How Office Workers Earn 10 Times Their Monthly Salary After get off work $$$$$

Modern people often work overtime, how can they have time to study?

Realize $$ for learning

 No time is no longer an employee's death-free (termination) symbol


Employee: I'm too busy at work, I don't have time to study

Supervisor: No way, we have to give priority to work


Employee: I'm too busy at work, I don't have time to study

Supervisor: The lack of time is due to the lack of learning and the inability to increase productivity

 Working overtime, not for promotion but for job security, but also for further education

The purpose of further education is to make money, and its essence is to improve self-worth.

Would you like to become a more valuable person? The answer must be the same for you and me. To put off being busy is essentially not wanting to focus on something.

Change $ first learn how to make money from learning ($$$$)

The incentive to have the ability to learn to monetize seems to be earning more money at first (purpose), but the goal is to continuously improve self-worth and challenge the limit of self-ability

people with learning ability

1. Leap thinking: infer other things

2. Strong adaptability: one learns and one uses

3. High-energy network circle: people who are eager to learn are humble, like to make friends, and learn from each other

I think learning monetization ability in the 21st world is the best way to save yourself ability to exercise. But I don't know if you have the same idea as me, it seems that the effect of further studies is not very effective, a waste of money, a waste of time...

Did you use the right method to learn?

Or are you taking a refresher course with the student learning method?

This is also the learning method used by 99% of adults, resulting in free tuition and fees

Student learning method vs adult learning method

Purpose: student learning is the purpose, adult learning is to make money

Time: Studying takes up the main time of students before adulthood, and study can only take up 1-20% of an adult's day

Essence: student learning is to educate and enter the society, adult learning is to educate and survive

Adult learning should also be fast food

Many courses on the market are marked with how to get a perfect TOEFL score in one month, how to make more money with stocks than your salary, how to get rid of the order within two weeks... These fast-food courses have attracted many people to sign up.

 Learning fast, learning fast is good, but also an addiction 

Fast learning is a must for adults

There are two reasons

The first is that humans are not good at doing one thing continuously for a long time

The second reason is that in a rapidly changing society, it may not work after learning slowly!

But please be careful, the so-called fast-food learning is for realizing, which is the purpose of adult learning, but if you want to learn fast with the mentality of winning the lottery in one day, it is a pipe dream, so it is not that the above fast-food classes are not good, It's because of the wrong personal mentality and the wrong way to learn, so you can learn for nothing and pay tuition for nothing. Of course, there are still some courses where you can fish in troubled waters.

 Adult learning aims to create more value in a short time

How to Learn the Adult Learning Method

I recommend everyone to read the book <<Learning to Realize>> . The book points out the four stages of adult learning, that is, the four stages of learning and realization. They are Concept->Specific->System->Essence . We stay in the first two in our student days Stage, that is, everyone has always felt that the 12-year/18-year English education (different by region) can not allow an adult to speak English well and basically fail to communicate with foreign countries. Adult learning is in the latter two stages.

 Knowledge cannot be realized: failure in conceptual understanding, or abandonment in concrete understanding

Four stages of learning into income

1. Conceptual understanding:

2. Concrete understanding

3. System understanding

4. Understanding of the essence

Take my reading as an example, I still remember that I said that I hated reading before (you can read: ) At the beginning of reading, for the benefit of reading, I tried reading first (I had a concept of reading), after reading some books, I found that the reading speed was slow, I don't know how to read books, so I found a bunch of how to read books (specifically how to read books), and then after reading a lot, I felt that I had read a lot of books, and then what? By the way, reading is not reading, don't read word by word, this is invalid reading calligraphy. So I went to write the good points of the book into application papers, and put them into practice (systematize the knowledge of the book), and now I have started to write blogs, podcasts, and people around me are encountering things. , share the knowledge points in the book with them

Let me summarize the examples I read above. The four stages are as follows:

The first stage of conceptual understanding is to understand basic knowledge; the second stage of specific understanding is to have experimental experience; the third stage of systematic understanding is competent as a professional; the fourth stage of essential understanding is to be able to teach

Stages 1 and 2 for speed, Stages 3 and 4 for depth and breadth

Input part : Concept and part specific

Level 1: You can only rely on reading/lectures/qualification exams, and you can use information maps (making PPT) to strengthen your understanding

Stage 2: A large number of simultaneous learning (referring to the same type of knowledge being studied together in different books/classes)

Output section : specific

Stage 2: Start writing study logs, take certification exams, and practice (accumulate experience)

Stage 3: Test for certification, internalize your knowledge in your own way

Stage 4: Disseminate knowledge (write a blog/audio host/publish a book... ), teach others (lectures/lectures)

The realization of learning ability is the comprehensiveness of the specificization, essentialization and communication of these three abilities after going through stages 1 to 4.

 Learning ability = specific ability X essentialization ability X communication ability

The realization of learning ability is a kind of ability training to see the essence of things. If you can see the bottom-level elements from one thing, when the next thing is new, you can see the bottom-level elements of the new thing. It is the same as what you learned before. The quicker others use it, the more handy you will be in doing things and being a person.

Let's forge the adult learning method together. Let's start with the learning log. What did you learn from today's article?


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