Unemployment may be an opportunity to change fate

Many people are not brave enough to become freelancers or slash youth. In addition to worrying about income, it is because of the word "scared". I am always afraid that the job is too difficult, the challenge is too great, and I cannot do these tasks...

I haven't worked for more than ten years, so I wasn't very suitable for writing about workplace topics, but I thought that in the past two years, many of my friends felt helpless because of sudden unemployment or lack of work, so I wanted to share with you about myself. The experience of "being unemployed for many years " and " changing the runway ", I hope to give you some reference at least in terms of mentality.

What if I suddenly lose my job?

My last full-time job was doing public relations for a film company. Because of disagreement with my boss, I was motivated and quit my job to start a business, but I was not a business material. Within two years, the company went bankrupt and my savings were exhausted.

Fortunately, I have been free to accept cases for many years, and even during the entrepreneurial period, it has never stopped. Thanks to these royalties, I can still pay the rent when my business is weak.

After closing the company, I have two options in front of me:

  1. Looking for a job, replying to the status of a wage earner
  2. continue to be a free man

While wandering at a crossroads, a phone call changed my life——

An old colleague from a film company is supervising an ancient costume TV series, and it will start in four days. Not only has the script not been written well, but the original screenwriter has also left . He asked me if I was interested in trying it?

Although you know that nothing good will happen if you are ordered in danger, but a dead horse is a living horse doctor, no matter how badly written, it is still better than no script, right?

So I immediately packed up and flew to Shenzhen the next day to fly to the legendary Hengdian Film and Television City, where I became a screenwriter for the first time.

After two months of hard work, I wrote about eight episodes of the script in total, and earned a total of 22,000 Hong Kong dollars. Compared with the remuneration of the print media at that time, it was very low, but~

Writing scripts is really fun!

It also changed the course of his life.

Seeing this, you may say, this is a chance you came across by chance. Everyone's chance is different. What's a good reference ?

Because I feel that I am no better than others in any place, and I can continue to be a freelancer, but it is because of the following 3 conditions :

1. Don’t get yourself into too much debt

If you want to become a freelancer, the first thing is to be "free", and the most important thing is not to put too much financial pressure on yourself.

Back then, I failed to start a business. Although I spent all my savings, at least I was able to hold back and survive without borrowing. So after the company was closed, I was able to transform immediately.

There are too many friends who have told me that they also want to be free to come and go like me, but the monthly mortgage payment makes them afraid to change jobs rashly, let alone start a business or even if they work hard and unhappy. Freelance!

2. Willingness to learn and try new areas

Many people are not brave enough to become freelancers or slash youth. In addition to worrying about income, it is because of the word " scared ".

I am always afraid that the job is too difficult, the challenge is too great, and I cannot do these tasks...

In fact, it's all excuses, no job in the world is born to do, any job requires learning/training.

Conversely, any job skills can be mastered through learning .

If you think you can't do it, it's just that you didn't study it.

Before I became a reporter, I didn’t learn how to interview and write; I didn’t do a day of editing before I became the editorial director; I didn’t formally learn screenwriting before I wrote the script for the first time.

The above work is done while following the seniors and learning from the reference books.

There are videos on Youtube that teach almost any skill in the world, if you look for it, you will definitely find it.

3. Affirm your worth

To become a freelancer, apart from studying, the hardest part should be asking for money .

When you are working part-time, your salary will be automatically credited to your account at the end of the month. Freelance work is different. You ask for every penny . Thin-skinned people often default to unscrupulous clients because they can’t open their mouths. even arrears.

I, who used to call myself a literati , also spent a lot of time training my face to tell myself firmly:

There is no shame in making money

In writing, music, photography, design, painting and other jobs with artistic elements, there will always be some shameless people who use your " I am proud of my creation " mentality to lower your prices and squeeze your income.

When you have no experience or fame, of course you have to accumulate your own Portfolio through some free or low-cost work, but you must give yourself a time limit to a certain level (such as three months, or ten works) , you must start charging a reasonable price.

Fees not only represent the affirmation of others, but also represent respect for one's own profession .

You don't value yourself, and others won't respect you.

Don't underestimate yourself, don't think that you are not worthy of this price.

My favorite positive energy chicken soup is:

Anyone ever ran first .

(If you don't understand, please think back to junior high school biology)

Hope this helps you at the crossroads.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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一燈大叔編劇|內容創作人 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@samsonelight Liker Social: @onelight@liker.social
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