel will describe: I was smoking a cigarette, and this woman walked from the left to the right in front of me. It turns out that this is not writing the plot, but the state of withdrawing after taking the medicine. Just like a novelist, the writing looks plain at first glance, but in fact only this character sees things in this way.

He said that he spent too much time digging, and even denied the digging itself: "I chatted with my middle school classmates, and then my memory went wrong, but I think it should be fine, but I don't know why some parts of the memory are out of thin air. It disappeared, no matter how I looked for it, I couldn’t find it.” “To be honest, I really wanted to escape, when I found out that I had completely failed. But no, the thing that I wanted to escape because I discovered the failure is the reason for the failure. I think I become like this because I care too much or spend too much time on the so-called process.” That is, “People must have psychological compensation, what I think is healthy: just replace the vast majority of the psychological. ', like the ending. Then he started talking about a Japanese drama that I haven't seen, so I don't know what he's talking about. But he said: "His psychological compensation has exceeded the standard of maintaining a normal life, and in reality, he has been using actions to make up for his psychology, and it will evolve into a compensation that can never be metabolized, and life is completely repetitive. "No, I should go and make amends. Because it's my fault, I have to go and pay it back, and even if it doesn't help much, I still have to go."

The first time I saw it, I thought: Hello, you will talk nonsense, upside down and back and forth, what are you talking about? But when I look back at the whole picture, I feel: Wow! wild!

Ye Meiyao:

 Then there is the work that I was very surprised at first, but then confused. The first is the length, and the second is "The Morning That Couldn't Be the Future" in the middle where I start to get confused.

I am a person who has compiled Haruki Murakami for ten years, so I am very sensitive to the Murakami body. The author himself admitted in the sharing session that the front is a very Haruki Murakami-style narrative grammar. For me, it is very easy for me to pay attention to Haruki Murakami, but it is also easy for me to resist. Of course, after reading it, it is not exactly learning Murakami. There are actually life and death changes that he wants to deal with, but readers will not see the latter first, especially a long novel. Whether or not Haruki Murakami has become a problem that must be dealt with when publishing.

The author said in the report that day that he had to deal with this thing, this so-called shadow? Because he had to start this way, he had to live with it, despite many reminders of the problem. Once the publishing house that publishes the book supports the work, of course it has to speak for the work. In this place, I personally feel a little troubled.

A novel has a uniqueness, but something like Murakami's making the uniqueness incomplete is embarrassing for me, it's a hindrance, even though I know it's actually a work that is very close to being able to be published.

Also, would like to ask your previous thoughts on writing in matters? Did it help or influence you?

I don’t think matter has any effect on me. After all, I don’t socialize myself, write for no one, and I don’t like reading other people’s articles (3C dyslexia). Naturally, it was eliminated. It can only be said to be one of the starting points. , of course, I know a little bit of people, but people are very confusing, there are good and there are bad, but it is just my own feeling, no one is really good or bad. In fact, it does not help or affect, just It's just a social platform.

What was your reason for leaving Matters last year? But this year opened Facebook?

I will leave Matt City just because I don't like to read the stuff over there. It's almost all about politics, life, data, etc. I only read novels, and they must be novels. The ones on my bookcase There are very few books, even less than what an ordinary office worker reads. That's why I almost read Haruki Murakami. First of all, I really like the feeling of Ms. Lai Mingzhu's translation, and then it is very contradictory. I haven’t read it yet. Maybe I will go to the bookstore and not buy it. That is, I can’t read the things I don’t like, and I also hate the kind of social networking on social platforms. It’s nothing to chat with ordinary friends. It’s that kind of community. I really don't like the boring social interaction unique to the platform, so I left Matt City.

The reason for opening Facebook is actually very simple, that is, the director general of the Red Chamber Poetry Society told me that he could go to Facebook to talk to the judges, so he opened it, and I also found that someone was searching for me on Facebook, but so far my friends There are only less than 20 people, and I still rarely use it. Although I hang on it all day, no one will really come to me. It’s like a social platform. They like to find and browse by themselves. , but it doesn't take the initiative to contact the person involved. It's amazing, and I've never understood it. Do you really think any readers saw my Facebook and added me as a friend? No, not one at all.

