The secret of the manuscript washing (plagiarism) process | How to write a movie review without watching a movie


The so-called copywriting is a very popular way of playing in the domestic self-media circle, which can be understood as a more skillful plagiarism. The usual practice is to collect a large number of similar or related articles, combine their ideas and examples, and apply some of the logic to form a new article.

The advantage of playing like this is that the article is produced quickly. Although there are no innovative ideas, the one, two, and three points are well-rounded, and the surface of the article really looks like that.

As a result, you can see a large number of similar opinion articles and film review articles on the Internet, and choose similar materials to say that there is little difference. Except for the top self-media, the entire network is doing repeaters.

Today, I will take "Kiujiro's Summer" as an example, write a film review, and show everyone how to play the script. (If it is too long, just look at the first three steps, and the fourth step is to focus on the review and display)

Step 1: Collect short commentary sentences

First, you need to collect a large number of relevant movie reviews. It can be a variety of movie self-media accounts, or it can be a special website such as Douban, and then rate these movies into categories.

I am used to collecting short commentary sentences first, such as these hot comments I found on Douban:

1. I have never seen such a gentle rogue, never seen such a gentle rogue.
2. Angels will never come. But we still have the Big Dipper. (The origin of the Big Dipper: A little girl walked a long way to find water for her mother who had a fever, fainted on the road, woke up and saw that her water bucket was full of water, she was happy to run home , At this time, a very thirsty puppy came, she fed it with water, and the water bucket turned silver and rose to the sky. Even if she lacked love, she brought love to others, because there was a big bucket on her head. Everyone is traveling, with a purpose and no direction. Some people keep walking, some people stay in place, but we will all go through a lot of people, to meet, or to be met. Summer, that's the end of it. )
3. Telling a movie about one episode and one session, even in the hot summer, it makes people feel cool and warm, and there are tears in the real laughter. Fragment Kitano Takeshi, kind Mr. Kijiro~
4. And I only see deep loneliness, the loneliness of two children.
5. Telling a movie about one episode and one session, even in the hot summer, it makes people feel cool and warm, and there are tears in the real laughter. Fragment Kitano Takeshi, kind Mr. Kijiro~
6. Strange, there will always be the sun that can scorch the skin, the annoying mosquitoes, and the hot air in the summer. But as long as there is a gust of wind blowing, summer is the best season of the year.


(The more parts of this, the better)

Since our preset position is "you can write without seeing the movie", you should probably see the theme and tone of the entire movie from these short commentary sentences: love, warmth, tenderness, summer, and the loneliness of two children , smile with tears. When you write, you should deliberately rely on this aspect.

In addition, these golden sentences can be directly placed in the film review with a little modification. Unless you are the head media, plagiarism of a single sentence will not bring any consequences.

If it really doesn't work, just add a quotation mark, write xxx, and quote it directly.

Step 2: Find the full long review

The second step is to find a long review with a complete story narrative, that is, the content of the movie is basically explained clearly and has a lot of details.

Long comments are very important for you to understand the whole story. Often, you can understand the whole story by collecting a few articles. For example, some of the articles I collected (excerpts):

