[High Score Healing Reality Show] About Broken Love, About Self-A Bright Forward

It was the first time in a reality show that I discovered problems with the guests, found myself, healed myself, and realized many problems that I had never thought about before. I also saw the turbulent emotions in different people's hearts. , After watching it, you will feel a reality show worth thinking about.

This is a reality show of lovelorn healing. It invites 8 guests with different experiences of lovelorn to go through a 21-day journey. There is no plot to catch the horse, only the revealing of true feelings. Lovelorn is a process of self-discovery and self-healing in the journey.

From the guests, there are two couples after breaking up,

【I hope you believe that fairy tales exist forever】

One of them is a man (House) who wants to get back in love, and a woman (cousin) who is full of hatred and mistrust. Their love is full of love. So it makes people feel like a love story between a princess and a prince. In the early stage, there was a cold war, unwillingness to communicate, and quarrels. In the middle and late stages, the reconciliation was exchanged because of constant dedication. At first, you would feel that House had been following her cousin and did not give people anything. There was a little respite, but later you will find out that it is because he really loves and is afraid that his cousin will leave him.

"I once asked if the reconciliation could be the same as before. Our love is like a vase I like very much, but now he has a crack. Maybe we can't make him the original, but maybe we can try to decorate the scar more beautifully."

"In addition to the expectations of your partner, your inner abundance is more important"

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【Unfortunately you didn't accompany me to the end】

The other pair are soulmates who have been together for five years and have been separated for five years. Why are they called soulmates after they broke up, because only each other can understand jokes. Sister Li's preferences and past Jeff all know. During the five years of separation, there have been new Partner, have a new life, but in fact the other party has never really left. From the details, it can be found that their life is like family members who have been together for many years. There are many natural little actions. Their separation is because the time has come. Five It seems that I should get married or break up in 2018. At this time, marriage is not 1+1>2, so when we broke up, I originally hoped that they could be together again, but after seeing the later period, I gradually found that the love given by Jeff is no longer love, and I am very emotional. In the last sentence of the conversation, Sister Li said, "You didn't let me lose you, but I made you feel that you lost me." Because of his low self-esteem five years ago, Jeff even thought that Sister Li's choice was the right one. At this moment, he basically thought that he had lost Sister Li. The last paragraph really makes me cry. From the beginning, I thought that Jeff was here to chase after Sister Li, exuding a little sweetness, and then later, Sister Li carefully asked "Do you still love me?" but got "I care." , but I don't like it." Actually, I don't know if Sister Li gave the same answer because of her face, or she was really nostalgic for the perfect youth she had with Jeff because she had not lost it, but no matter what, it was obvious In the end, Sister Li was nostalgic, whether it was love or life, and Jeff only waved goodbye. It was the first time I really saw love that made me regret.

There is one more thing about them. Five years ago, Sister Li never gave Jeff any encouragement or recognition, but in fact, what he really needs is not a lot of praise, just your words, you are awesome, hard work! But he actually It's not that he doesn't recognize you, but that he thinks you can be better.

"Love comes when love disappears"

"Spontaneous, tacit, individual retreat"

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The above are two couples, everyone else has their own issues

Brother Wang, who loves music but is not regarded as a success by his ex-girlfriend, Coco, who is self-realized but out of sync with his ex-boyfriend, a pure but too delicate college dog, and a growing cub who constantly looks down on himself. What touched me very much was the cub, because I felt that I had a lot of similarities with me. I was looking for myself. Because I didn’t trust myself enough, I didn’t dare to make a choice. Instead, I lost a lot of opportunities and gradually felt that I became a boring person. But I don’t want to be bored. I think like they say, because we don’t know ourselves enough, we haven’t learned to get along with ourselves, and we are afraid to take on whether we succeed or fail, so we are afraid to choose. Life. Try to know yourself and exercise yourself to make decisions under the choices you make again and again.

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I like the post-production of this variety show very much. Annotating every moment with words makes me feel that the words are full of warmth. In this journey, there are many very ritual processes, which let them open their hearts, discover problems, know themselves, and start from Family, to self, and then to emotions, there is a passage in the middle where I hope the guests will find problems, but they do not necessarily have to be solved. The problems may not necessarily have answers. It is found that he at least faces up to and understands his inner confusion better, but it does not have to be exhaustive. A lifetime of searching for answers.


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