" Mr. Pirate" Facebook

The forthcoming novel "The Morning That Can't Be the Future", the preface and the beginning of the novel, can be previewed in the full text of Mr. Pirate's Blog.
This preface: "The reason why the morning is morning ", the text describes a person who was groping for writing to " a person who writes ", after struggling to survive, drowning in writing, having to write, longing to be seen, submitting articles to find resources.. .. ..when I calm down and read this preface, I will recall a deep loneliness that can only be excused by creation. There is no other more important thing to do, and no one understands.
It's like wandering alone in the morning on a deserted beach, in a person's dream, the memory of the image returns endlessly.
Screenshot from Mr. Pirate's blog

The public is invited to read this preface:

(Long Wen, but vaguely familiar)

< The reason why the morning is morning > pirate 12/26/2021

Yes, this is my first novel. I started writing it around the fall of 2020. Before that, I just wrote it randomly and occasionally. Why did it start? The reason is that I want to write things down before I forget them, so this is a semi-autobiographical novel, why half? Because I'm only halfway through my life (maybe), and because I haven't figured out the truth, and it's not necessary.

In fact, I didn't want to write it as a novel at the beginning. I was just typing on the blog as before. I just wanted to have a theme to finish a series. Anyone who knows me should know that I am writing about myself. , because just like the inside said, I used to find someone to vent when I was sick, so almost everyone who knew me knew about my past, but now I don’t vent like this anymore, medicine has become a part of my life. One ring, just like cigarettes, it won't work without it, but like cigarettes, it's not a good habit, but whether it's a good habit or not, a habit is a habit after all.

Back to the topic, why did it become a novel? In fact, at the beginning, I also published on other platforms together. Of course, no one read it on both sides. After all, it is very difficult to ask people to read novels on the Internet. Everyone likes the daily phrases of social software, but this is another There will be another thing involved, so let's not talk about it. At the beginning, I started the series with the theme of a "temporary Mr. Pirate", why is it called this name? Because I still can't think of what to call it, so I call it temporary, and then I want to gather the content of my blog, so from time to time I will intersperse the paragraphs I have written before, and then continue to write, about halfway through the writing, I finished the recollection, that is, I don't know how to write anymore, but because of the plot, if I want to finish the story, I have to let the story continue, so I temporarily stopped writing and ran to play the video, while I started to think, I Do you really want to keep writing? How to continue writing? Because I know that as long as I write it down, it may be half a lifetime. It is the type that I am determined to go straight ahead, but of course not blindly, I will still stop when I encounter obstacles, and now I am It is my hindrance. It is difficult to support a person with words. Before this, I have already suffered, should I continue to suffer? But could it be another way? Because I don't want to work, how can I support myself like this? I know that writing is difficult, but other than that, I can't think of any other way. My relatives helped me buy painting tools and let me paint. What I want, I have long stopped drawing, so I think again, will I want to continue writing? Before that, I have already recorded everything I want to record, and the rest can only rely on my own imagination. I am not the type to show off cleverness, but I don't think I am stupid either. At this time, my injured foot in a car accident was almost healed, but I still didn’t know what to do. So if that’s the case, let’s write it down. No matter how hard it is, it’s still going to be hard. , that is, at the beginning of 2021, I started to write again, and changed the title to "The Morning That Can't Be the Future", and continued to imagine the second half.

I said it a long time ago, and those who know me also know that I am a fan of Haruki Murakami, or Lai Mingzhu, and most of the first half of the records are written in the way I have in mind. It does feel a lot like Haruki Murakami, but who doesn't start with imitation before creating something? Everyone has a way of what something should look like, and the writing style in my mind is Haruki Murakami’s writing style, but I don’t really use a certain paragraph of his to rewrite, nor extract fragments, but How do you say... Haruki Murakami is the shadow that I chase, and I have seen so much, this shadow has become coexisting with me, no longer chasing, I can use this script to write my own things, Indeed, as Mr. Lu Yujia said, Haruki Murakami is the carrier that allows me to write down the fragments. And to be honest, since it has become a novel in my imagination, it must have its own flavor. This is what I thought of during my rest period, a novel, right? So I searched the Internet for tens of thousands of words called novels, and I aimed to complete this work. At this time, no one read it. I don’t care. Anyway, I don’t know what I want to live for, so I will write instead of writing. Let's live, I didn't even think about posting at this time.

Unexpectedly, the writing was unexpectedly smooth.