1. With Joe Hisaishi's warm and brisk music, the journey of an uncle and a boy was staged. Although he was fully prepared to be impressed before, he was inevitably brought into the band during the viewing of the film. Summer with the smell of sunshine, sunflowers, burdock leaves and cornfields.
Uncle Kitano Takeshi looks like a bumbling ruffian. At first glance, in addition to bringing us helpless laughter, it is a contrast to the various human conditions encountered along the way: perverted gay, innocent and kind hotel waiter, personality Different but equally enthusiastic lovers, wandering poets who travel around the country, underworld thugs who collect protection fees, car racers with disgusting faces... The world is not completely pure, but it is beautiful because of it.
No learning and no skills, doing nothing, bullying the soft and fearing the hard, preying on each other, having a low temperament, loving revenge, and taking advantage of small gains... Kijiro is such a middle-aged uncle who can be seen everywhere, because he lost money in gambling and had to hitch a ride to Tokyo on foot, obviously I have no background but want to get a ridiculous tattoo, obviously can't swim but like to put on a pose, secretly smashing the glass of the car when someone refuses to take a ride, stealing other people's food, putting nails on the road in order to stop the car, at temple fairs Shang was beaten up for taking advantage of something and almost cheating...
And it was such a ridiculous and pitiful uncle who never complained of regret during his long journey, just to help the little boy realize his dream of seeing his mother.
Many people praised the experience of the two being left at an abandoned bus station for two days and two nights, but no one was willing to stop downloading their journey, saying that it showed Kitano's suppressed loneliness and alienation. It is also where the center of the film officially begins.
The climax of the film is when they find their mother's place to live, only to find that her mother has already remarried, and they have a new happy family, a family that the little boy can't get involved in at all.
Tugushi dealt with this situation in "The Alliance of Waste Wood": "Alas, my mother is not here, she may have gone far away, let's continue to look for it! Definitely, we will definitely find it! "
In order to comfort the little boy, Uncle Kitano almost used threats to deceive an angel's bell, saying that it was left to him by his mother before he moved out. As long as the bell is rang, the angel will appear to protect him. Zheng Nan rang the bell, but the angel did not appear, but the boy did not give up, he kept shaking, the bell of the angel symbolized hope.
The film did not end there, the little boy's journey to find his mother came to an end, and the big boy's journey began again. The thing that moved me the most in the whole film was not the scene where Uncle Kitano lied to Zhengnan about falling down the stairs after he was beaten for cheating at the temple fair, but that he suddenly ran to the nursing home to find his mother, but when he found it, he found it. The eyes that just looked away from a distance through the glass window. Behind the glass window, the eyes in less than a second, simple, pure, sincere, persistent... It is such a look, the status in my mind quickly surpassed those of Takakura Ken's tall back.
As a road movie, the scenery in the film is impeccable, from the frogs on the reeds in the water, the caterpillars eating the vegetable leaves, to the blue sea, the twinkling starry sky, the fragrant grass and the cicadas, the green mountains all over the eyes, plus All kinds of people encountered on the road, this is a summer style painting in the eyes of children. I don't know if it was to make up for the little boy or to make up for his childhood, Kijiro and three other men: Mr. Good Man, Fat Guy, Bald Guy, four marginalized people who were also abandoned by society, began to play with the little boy unscrupulously.
"It's just a group of boring and lonely adults who use the children as an excuse to play on their own." Takeshi Kitano explained.
With the blue sky above and the clear river around, Mr. Octopus, Mr. Alien and Big Brother Indian, together, played "One Two Three, Wooden Man" under the illumination of the Big Dipper.
The boy smiled and laughed happily, and he had an unforgettable summer. Kikujiro also smiled and laughed happily, and he also spent an unforgettable summer.
The angel's wings were shaking, and the little boy ran to the house step by step, stepping on the relaxing music and stepping on the sunshine that filled the road.
"I hope there is. Takeshi Kitano used the Big Dipper in the sky, the bell of the angel, the lush green, and the brisk steps of Masao at the end of the film. Kikujiro gradually showed his love and contented smile to express himself. A hope for life.
An endless road, a journey with no end in sight, the end point will return to the starting point, but in this summer's journey, two "boys" began to grow, start, and go home. "

2. Sure enough, history repeats itself. Zheng Nan's mother already has a perfect and harmonious new home, Zheng Nan has become redundant, and the big boy can only leave with the little boy sadly. The little boy whimpered with tears on his face; the older boy was numb with tears in his heart. When the sea breeze blew, the unwilling big boy wanted to return to question the woman, but he still gave up. We have reason to believe that the reason for giving up still comes from his childhood life experience. In the end, he only grabbed an angel's bell on the side of the road as a helpless prop to soothe the little boy's wounded heart. "My mother left it to you, just shake the angel's bell and my mother will appear." Of course, I can't see my mother with this wind chime, but this prop will become the best nutrient for the little boy to grow up alone in the future.

