Is taking a loss a supplement?

It's too easy to feel embarrassed to others, and it will bring more trouble to yourself.

Small waste like me, although not really stepping into the illustration world. (I think it will be considered when the style of painting is more stable and popular, and I set the threshold myself.) But I have also taken over a few small pictures, all of which are based on similar-looking paintings. In the past two days, I painted her dog for a client who also came to me last year. I recalled the feeling of the last time and this time, and wrote some experiences.

During the year and a half of waiting to study illustration abroad, I have received 6~7 small illustrations on and off, as well as a few inquiries and finally nothing. In the early days, the owner of a technology company known to my family needed illustrations for publicity, so the company’s publicist contacted me. I heard that the previous artist charged a price for a picture, which really scared me to death. It’s just cheap labor... not bad. , Because the boss suddenly changed his mind inexplicably, this cooperation was interrupted.

Although interrupted, I also took the time to draw drafts and didn't get any money. But because my family knew each other, even though I was upset, it was fine. I remember when thinking about how to ask for a price, the people around you said: Don’t open too high as a cumulative network! I will hear this sentence a few times after I mention how much I plan to open, or when I feel like I open too low after painting. , the meaning is similar to take some losses to make a good image, and make up for the future.

But I didn't drive too high at all ==

Going abroad doesn't mean anything, does it?

For as long as I can remember, my parents were very kind to others. Being polite is a good thing, but I think it’s also a matter of caring about how others see you at a certain level. As I grew up, I found that sometimes being too polite and embarrassed would make me more troubled or bullied, and I should properly reject and defend my value. It's not easy for me, but it's worth a lifetime of practice.

When I planned to study illustration abroad, I was anxious while preparing my portfolio. I can't find my own value.

The environment I grew up in has sublimated an idea in my mind that money is more valuable. Although there is a voice in me crying, the ability to create is valuable!! But it is pulling with external social values. More or less, it affected my self-confidence when I made an offer. In order to make people like it more, I lowered my own cost, or in the process of communication, it was easy to accept the other party's other requirements and not dare to charge more.. .and then I was very irritable when I painted....

But encountering clients who value my abilities is another matter. The whole cooperation process will make me very motivated to draw better, and of course in a better mood!

an angel customer

Back to the client who painted dogs, the first time was two hostess who came to me to paint a dog each. At the beginning, I was inexperienced, and my style was still realistic. The time I spent painting (now trying to get rid of the realistic style) exceeded the time and price I estimated. Not only was the estimate wrong, but I also lowered my own costs. Therefore, when the other party is picky, , I'm really irritable inside! But I can only be angry with myself silently.

After this experience, in the next few cases, I know better how to make an offer (currently, it is limited to simyan painting or a single picture, more details of the offer is a matter of knowledge). Although the price of the opening has been based on the creators on Pinkoi and the evaluation of their own ability, but every time I open my mouth, I will be very confused.

Is it one of the reasons why it is easy to feel embarrassed to others?

When one of the hostesses asked me to paint again this time, I felt more confident and reminded myself, "Hey! You can stop writing! You don't need to spend so much extra time, just to be more perfect." However, when the other party I hope that when I write with a special handwriting, I silently accept not to increase the price, even though it really took me a while...

Continuing to learn lessons from experience...


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Huiyu朝著插畫家路上耕耘的女子/偶爾來分享自己的腦中mur mur 雙魚但時不時有獅子的內在/生於春天卻愛著秋天的色彩
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