Buy RNFT Experience Sharing - BraveSeries


Demons report!

For the first time in my life, I bought RNFT and dedicated it to the #Brave series . On the one hand, I supported the Taiwan team, and on the other hand, I wanted to test the whole process.

In order to test the process of purchasing fiat currency, I used the Qubic wallet to purchase on Lootex, because it is a bit threshold for people who are not in the currency circle to buy ETH first and then purchase NFT. This way of Qubic wallet is equivalent to opening up a direction It is a way for everyone to pay with the familiar cash flow method. As a cash flow enthusiast, I like this point, and the corresponding speed is fast. I also wanted to say that if I really can't use Qubic to verify on Discord, I will transfer my NFT to Opensea for unified management. Fortunately, the currency circle is in a pioneering period, and new functions are created every day in response to demand, and new things happen every minute and every second. Now you can use #PaperKnife to verify the NFT held in the wallet, and this NFT can also be used as a certificate. Admission ticket ~ 1/8 is going to party

Every NFT project will have a community to support the follow-up development, and some will grow into DAOs. This is also what I think is romantic about the blockchain, because it is the early pioneering moment, and there are enthusiasts from all over the world to pioneer together.

In addition, the 1/8 Brave Series RNFT Gala will be held at MQ [ Marquee Taipei ] next to Taipei 101. All demons/heroes/villagers remember to come back to Discord for detailed information~

If you haven't joined, welcome to Discord:

#BraveSeries #RNFT #NFT


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Elena90後,經濟系出身,去數位金融&FMCG通路走了一遭,發現舊愛還是最美,擁有金融與零售電商的混血血液,喜歡ETF帶來的大道至簡。現在在金融業擔任數位金融產品PM,迷戀支付與金融創新帶來的有趣世界 ↓ 我有在用且推薦的服務推薦碼在這↓
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