Listen to NFT Art Observation at "Cat Coin Bar" (with wine, side dishes)

Tuna Maw Shawar with Strawberry + Roasted and Drained

Recently, I often hang out at the Mao Coin Bar, and write inspired by the conversations of the guests. According to Bartender, A Miao, the bar is a joint venture of a group of NFT artists. The bosses are a bit mysterious, and he only recognizes one of them.

Often appearing in the cat mint bar, I began to be stared at by a pair of eyes, dressed like a painter, sat quietly opposite me, and asked me embarrassingly: " You seem to like our bar ?" It should be the so-called question. Boss (one), what? Find out I'm a regular and want to entertain me?

"The membership certificate of the bar is NFT, and the holder can drink a glass of bartender for free every month, order a snack, and read a (fictional) story!"

He probably didn't know that this project was outsourced to the end. It was the copywriting written by the fake master of mine. I didn't even give me an NFT. Now I want to sell it to me!

How to sell? Is it expensive?

After hearing my question, Boss' face became frivolous and disdainful, as if he saw through me. Seeing him noncommittal, I then asked, how to check the membership certificate?

"It's very simple, use the wallet to scan the dynamic QR code to confirm that he is the holder of the wallet, and then the system can automatically check whether he is a member of NFT. Because the member list is already on the blockchain, it will be updated automatically. "

After the Boss finished speaking, he turned around and left, walked to the bar and said a few words to Miao before leaving.

Impolite enough!

When passing the bar, Boss chatted with the two guests by the way, and he seemed to be a friend of the NFT art circle. In recent months, the media has been hyping up the news of buying and selling NFTs to get rich, making people eager to try it, but it didn’t take long for the news: “ [Coin Circle Massacre 2] Stablecoins are out of control at full speed, and domestic players are slashed with leeks and lose 500 10,000 " was replaced, and even people who didn't pay attention to cryptocurrencies on weekdays couldn't help but gossip.

 A Miao asked one of the guests, what do you want?
@ssshihtung Actually , I don't drink too much bartending, always Mojito to the end. When I accidentally drank oolong tea in a Japanese village, I was pleasantly surprised~ I can immediately think that the bartending is a variant of "Oolong ハイ": apricot wine and oolong tea ~ It's hard to think about the appetizers, think about it. As long as you can satisfy your cravings.

 Ah Meow asked, wasabi rice crackers or roasted seaweed?

For guests who have a choice barrier, they will be directly provided with a choice of two. Those who like to drink may not necessarily need snacks.

And the other didn't even point, and started talking. (A-miao didn't ask, for fear of interrupting the guests)

@hydroponic coriander... The more terrible things are, the more you have to study and understand. The atmosphere in Taiwan is very unhealthy now. Most of them just listen to what Tu said. Knowing that friends have lost a lot of money, they say that NFTs cut leeks, but friends I don't know how to pay, maybe he was deceived or not operated by himself...

Although NFT has given creators a brand new stage and generated a lot of new imagination and inspiration, when everyone thinks that creation is valuable, I think many people confuse "creative creation" with "cheap creation".
When everyone can create NFTs, they will feel that they can make money just by creating them, and people will only pay attention to successful cases. On the contrary, they will want to take shortcuts and take shortcuts, and they will not take their creations seriously (copying, plagiarism, stealing, etc.). , or directly send NFT with ready-made works).

I don't mean to deny this kind of creation method, but everyone thinks creation and platform market ecology are too simple.
The so-called success must have its context and reasons, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve it overnight.

@ssshihtung Perhaps because Taiwan has a relatively rich subsidy system, many arts and cultural performances are free. But the accumulated costs of these creative productions are not free. There are always people, institutions, and mechanisms that "pay" for payment. Over time, the fact that art and literature production should be free, will it be linked to his understanding of "no cost"?

On a very personal level, getting to know NFTs has brought me into contact with aspects that I usually ignore, and the value of creation. The prices here are not all sky-high prices, but can also refer to the mutual support and support among friends, groups, and circles. And the ecology of NFT may just expand the circle.

In the cat mint bar, the most common people in the currency circle exchange airdrop experience, but because of the relationship of Boss, curators and commentators centered on NFT art gradually formed an ecology. These two guests must have met and chatted at the Cat Mint Bar.

@ssshihtung I don't know many ether PFP (profile for picture) projects, but I also found that the community management of these projects is actually more and more difficult. The community always hopes that the project team can do more activities, add functions or empowerment. But when these measures cannot be reflected in the project price, the community's demands will become endless futile.

