practice with relaxation

In the cloud and fog, lost hands/2021 Meishan

It takes a long time to practice and cultivate. The most important thing is your own willpower and self-discipline.

During the practice, some people practiced crazy, and some practiced in their own way. I happened to be unable to practice crazy, and the longer I practiced, the more crooked the way.

You can not practice the piano, but! The basic skills must be worked hard. Many times, the basic skills will accumulate a person's ability. I have no superb piano skills. If I want to talk about practicing the piano, between right and wrong, I prefer to practice the correct phoneme without any rules. It takes more time to compose the music, and it is more important to understand the meaning of the music and find the best way to express it.

Of course, there are also many excellent musicians who specialize in practicing the piano. However, I usually spend too much time on my brain and consume a lot of energy. Naturally, my brain will fail quickly, haha 😄.

In addition to practicing skills, the image reflected on the stage is also very important; remember, there used to be a mirror in every piano room. It should be said that most art schools have mirrors everywhere. If it is said that everyone thinks they are handsome and beautiful, it is not an exaggeration. This may be a long-term discovery of their own charm and enhance their external self-confidence.

I practice the piano in front of the mirror, an interesting thing happened, the same instrument, the same tune, played at the same time, the same rhythm, and I and another friend who played the dulcimer both had their heads tilted to the middle of the two, forming a headbutt. Sometimes I go to the performer’s performance and see some good passages or movements. When I go back to the piano room, I will imitate that movement. .=a (off topic~laughs)

At the beginning of training strikes, because of the relatively small body, in many skills, I can't grasp the way of applying force or some kind of persistent desire to practice it well, but I don't know that I can't practice well no matter how I practice, and I can't reflect what I want with my teacher. The feeling of being immersed in it has turned into a crooked path.

One day, the teacher came to the classroom early and watched me practice outside. He didn't come in until the time was up and said to me: Maybe, you need to change the way you practice, go home and watch TV to relax and practice! Sounds absurd! Most of the teachers would suggest to practice attentively and tell me to practice while watching TV.

Although I resisted this new way a bit, I felt that I had been unable to break through, so I just watched TV and practiced. To be honest, it was very sudden, I caught it, I kept jumping excitedly, and called the teacher, although the teacher told me disdainfully, you should have done it earlier, but I was still very happy.

It seems~ It seems that it is easy for many people to do it. I always go around in a big circle. Maybe it is everyone's personality relationship. Sometimes it is too sharp and can't see their own problems. When I am lost or empty, I take it out and use it, and I can always get a small harvest in it.

In practice, we are all alone. We always reflect our ideas in our own way. Sometimes we try different methods, which may violate the essence, but we can get the process from it. This irresponsible way of practicing is also worth trying.

I don't know, does anyone have a different practice experience?


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