Are you talking about indulgences with me now? Are you sure you want to talk?


I found that as long as there are a few religious debates, people who hate Christianity like to talk about it with indulgences. I really thank you all for sending me nuclear bombs. Thank you very much, I love you to death.

Yes, the indulgence is a huge stain on the "history" of Christianity, but it's also a glorious victory that proves that Christianity is capable of introspection, hallelujah.

What is an indulgence? To put it simply, it is a system of "Easy to pay fines". If you commit a crime, you can pay the money and you can get away with it.

This is of course nonsense and very vicious.

So the Catholic Church completely abolished this thing "five hundred years ago" during the Reformation, and went back to the theology of justification by faith (and then splintered Protestantism), which is standard confession and repentance, so indulgences are ugly fault, but also a glorious introspection.

Okay, now some people like to make fun of Christianity with the example that the church "used" to have indulgences... Wait, do you want to see what the hell is going on with your religion before you do this?

To put it simply, "all" religions that use "karma" (which means Buddhism, Taoism, Yiguandao, Tianli, etc.) are still selling indulgences to this day.

you say no? Please, changing the name of Weiquan is not Weiquan, may I ask you to burn the gold paper to dry hemp? Bribery! Light up the lights? Prepaid protection fee! Donate money to the temple to accumulate merit, or do good deeds to accumulate merit, what is the purpose of accumulation of merit? Used to offset bad points! This is the indulgence! There are also cheaper ways to buy, chanting Buddhist scriptures, or even Buddha names, plus 50 points in Gregorian points.

There is even more interesting, back, the original points can also be transferred, the fraud group may also be able to deceive this kind of points to see, the Buddha-chanting machine is more fun, it turns out that the merit points can also be mined with the mining machine, no need to hype the graphics card. Can.

The whole system of causality, the idea of accumulating merit, is how indulgences work, and then you told me that Christianity had indulgences "five hundred years ago," so it's not credible?

I would die laughing.

You are still buying it!

You said the church also collects offerings? Yes, but let me make it clear to you first, the church offerings are all in cash or in kind, why? Because the Bible clearly states that the clergy needs a salary to be able to provide full-time services, and various services also require funds. I'm sorry, the Bible clearly states that those are not needed by God, but are for human use. Since the beginning of the New Testament era, there was no such ceremony as burning sacrifices to God, because "God doesn't need you to give him anything at all, the entire universe Everything that belongs to him is originally his, and he wants you to give it to him? Want you to give him what belongs to him in the first place?”

So make it clear that although Christians’ offerings or donations are dedicated to God, they are clearly intended to be used by God’s servants, and it is not because you have given too much to be more remarkable, and there is no merit or demerit. In this matter, Christian giving is more like paying taxes. It is an obligation. Not paying it will not work, but paying more will not give you one more vote.

So the church will also remind the unbaptized, if you don't know the meaning of giving, "don't give" because it is not necessary.

Of course, it's not that there are no sacrifices in Christianity, but please note that there is only one sacrifice, and that is yourself, and that is the only thing that can be offered to God, and that is yourself, because God gives free will , so you have the right to reject God, And so you yourself can be a sacrifice.

Because that is what really belongs to you, and offering yourself up is acceptable to God.


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