Imaginings can easily be turned into my words, and at this time, I no longer look like Haruki Murakami, and people started to click to see it. At this time, I also met a small number of people, although they no longer exist, but at that time It can be said that one of the reasons for supporting my writing is that I have readers, and I will leave a message to respond to interaction. In any case, if a writer has no readers, he is no longer a writer. After all, writing I didn't put it in the drawer when I came out, but I had to show it. At this time, I also began to think of myself, who I wanted to write down before I forgot, is still there? Yes, it still hasn't changed, he is still there, because I still often forget it after I finish writing. When I want to continue writing the next day, I have to go through the previous good continuations. This is how medicine is, and I also think Write down this event, but it is very contradictory, because it is something that will be forgotten, how to remember it? And this is also one of the magic of words. As long as you tap the keyboard, even if you recall it later, it is not what it used to be, but the original look is guaranteed to stay. The scene is the same, but the time is gone, just like putting it on the beach The melted ice cubes, when I was writing, I was looking at the waves behind the ice cubes through the ice cubes, but now that the ice cubes have melted, the sea is still the sea, and only one ice cube has disappeared. I don’t know how to describe it. I'm looking at a transparent thing, and then the transparent thing is gone, the thing is still the same, it won't change, but this is what it is for me, not all people will see my words like this, people The mind is free. Throwing different people into the same scene is a different thing, which is also very interesting. For a while, I liked to ask others what they thought after reading my novel. Not a person who is easily influenced, but he likes to listen to opinions. Some people like the parts like Haruki Murakami, and some people say that they feel like eating sugar cane in the second half. Of course, I will not mention the plot now. Ah, there must be a duty of confidentiality, I can only say, after you see the morning I put it here, you will have absolutely no idea what will happen next, because even I didn't know at the beginning, now it will be In this way, I am a person who thinks while writing. The counselor has said that my novel is a self-healing process. Of course, I can’t understand it. I always feel that as long as I sit in front of the computer and put on headphones, I will There is a pusher who naturally typed out the text, like something subconscious, maybe what is really writing me, not the real me or not, but I am not an expert in this kind of thing, so I don't understand it. .

The name "the morning that can't be the future" has a lot to do with a song, it's the future of amazarashi Before I wrote this song, I liked it very much before I named it. I also like the words in it. You can search the water pipe and you will find it. The lyrics are also translated, but the original text is very poetic and not so easy to translate. Since I have difficulty naming it, it should be easier to name the song, so I changed the night to early morning. I hope the majority of fans will not scold me. In fact, the content has nothing to do with the song.

This is also the only novel I have written so far that has a name, and these names came from random GOOGLE on the Internet. I can't name it at all, and I feel awkward. The reason why I am called Mr. Pirate is that I want to finish writing these. Besides, in a word, every time I had to name this thing, I started smoking desperately, and then I thought about it, and changed it after a while, the names in my mind are probably Xiao Ming and Lao Wang. Name, I can't think of it, so the people in the later novels no longer have names, they are all pronouns, and I don't put the song names anymore, it may be missing something, there is no name and no BGM, but I want to come up with more There are more things, but if I really want to say something, I can’t say it. It’s just that in this novel, I found my own book style, and the shadow of coexistence, of course, is still there, he is right next to him, he may It is also not necessarily a pusher.

After finishing it, I started to think about what to do with the novel.

I typed the novel online and found the publishing house and literary award, so I submitted it to the publishing house like a needle in a haystack, but of course there was no response. It's just a manifestation, then I started to look up the literary awards, but there are almost all character limits. Maybe he said it was a call for manuscripts, but he asked for a novel of about 10,000 words. I was thinking, is this still called a novel? Otherwise, it can’t be published on the Internet or anywhere, but I have already put it all on the blog. I’ve been looking for it, and it’s almost always like this. There are a lot of restrictions, and the only one is the Red Chamber Poetry Society. , there is no limit at all, whether it is the number of words or the style, you can, and then look at the time, it is almost the same, so I voted like this. This is the first time to vote for the Literature Award, but it is also the only time. After the vote, I immediately Forget it and start working on the next novel immediately, because I said, once I start, I can't stop until I encounter obstacles, but after I vote, I won't say more, because on the blog It is said that my real test started only after I received the notification of being shortlisted. Will my life become better? I don't know, maybe, maybe not, but that's all for later, let's go back to the novel.

I think maybe, this first novel may be the most flavorful one, because the protagonist is himself, although he is grasping the feeling, but how to say, at least get a certain affirmation, otherwise it will not be now, but Before I wrote this preface this Christmas, I didn't know how my other novels were read, because I didn't vote for awards at all. I also thought about whether I would only have this one. Can you read novels? Others are like bubbles, and they may not sell well. Publishers are unwilling to continue publishing. No matter what, they are all profit-making units. The other novels are boring, well, I hope I think more, I still want to invest in subsidies.

Say it again and again.

I think that if I continue to play, I will completely deviate from the theme, so I attach a preface written by a psychological counselor after reading it for me, because at that time I had no plans to win the prize, but just wanted to publish my own e-book That's it, so it's just a sequence to be placed above the introduction, so it's very short.

 Preface: The morning that cannot be the future cecilia asks: Are you complete? I am a wreck, a wreck in the true sense...

