Creation of nature, a passage to nature


Every time I go outdoors, I always pick up some dead wood, stones, seeds and even leaves as souvenirs.

In my spare time, I occasionally use natural objects to make some knick-knacks, but I have never recorded them.

Recently, I haven't been in nature for a while, and I feel that something is wrong, so I want to try some natural creations,

Bring nature into your home life.

A piece of natural creation, the most precious, is deeply rooted behind it, every beautiful memory.

Death in nature is not the end, but the beginning of a new life. This piece of dead wood was picked up on the way from Lion Mountain to Feiquan Temple last year. What can it do?

Give it a base, maybe it can be turned into a flower pot.

There is a square tile on the bookshelf, and the base is it.

How to fix dead wood on the tile? Flatten the sharp corners of dead wood, perhaps securing it with adhesive.

There are no woodworking tools at home, so I can only ask for a kitchen knife. Ha ha.

Although the sharp corners were cut off, the center of gravity of the dead wood was unstable, and it still could not be placed naturally.

There is no other adhesive at home, only try blue butyl again.

The dead wood is standing on the tile, and the shape is still natural, but the structure does not seem to be very strong. Maybe you have to find a strong adhesive on a certain treasure to be safe.

To make dead wood a real flower vessel, it must be equipped with a water container. There are piles of shells on the shelf. I am sure there must be a suitable one.

The dead wood flower vessel, the plant with similar aura should be ferns, there is no ready-made suitable material at home, first divide an all-purpose green radish.

I added a cluster of white-haired moss to it, and the left side looked a little empty. I put my son's beetle specimen on it and looked at it. The combination is like this.

take a close look

change angle

another angle

make it a home

A piece of dead wood, a tile, a pine cone, a piece of moss, a shell, a beetle.

A gateway to nature, rebuilding our connection with nature.


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