"Strangers Met in Namco" (10) to Namco (III)

"Would you be disappointed if you didn't watch the sunrise?" "No, because we watched the sunset together. It's more comfortable to hold here."

The next morning, the two wanted to go out early to watch the sunrise. But in the cold morning, the feeling of holding each other was so good, they decided to be lazy.

"Would you be disappointed if you didn't watch the sunrise?"

"No, because we watched the sunset together. It's more comfortable to hold here."

She smiled in the dark and hugged him tightly.

On the return journey again.

They are back at the hostel again.

After she handed the documents to the hotel staff, she walked away and waited for a bed to be arranged.

After completing the formalities, he took her to a double room.

"Tonight is the last night, sleep comfortably, okay?"

Said to open the door with the key.

He wants a double room.

"That's not bad."

she said softly.

After packing up, she went to take a bath before the sun went down.

Back in the room, she smiled again.

He pushed the twin beds together.

"That way we don't have to sleep so tightly!"

he said with a smile.

She remembered the satisfied smile when she saw him on Mount Everest and reached the camp on foot.

They didn't go anywhere that night, not even taking out food. They hid in the little double room all night. It seems that he intends to remember everything on both sides, and he has never left each other for a moment.


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namtso一切的一切,都始於納木錯 你見,或者不見我 我就在那裏 不悲不喜 《班扎古魯白瑪的沉默》 扎西拉姆·多多
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