[Write a little a day] D5-The way to find the ideal job, sometimes it doesn't have to be positive

If the ability is sufficient and the goal is clear, the head-on attack is definitely the first priority, and no time is wasted. But sometimes knowing that the ability is not enough and the target is uncertain, but you have to pounce on it head-on, and it may be inevitable that you will be injured all over the body...

Due to fate, I stepped into the employment service industry. In the schedule of attending classes with many career lecturers, I listened to some career concepts, and sometimes seemed to understand but did not understand some things. feel.

Now that I am trying to become a career consultant, although the number of real career consultations is still enough to count on one hand, it seems that everyone's thoughts and questions are a bit similar:

Because I want (or like) to do XXX, so I just want to go to OOO (a profession, position or company)

But many times, I want to come for career counseling. It can be said that to a certain extent, I know my current state or ability, I should not achieve the ideal I want to go, or I am not so sure whether I really want to choose. this ideal.

So, before the ability arrives, take a slight turn, can you take it?

Not to mention others, sometimes I myself fall into the idea of "I have to do this".

Recently, because I am about to end my job agency status (= I will lose my job), although I seem to have a desired goal at the moment, and I really do not intend to continue to stay in a conservative organization like the school. But in the process of chatting with D, he always felt that I still didn't seem to be so sure of what I wanted. To be honest, I am indeed a little worried. Is the goal set so far just because it seems to be in line with the current work experience, so I chose it? rather than the direction you really want to move forward?

So D kept persuading me to see if there was a way to stay in the current school first, and then leave after I found what I really wanted or developed the necessary abilities. To be honest, I understand what he said, but I am also very worried about my personality. In a stable environment, I will forget to work hard again, so I really wanted to just end the staff generation work like this, and then spend 1- 2 months, well prepared to find a job. Maybe I wanted to keep myself from retreating, so I could only rush forward, so even if there were a lot of job vacancies in the organization at the same time, I didn't fight for any of them.

But just this week after work preparations ended, the next group also released two vacancies. In fact, before that, I heard a little bit of wind, and the chief supervisor had long wanted to invite me over. It's just that on the one hand, I hope that I can concentrate on finding my ideal job, on the other hand, I worry that I will not be able to meet the skills required for the vacancies in the next group (in English). However, after chatting with colleagues in the next group, I found that the evaluation may not be as difficult as I thought, and even if I really don’t know English well, I can use my administrative and activity execution abilities to make up for my weaknesses. In addition, I have always wanted to try a job that requires English, and the small supervisor came to ask. After discussion, I decided to stay for a while, so that they can make up for the required manpower while they are busy with school and looking for people; or until I find my next job.

Maybe the current goal of going there is to turn a little corner, but if I look forward to being a little more active in my English skills, this is an opportunity.

From another point of view, I also want to share with those friends who "do not enter the OOO company (or do XXX work)". Maybe your current state or ability may not fully meet the ideal, but sometimes you can think that you may be able to enter the company's lower-level job first. When your ability is seen, it is really easy to change jobs internally . (I saw the job vacancy announcement today, and I realized that the requirements for this vacancy are not simple (at least for me) ~ Not only do you need to have a certain level of English proficiency, but also an English interview. If I want to enter from the outside, only It's this threshold, I absolutely can't get in, not to mention that I don't even need an interview now)

If it is a little difficult to even enter the ideal company, what you can think about is... the upper, middle and lower reaches of the ideal company, customers, in short, it is to get a little closer to the ideal goal first. Or think that you are very interested in a certain position, but find that your current ability is not enough. Is it possible to find anyone who can relate to this position? As you approach slowly, you can also observe carefully in the process. Is this ideal what you really want? Is it really as you imagined?

Sometimes it 's faster to take your time!


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職涯諮詢師初心者Hi 我是Ling,一位職涯諮詢師初心者。在成為職涯諮詢師的路上、協助別人找到人生方向的路上,其實最先是想幫自己找到想去的路。希望能在這裡分享一點點找人生方向的感想時,同時陪伴你一起找到未來。
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