Explore the university campus in the city center

A rainbow walkway appears on the front of the university
It's like an arch bridge
The pavilion in the middle looks like a bus pavilion?
The halo in the upper right corner is really beautiful~~

Knowing a place usually starts with its university, so I was bored and took the bus to see the university in the city center. I can only say that I have never seen such a small university. I'm done shopping, but I can only look at the exterior of the building, because to enter the interior of the building, it seems that I have to swipe a card or something, so I had to walk around outside.

But there is a rainbow walkway at the entrance of the university. Does this mean support for gay rights? But thanks to the rainbow, the university looks a little more beautiful.

It seems that it happens to be the summer vacation of the university. There are basically no people in the whole university, and it seems that no tourists will come here. Probably there is really nothing to see XD

In fact, it's hard to say what style the building of this university looks like. It looks like Gothic, but also feels like a modern building. The appearance is not as stunning as I imagined, and I walked around the campus. Didn't find a few buildings either, I don't know if it's because there are few students, or the buildings in the school are scattered in different locations?

But I have to say that under the sun, it is still very beautiful to take a few pictures of the university's appearance. There will even be a beautiful halo in the photos. It can only be said that the sun can really beautify everything~~


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