This Sunday night chat at 19:00, let’s talk about “massage and intimate body contact”

Massage is a kind of unfamiliar intimate contact. Come to discord at 19:00 on Sunday night to chat. Can sexual pleasure and intimacy be obtained through transactions?

Happy New Year, Citizen Matt, and wish you a happy old age ~ Some citizens know that in addition to the usual essay collection activities on the site, Discord's weekly night chat activities have been held for a long time, and are invited and hosted by the moderator @Robert .

The theme of this Sunday night talk at 7pm is "Massage and Intimate Contact". I will be the host and the special guest is @Xa . You may have read a series of his articles on the experience of sexual pleasure on the website recently. If you haven’t read them yet, you can click on the following link:

(Warm reminder, restricted articles are blocked, you can choose whether to click to read the full text)

In these articles, Xa not only recorded the process of being served (in detail as if he were reading field notes), but also mentioned the psychological feelings brought about by different massage techniques. Massage is a kind of unfamiliar intimate contact. Sometimes we want not only physical relaxation, but also some kind of emotional comfort. Xa will talk about his experience from a male perspective.

There is another co-host in this night talk, Xin An. Xin An is a master's student in anthropology who is working hard on writing a thesis. He has been immersed in Vietnamese massage parlors in Taiwan and worked in the field for a long time. As a long-term patient with cervical spondylosis (all of you who have been playing computer games for a long time must feel the same), Xin'an has rich experience in being massaged. She will share her observations from the perspective of a researcher and a woman.

The time for this night talk is this Sunday (February 18) at 7pm in East Eighth District, which is one hour earlier than previous night talks. Interested citizens should not miss it. Join the Matters Discord and click on "Free 2" when the time comes.

In addition, for readers who are interested in topics related to body exploration/gender/self-care, I would like to recommend several good recent articles to you:

@BIE Other girls , I experienced a major health care experience in Barcelona and it felt quite exciting.

躺在那张床上的我,是在对方面前完全卸下防备的,在那一刻我是奔着“死亡” 一场的决心,他却似乎毫发无损,还是那个体面而完整的人类。想起和前男友,同时高潮的那几秒确是两个人共同赴死的时刻。可是要求一位素未相识的男技师和我同时“死去” 是不是太过苛刻了?

@BIE Other Girl Taiwan’s “Hand Angel” Interview: Protecting the Sexual Needs of People with Disabilities

 Steven 的手指很无力,从来没有真正“射” 出来过。义工们对Steven 说,床上会铺上大毛巾,Steven 反问,“精液不都是一点点流出来的吗,应该用不到毛巾吧?”然而,手天使的服务让他第一次用上了毛巾。他还知道了“性” 在射精之外,也意味着两个人“紧紧拥抱、双方眼神对焦、肉体贴肉体、双脚紧紧勾着”。

@小毛Everything is about sex, but everything about sex depends on self-taught



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