(NFT called "PFP" refers to avatar-style NFT, such as the well-known CryptoPunk, BAYC monkey, etc.)

Classic NFT avatars, for example: CryptoKitties

( CryptoKitties obsessed with cats can be described as the ancestor or even the origin of NFT. CryptoKitties was officially launched on November 28, 2017. It is a smart contract game based on Ethereum. It was produced by Venture Studio, a studio of Axiom Zen in Vancouver. )

@hydroponic coriander This is an iteration and a process of evolution, which I think is a good thing. The PFPs in my hands are all Taiwanese digital media companies. Daewoo (games), Xiancao (online singing), and Rumu (vr) have all experienced quite a social crisis. But along the way, I seem to be reborn, no longer disappointed, but willing to support the wait.

By the way, I have a question to ask you, what kind of exhibition is Art basel?

@ssshihtung Ha , good. I have to think about this a little bit. In the art world, everyone knows the Art Basel art fair. But not everyone is familiar or able to participate, like me. (laugh)

At this time, the hydroponic coriander suddenly said: "What should I do, I really want to eat it, roast it and drain it!"

 A Miao responded neatly: Yes! What would you like to drink?

Haha, I also rarely drink, usually I order the special wine list provided by each store, but I would like to order more ice cubes, or a fruit shawar.

 A Miao sketched a lively and cheerful image of the female guest in her heart, accompanied by vodka, handmade strawberry syrup, strawberry juice, diluted soda, half-cut strawberries and ice cubes.

The trick is to smear an appropriate amount of mayonnaise on the strawberry section, and the strawberry plus mayonnaise will simulate the taste of tuna pot belly when chewing in the mouth. Named "Tuna Maw Shawar with Strawberry", a cup of special Shavar is to be used with roasted and drained.

The male guest talked for a long time, and was asked to think about everything (while showing a shy expression like a winking sticker), and then it was another short story.

@ssshihtung He 's the event for the art market, commercial galleries, and top artists and collectors. Not only does it need to review gallery qualifications and exhibition content, but the threshold and cost of participating are also very high. One booth may be one million? I'm not quite sure about the details. Therefore, each gallery will come up with their most representative artist(s) and the most complete curated works.

Compared with art biennales, it is usually a gathering of academics, urban culture and tourism; expositions such as Art Basel reflect the art market and financial system. But there will also be a great series of forums in the exposition; and the biennale cannot be held without the support of the market economy and galleries and foundations. Just the important part, the angle of entry or the overall atmosphere will be different.

Last year, tezos participated in Miami Art Basel
. At that time, many great artists participated in the exhibition (Mario Klingemann, aka Quasimondo, Helena Sarin, Kevin Abosch, Matt Deslauriers… etc.), and also held forum activities, which was very interesting.

It is really exciting that Tezos can continue to participate in the upcoming Hong Kong Art Basel. Not only does it feature more Asian artists, but also more exciting are Aran@IOivm , Jingyao @jinyaolin, Lin Ge@yiwen_lin three Taiwanese Artists are exhibiting.

Since the wave of NFT and generative art last year, it has been questioned whether it is considered art and whether it can be considered elegant. One after another tezos participated in 2021Art Basel Miami, ArtBlocks curated generative art pavilions during the Venice Biennale: Decentral Art Pavilion , and will participate in 2022Art Basel Hong Kong. I'm not sure if this makes NFTs more "artistic" and if such recognition matters.

But judging from Aran as the standard bearer of NFT and generative art, it is conceivable that he exclaimed with a sigh of relief: We did it (or we finally don't have to explain it all the time)!

The background music Ah Miao played was Wendy's "spring spring" , a music album that you won't get tired of listening to tonight.

Hey~ Meow, what did your boss (one of) say to you just after talking to me?

 He said, what the hell is the fake editor-in-chief, you can treat him with mustard rice crackers, it doesn't matter if you have diarrhea.

What a nice person, what about the wine?

 No mention of wine.
However, I heard that the year-end dividends will send employees NFTs...

will you send me again?

 I'll sell you cheaper (a little bit)...

You are all super nice! (What's the point?)

Further reading:

[Sun Yi Column] "What's the difference between Basel, Miami, and Hong Kong Art Basel?"

Why does a virtual avatar sell over 100 million? Inventory of the 10 most valuable NFT works, 5 classic NFT avatars, and 7 Asian popular NFT projects


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