Year-end inventory

Don't shop with apocalyptic panic buying only more restlessness and emptiness.
South Hengya Pass Sunrise Sea of Clouds

Like prophecy? I still like it.

Since the epidemic, I will pay attention to all kinds of world-class prophecies for a while, whether it is traditional astrology of various countries, or the Book of Changes, or astrology, or even energy channeling, etc., and absolutely respect various genres and various stunts. But the main point is: "What happened in the world?" All world-class prophecies will pay special attention to various trends in the world, and each person's focus may be slightly different. The world news they collect and organize is more comprehensive than the Taiwan media. !

The trend of the world will subtly affect the small things in Taiwan's life, so referring to the prophecy, observing the trend of small things in life, and arranging the next preparatory measures, is one of the joys of my family.

Civilian Resources

The New Year's holiday has always been equivalent to the explosion of Tainan. How to spend the New Year at home smoothly and happily, now it is almost time to start planning! Chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are used for food and drink at home. Have you counted them clearly? Do you have enough stock?

Recently, when I went to some wholesale stores to buy, I paid special attention. Some oil products with soybean and palm oil components for business use soared and nearly doubled in price. The price during the Chinese New Year will definitely be more terrifying. Will it lead to other edible oil? What about oil? I do not know either. If it happens that the oil at home is almost used up, it is better to buy it early!

The price of goods is very interesting, it is a reaction under the comprehensive influence, labor cost, raw material cost, manufacturing cost, transportation cost, packaging cost, advertising cost, storage cost, environmental protection cost, etc. For example, in recent years, all kinds of unimaginable natural and man-made disasters are not uncommon in the world. If it happens in the exporting country of raw materials, it may not only affect the raw materials, but also the transportation will definitely be greatly affected. Predictably.

I just saw the Japanese news recently: McDonald's in Japan announced that only small potatoes will be sold from the 24th to the 30th, and the sales of medium and large potatoes will be suspended, because the raw materials cannot keep up with the raw materials due to floods and new coronary pneumonia ( news link ). In addition, there are various Japanese beef bowl-related chain stores that have all raised their prices! Tainan's famous Atang salty porridge has risen in price, leading to irrational villagers' turmoil and so on.

If you want to know the price, you can go to the wholesale market in your city. If there is a wholesale grocery store near the market, it will be more ideal, such as rice, noodles, sugar, oil, various dry goods, sauces, etc. Pay attention for a while or chat with the boss directly. is where it is best to observe floating price levels.

Materials of interest

Recently, the oil price has soared, so I am particularly concerned about the oil used for soap. The coconut oil has also risen a lot since the last time I bought it. After checking the inventory, I can buy the oil that can be used for about 1-2 years (usually about I only care about it when it is almost used up, and I only buy it for about 1 year).

If you have a special personal long-term interest, it's almost time to take care of your inventory!

Shop wisely

Don't shop with apocalyptic panic buying only more restlessness and emptiness.

The biggest premise: know your own inventory well.

Make a list of your daily needs based on your personal needs and usage habits, and you can also discuss with your occupants, and finally shop according to the list.

Those who are interested can take advantage of the chaotic shopping festivals and buy the corresponding inventory in batches.


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鈴瀧編人生轉彎後,發現遍地驚喜。 所有的安排都是最好的安排。 讓自己,活的不要太方便。 保持對世界的好奇心與覺察力! 混跡於Matters、方格子、Potato Media、google blogger
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