Recent reports + music I've been listening to recently

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Surprised to find out that @Jeger sponsored me a lot of likes! You can become a citizen of appreciation all of a sudden, thanks a lot 😭

I've been writing novels recently, so I've put book reviews on hold for the time being, but I'm still concerned about what's going on in the discord. A few days ago, the editor-in-chief invited me to participate in the symposium, and I played with you yesterday. Overall it's a pleasure!

I'm going to summer sonic on the 21st, and if there is no accident, I should post a commentary. Of course, because I am not a veteran of music festivals, I will probably only express my feelings in a shallow way🤣

Similarly, the albums pushed below are also not special music critics, so I will only express my own listening impressions.

Now that the two novels I am writing are about to end, I have decided to take a break for a while, and I should be able to continue writing book reviews/impressions.

I don't seem to have posted it on matters, but in fact, I also love listening to music. I like independent music a lot lately, so here are a few albums that I have been listening to a lot lately.

"Beatopia" Beabadoobee

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Beabadoobee is coming to the festival on the 21st, because I've been looping the Beatopia album recently.

The sound of this one is very comfortable, like the tide. Light and comfortable, like floating in a blue swimming pool.

She is a very potential musician, looking forward to future works.

"Women in Music Pt. III" HAIM

Compared with the popularity of the former major, Haim seems to have found his own position after the precipitation of the two majors. The whole album is very expensive, just like the cover, just like being in a small bar with an atmosphere. The summer girl in the Bonus Track got me drunk.

Although 2020 is bitter, there are never many good works.


Just checked it out on Douban, it's not really rated high...but I really like it. Because the whole piece is very retro, sometimes it reminds me of the teen pop at the beginning of the century.

American girl groups are always short-lived, but this indie girl band/group is doing pretty well.

I liked their previous one, Save The World, too.

In fact, from the above three pictures, it can be seen that my taste is actually very obvious, that is, I like soothing music that I can listen to when reading and writing 🤣 Finally, I would like to share the songs I often listen to recently.

In no particular order, they are all my babies.

The Best Time-Zhang Xuan/Jiao Anpu

For All Time - Michael Jackson

Summer Girl-HAIM

Time Will Tell(Live)-Blood Orange

Super Freaky Girl - Nicki Minaj


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Arielsakura中文系在读,日本留学中,读书写作是一生的事业 小说每周三更新,其余时间更新杂谈/书评/日常 约稿
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