Reading Notes "If "That Day" Finally Comes...: Jurassic Park Opens, Global Internet Disconnects, No More Fish in the Sea..."

★The world we live in is stable for the time being, but according to various clues, we can already smell the crisis is just around the corner. It is undeniable that human beings are increasingly unable to grasp the future, and are uneasy, and various events that may lead to world chaos are imminent. BUT, perhaps the most important thing in life is this BUT, have you seriously thought about the possibility of these extreme events? Are these events really that terrifying? How much will it affect our lives?

●When it comes to predicting the future, it's really hard to put everything under the sun, after all, there are so many disturbing truths that cast a shadow.

● Britain finally abolished the monarchy?

If a new country calls itself a "republic" by adopting a new conservative term, that counts as some kind of "goodwill." This is your way of proclaiming to the world that you are not a dictatorship - that your citizens are ostensibly in control of their own destiny. You see, don't we have the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)? That's weird! Use what sounds like a republic to hide the fact that it's actually a dictatorship. Regardless of what a republic can actually achieve for the good of society, creating a republic in name seems like a good PR move.

●Tech tycoons finally rule the world?

In 2018, a woman who taught Erin Bibal criticized Musk, and as a result, followers of the billionaire, after seeing Musk's pushback against her, started posting comments on her Twitter, Instagram, and Twitter. E-mails and other harassing her, and even nasty insults like "shove your fake information down your dirty pussy". In a way, it's hard to imagine that a recognized corporate overlord would have such a high interest in doing so, like a 21st-century tyrant reappears. Latin American dictators, for example, crack down on free speech, they kidnap and kill opponents, but corporations usually offer you an upgrade, or a freebie. It's worth noting, however, that businesses like Chiquita are said to have complicit in the activities of Colombian assassination groups in the late 1990s and early 2000s. So maybe corporate dictators are just as bloodthirsty as dictators in general. But having said that, whether it is Bezos or other tech tycoons, it is unlikely that there will be any plans to launch a global coup in the short term.

●The real Jurassic Park finally opens?

Here's a quick rundown of how credible Jurassic Park's scientifically mad assumptions are:

1. Yes, scientists can really obtain amber from the Jurassic period, but most of them come from the Cretaceous period or later. But it doesn't matter, anyway, most of the really scary dinosaurs come from the Cretaceous. Not to mention whether it's Jurassic or Cretaceous? Who cares? It's the age of dinosaurs anyway.

2. Yes, some amber does seal in mosquitoes, and we do know that mosquitoes must bite dinosaurs because they also bite birds.

3. DNA may have been obtained from ancient blood, but blood from 80 million years ago was a bit too old for 1993.

4. The replication of large, multicellular organisms from the obtained DNA has always been the idea of the age, even if the time is not yet ripe. Breakthroughs in the 1970s and 1980s, such as the Cohen/Boyer patent that allowed scientists to build proteins through the splicing of genes, laid the groundwork for asexual reproduction, but no vertebrates were Copy it out.

5. Turning a replicated vertebrate cell into an embryo, fertilizing it to term, and finally giving birth to a living, breathing cub? It's still pure science fiction.

●The last fish in the ocean finally died?

Thanks to the "overall consideration" and "multi-pronged" approach of the human species, today's plan of "total annihilation of marine life" is going very smoothly. Here are a few of our key strategies in brief:

1. Millions of tons of plastic waste are thrown into the ocean every year.

2. A 2014 report on the long-term effects of widespread use of seabed trawlers showed that seabed trawlers were turning "a large part of the deep-water continental slope into a desert of faunal and severely damaged seafloor. landscape".

3. The planet is heating up very fast, and the associated extinction consequences are also fermenting simultaneously. (For the record, at this rate, it would take only a few centuries for the effects of warming oceans to affect life forms in the deepest parts of the ocean.)

4. Ocean acidification. In addition to global warming, the other major side effect of carbon dioxide emissions is the acidification of the ocean, which will cause countless deaths, especially the death of corals, the protagonists of coral reefs and the highest biodiversity on earth. ecosystem.

5. Fertilizers and pesticides are harming the ocean, and the above factors have contributed to the formation of "dead zones", which are areas of the ocean that are almost devoid of oxygen and where there is almost no life. . According to a 2018 report in the journal Science, the area of ocean dead zones is now four times larger than in 1950.

6. We eat sea creatures - the number one cause of their decline. Sustainable fishing is about working in proportion, and we won't be running out of fish if we do that, but the fishing industry has reached—and exceeded—the peak of equilibrium proportions. (According to the United Nations, 90 percent of the world's fish stocks are trawled.) In other words, we are killing as much fish as we can as a by-product of our industrialization, and on top of that, we are also Eat as much fish as possible.

●What if Baby Babe was born on the moon?

The mother-to-be may have violated the laws of the moon first, because the child is likely to face low-gravity and low-gravity osteoporosis and developmental delays. Also, where does the child's nationality belong? How to determine the date and time of his birth, after all, one day on the moon is 27 days on the earth!

●If you want to destroy the earth with nuclear weapons?

It may not be enough to launch the existing 14,485 nuclear bombs on the earth, because according to estimates, 16,000 nuclear bombs are needed... It seems that it is not easy to destroy the earth.

●What if the world's Internet is disconnected?

The world could be in chaos. However, it is actually quite difficult to get all the Internet to hang up. Unless the largest solar flash or electromagnetic pulse occurs, the Korean singer Gangnam Uncle and the rock group OK Go will collaborate on a film to make the Internet crash faster.

●We cannot find a way to help ourselves build a livable future if we blindly believe that we are doomed. As we just learned, the problem is that the future is not the final outcome, nor is it an abridged number, and it will not gradually disappear into darkness as the music rises. It is a gathering of many days. And the only way to live well in those days is for us to imagine what kind of life we want to live and believe that we will have that life, and then try to make it happen.

~Won the Webby Award, known as the "Internet Oscar". Journalist/Mike. Mike Pearl

~ "If "that day" finally comes...: Jurassic Park opens, the global Internet is disconnected, there is no more fish in the sea... From the analysis of politics, technology, and the environment, 19 whimsical ideas that are intertwined with reality"

~《The Day It Finally Happens: Alien Contact, Dinosaur Parks, Immortal Humans—and Other Possible Phenomena》

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