The protagonist is typing on the keyboard every day, drinking coke, whiskey or coffee, has a cat, and often sits outside the balcony to smoke a cigarette. The days seem to be passing by. Due to the melancholy relationship, he needs to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep for a long time. Writing is the call of the raging sea of forgotten inner shadows to pour out broken waves, what kind of encounter? Let the memories of childhood be crushed by the wheels of the truck, and the broken light and shadow can no longer be weaved into a complete home net, which can be safely wandered.

Through each other's dialogue, cast fragmented light and shadow to each other to find the origin of the wreckage, through the death of the mother's car accident, the mysterious disappearance of the father, the rewinding moments of the accident's recovery of the incident, the slow experience of the calendar of the past, try Tell the complete history of the individual.

The creator opens and closes in the different memory drawers that are divided and broken, and weaves a complete net of silver glittering under the moonlight with the cold and cold tone of poetic isolation. You think he lives in it, but the deprived innocence has become dark. The magic, the light silk thread is the imaginary waterfall roaring every day, singing the morning that could not be the future. Are you complete? Please follow the author to recall from the light of memory of the wreckage of the mind, and carefully open the dusty drawer.

Jiang Sue Counseling Psychologist

Citizen @Work Girl Jennifer is invited as a reader to respond to this preface . The working woman also talked about her writing situation. Here is only the part that directly mentions "Mr. Pirate":


▷ style

Mr. Pirate : "Those who know me also know that I am a fan of Haruki Murakami, or Lai Mingzhu, and most of the first half of the records are written in the way I have in mind. Like Haruki Murakami, but who doesn't start with imitation before creating something?"
 Guo Qiangsheng shared in "Writer's Life" that he debuted in Zhang Ailing's tone (Zhang tone).

▷ Purpose

Mr. Pirate: "Anyway, if a writer has no readers, he is no longer a writer. After all, writing is not stored in a drawer, but must be displayed. At this time, I also started Remember, the self that I wanted to write down before I forgot, is still there?"
Mr. Pirate: "The counselor said that my novel is a self-healing process. Of course, I can't understand it. I always feel that as long as I sit in front of the computer and wear headphones, a pusher will naturally type the text. It’s like something subconscious, maybe what’s really writing about me is not really me, but I’m not an expert in this kind of thing, so I don’t understand it either.”
 Zhong Lihe: "What is the purpose of our writing? Do we have to do it forever without pay?" (From Huang Chongkai's "The Spring and Autumn of Literature")

Huang Chongkai wrote the following dialogue in "Literary Spring and Autumn":

A: You just write those novels for a few people to read, what's the difference with handjobs.

A: Don't you think it's weird? Writing doesn't make much money, and it takes a lot of time. Could he (Raymond Carver) put that time into good work?

B: Tell me (you) why you want to have children?

B: Don't you think it's scary to remember? You have invested so much resources and energy on one child. If there are three strengths and two weaknesses, wouldn't you cry to death?


▷ Livelihood

Mr. Pirate: "And now it's my hindrance. It's hard to support a person with words. Before this, I have already suffered, should I continue to suffer? But will it be another way? Because I don't want to work. , how do you support yourself like this?”
 Finally, I would like to end with a sentence from Guo Qiangsheng's "The Life of a Writer": "The greatest meaning of writing is that I finally truly face life, rather than living in a sample set by the world."

Life has all kinds of difficulties, some people can't solve it after spending their whole life, and some people can't solve it easily but not completely. Writing is a way, it can have its own purpose but it is not inevitable. The end of writing is to look directly at life itself . My favorite is the word "I'm afraid", maybe before we stop breathing, we all have to worry about why we write, just as we explore why we live .

❑ Editor-in-chief postscript:

What is a " real writer ", some people think that only a physical book counts, which emphasizes that being a writer must be approved by the mechanism.

Another way of saying it is " the person who writes. " For the first time, I heard a judge say: "I can see that this author is someone who will write anyway. " This sentence reverberated in my heart, and it was only in the words. Can you get it out? People who can't live without writing?

Immediately recalling Proust, who suffered from lung disease, writing means the rhythm of breathing, words are his oxygen, and he chooses to live in a fiction that he has created: " Reminiscence of Time Like Water ".

After a short experience, my mind was occupied by words. If I didn't write, the "words" would not be good enough to give up, and I would not be able to sleep . I consider myself not a person who has to write, but when I have feelings, I hope to be able to write it smoothly.

Similar to practicing to record dreams, the image gradually became clearer, I knew I was dreaming, I learned to control my dreams, I was participating in a fictional project, and I kept returning to the stretched scene of memory.

Becoming the one who writes: Proust and literary time


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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡:pdfonline15@gmail.com
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