Letter to my mentally disabled friend


My friend said this letter gave her a lot of strength, so I am posting it here in the hope that it will help other marginalized people as well.

Xiao Zhang:

See the letter.

Although you may not be very good now, but I still want to say to you, happy birthday.

The last time I wrote you a small composition was half a year ago, and the time was so fast. Yesterday, I saw that you changed your WeChat signature, and I took my seat. I was also someone who wanted to tell you "don't think so much" before, but after talking with you, I learned more about mental illness, and I wouldn't say such a thing, so you see, communication is useful. This sentence does not say that you have not communicated before, and does not mean to accuse you. I just sigh. If you are disappointed with the communication later, you can believe it is useful for a while.

We often feel powerless about mental illness, and we also know that it is not the fault of any individual who suffers from it. It was never your fault that you were sick. The reason why marginalized groups become marginalized groups may be due to various congenital or acquired conditions, and the occurrence of such conditions is entirely due to luck. The name of the marginal group itself also reflects that this group is ignored by most people in the society, which also makes the social system little or no guarantee for the marginal group (the latter may be the reality in China). Anyone can become a member of a marginalized group due to bad luck at any time, everyone shares this risk, and at least in China, people are not aware of this or not paying enough attention to this risk. prepare.

The shit of the world is now manifested. The marginalized groups want to save themselves and change this shitty world. The only way I can think of is that I have to be strong myself, waiting for the society to notice and help, yes Unexpected. But no one except those in vulnerable situations can fully appreciate how painful it is to do so, any more than a man can truly be a feminist.

You are already very tough, you are not only actively asking for help and saving yourself, but also doing social practice and wanting to change the world, you are very good. Many people will only live a life of mediocrity and don't care about the world and the times, and you, because of your own situation, are connected to this era.

Those who are still healthy and don't notice marginalized groups, who will tell you "don't think so much", I think the world is not good enough, that is, I don't think it's their fault, don't blame them, Xiao Huang and I said a sentence that I think is particularly applicable, "If you can support education, if you can't, stay away." This is not arrogant, and the lucky ones can't pay attention to the marginalized groups in society, which is undoubtedly a deficiency.

After writing so much, you must have thought about the above words before, otherwise you would not regard "helping more people like you" as one of the meanings of your own existence, and the above thoughts are what I only thought about yesterday. I understand, I have been numb for a long time, because as your friend, seeing your pain, and partially feeling your pain, made me re-experience the sense of connection with the times, and realize that there is something that must be done. , I realize that the world is too bad and must be changed. I don’t know if this will bring you some comfort, but I still want to say that communication is useful!

I've said a lot of compliments about you, but you don't always believe it. If you don’t believe that you are beautiful, you don’t believe that your photos are good-looking, and you don’t believe that you are unique, then I will go on and on about it. You are the person around me who can empathize with people the most, the most beautiful person to take pictures, and the most empathetic person around me. A beautiful person who will find others, and still the only artist.

I don't know how to end the small composition, I want to say:

Marginal groups around the world, unite!


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