
From simple to complex? Or is it simpler and more convenient? It feels like being stuck in a "chicken and egg" situation.

Less is the luxury of things,
Or the tediousness of everyday life?

Everyone has their own way,
Similar but totally different days,
Leaving aside some great deeds of benevolence,

Who doesn't live every day?

From ancient times to the present,
The way of life seems to have changed from simple to complex.
Even if you just want to be simpler,

Food, clothing, shelter, and travel, connecting one head after another, bit by bit,

Eat, raw food evolved mature food with Michelin,

Wear, only cover the body for fashion and beauty,

Nest, the cave thatched hut was replaced by a high-rise mansion,

Walking, the two feet are no longer comparable to the presence of the butt.

From simple to complex?
Or is it simpler and more convenient?
It feels like being stuck in a "chicken and egg" situation.

In fact, life
Give yourself some freedom,
It doesn't matter what others say,
Who can bear a lifetime of embarrassment for themselves?
So, just believe in yourself.

Is it easy or difficult?

After thinking about it,
The hard part is the commitment of "believing in yourself",
I think good is good,
I think bad is bad.
I think it's easy, but it's not easy!
It's not difficult at all~

I want to live a minimalist life,
Maybe it's not someone else's breakup,
but the convenience of feeling,
that convenience,
Maybe after adding something,
life becomes more comfortable,
It may also be that after reducing some of the pace of life,
Days just got easier.

The point is not,
What is left out, what is added,
It's about how much freedom you want.



It's a little troublesome to make your own dumplings, but it's easy to eat anytime afterward.


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度.do千山萬水, 不如一抹白。 愛畫,喜字,戀山水。 描線,寫聞,觀世間。 戒不掉的喃喃自語.............^^
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