Handwriting Pad | It's time to come, let's meet it head-on!

生一回º YOLO
It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided

• It's time to practice calligraphy.... If you don't have inspiration, just follow along!
• Time to meditate.... just take a piece of paper and a pen and copy it!

📄|Standard Graph Paper✍️|Pentel Tradio 0.5 Black 🔤|Jieyou Cinema No.238

Meteor by day, 2017

One of the skills that must be learned is to tell others how you really feel.
The one ability that we should have, is telling people how you really feel.

No matter whether you like it or hate it / hate it or hate it / love it or don't love it, you have to practice expressing bravely!

I never thought that this day would come again, it doesn't matter, it's not the first time anyway. Facing acceptance and letting go, everything will be fine 👌

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Consciousness-Only Prayer at Night - Into Consciousness-Only Daily Meditation


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

生一回º YOLO每一天,儘可能地讓自己不留遺憾 活在當下,在有限的時間裡,留下一些想留下的悸動 平面設計初學者X部落客
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