How to flip education with technology — QriticA

Sam Huang
If the purpose of education is to make a person able to face unknown challenges, then how to make children have sufficient thinking ability is a very important thing.
QriticA — The way to the world is your "Insights"

Software system development consultant:

When it comes to flipped education, what do you think of? Is it the high-tech equipment, or is it the content of the courses that are different from the traditional education-oriented?

If the purpose of education is to make a person able to face unknown challenges, then how to make children have sufficient thinking ability is a very important thing.

QriticA allows students to absorb new knowledge from sources other than classrooms and books. Students' self-learning on topics of interest, coupled with the guidance of teachers, will effectively cultivate children's learning motivation and self-learning ability.

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Mr. Tao Jie, the founder of QriticA , adheres to the flipped education concept of "Bringing World Issues into Youth Dialogue". It covers many major issues such as social changes, technology applications, ecological environmental protection, humanities, history and philosophy, new knowledge in physics, and medical biotechnology to provide students with independent Thinking critical question and answer training.

We have been friends with Mr. Tao for many years, and everyone was very excited when he proposed this idea. After all, there are not so many topics with social value.


QriticA has created an online virtual podium, where students can answer each topic they are interested in by video recording; at the back end, there will be professional teachers who will make corrections and give opinions on students' performance.

To say it is to truly understand .

There will be several roles in the system for the above situations

  • System administrator: responsible for maintenance and authority management
  • Student: Answer video questions by uploading a video
  • Teacher: Mark students' replies and give teaching

Considering such usage scenarios, cite a few interesting issues within the system

  1. How to manage videos: The video traffic is obviously larger than other parts of the system. How to balance resources?
  2. How should teachers mark: If students upload articles, we can easily mark them with text, but how about videos?
  3. How to design UI/UX: The front-end audience is students, how should such an educational front-end base be designed?


Of course, when the solution method is proposed, it will not be solved one problem at a time, but it must be planned from the overall thinking .

The users are mainly students. After interviews, it is found that they are the digital native generation, and their accustomed media experience in life is mainly based on APP. So we designed the whole process as WebApp to reduce the learning curve.

In today's audio-visual experience, users not only pursue the ability to watch videos, but also require smooth and micro-experience (such as automatic image quality adjustment when bandwidth is insufficient), and this also makes services such as live broadcasts basically a resource war. Considering that QriticA focuses on higher-level educational interaction, we initially chose to integrate Youtube as a video carrier to reduce business operation costs .

By the way, Xinlv Technology also open- sourced ReactConf.TV , an interactive project based on Youtube/Vimeo and other audio-visual platforms based on a similar concept .

Now that you have chosen a professional audio-visual platform as the backing, how can you ask the teacher to correct the film? In the past, we have developed a system that allows team coaches to comment on team practice. Here we borrowed the same concept and used the concept of Overlay (mask) to overlay layers on the video, adding notes such as emoji and text. . This makes it easy for teachers to mark and allows students to see their marks in the same way.


Of course, there are still quite a few real problems, such as

  • How to balance traffic: How should we adjust the structure in response to changes in traffic due to physical events?
  • How to integrate APP: If we want to integrate APP for further promotion, how to design the follow-up rhythm?
  • Offline integration: During the promotion process, we encountered many interested offline organizations to cooperate with us. How to provide service expansion exclusively for business partners?

If you are interested in more details, please contact us :)

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Sam Huang[ ] 一扁帽,一壺酒,一溪雲,佔得人間一味愚,此心安處是吾鄉
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