3. During the camping, Kikujiro visited his mother. Looking at her aging face from a distance, what kind of mentality would this man have? There are some unreasonable troubles similar to children, and he insists on leaving first. Fortunately, the heavyweight is also such a gentle person.
I like Mr. Bald. Dressed up as an astronaut under the moonlight, trying hard to recite the lines, waiting for the appearance of Zhenglang, looking forward to giving him the biggest surprise. As a result, it was only after a long, long time that everyone realized that everyone had forgotten his existence, and had already slept soundly. The astronauts didn't eat dinner, and such a statement made me squirt again. Octagon, Mr. bald who stripped naked.
Like Mr. Heavy. The seemingly fierce face has such a simple and honest smile. The wailing that fell from the swinging rope into the filthy pond, facing a group of people who escaped, did not forget to turn around and carry the luggage away. So respectful to Kikujiro, called Mr., Mr.
I like Mr. Good Man. Telling endless lies, but really kind enough. He will tell Xiao Zhenglang a story about the Big Dipper and send him back to Tokyo.

After collecting these, you probably know the story: a man took a little boy to find his mother, and experienced these things during the process.

The trick in this step is to find a movie review with the most complete story (such as the first step in this step), then read a few more, and excerpts to fill in the missing details in the original full movie review, and summarize them in a document, so that when writing Available anytime.

Friends who have written film reviews know that sorting out stories and finding details is very hard, and it needs to be watched repeatedly to confirm. And this step can help you save a lot of time, quickly clarifying the story and details.

At the same time, there will be some supplementary information about the background of the movie in the film review, such as director Takeshi Kitano's own evaluation of the movie scene: "It's just a group of boring and lonely adults who play on their own using the excuse of children." The music was made by Joe Hisaishi".

Copying these things is not plagiarism, and it can increase the depth of film reviews, which is an extremely useful method.

Step 3: Search for ideas

A film review is not just about telling the story, it also needs to have your own views and opinions.

But if it's a quick draft, you don't need to think about your own opinions at all, you can just "bring" other people's opinions.

After collecting long film reviews and golden sentences in the first two steps, you can easily find opinions and analysis in these passages.

for example:

"Gentle rogue" is an evaluation of the role of Takeshi Kitano in the film.
"The loneliness of two children" is a description of the situation of the two characters Kitano Takeshi and Masao, and it can also be an exposition of the main theme of the story.
"Even in the hot summer, it makes people feel cool and warm, and there are tears in the real laughter" , which is an expression of the viewing experience.
"In addition to the A side, Kikujiro has another B-side childhood. Kikujiro has been wandering at the door of an unfamiliar house and can't bear to go forward. Why? Because at that moment, he has completely changed from a pseudo-hooligan, an idiot, to a helpless big man. Boy. Facing the new home of Zhengnan's mother, he must have remembered a lot of past events. During the unbearable years in the past, has he ever found his mother who eloped with someone? Has he ever seen a scene that he is extremely unwilling to see? Ever been pushed and shoved and scolded by a new family to be excluded? It is because of this that a simple act can become so difficult for a big boy who has lingering fears. "This is a further excavation of the details of the film, so as to reason The life of another side of the protagonist Kijiro.
"Now, we finally understand why watching "Kiujiro's Summer", we will be full of tears and laugh. We laugh with relief, because the little boy not only brought Kijiro into childhood, but also brought us all in Honestly, who has no regrets in childhood? Although most people are not fatherless and motherless like Zhengnan, our father is not a prophetic Father, and our mother is not a merciful Virgin Mary. They are also born from their own imperfections. I grew up ignorantly in my childhood." This section is based on feelings and tells the reason why the audience's empathy occurs - we all have a broken childhood.

So far, we are all set. Next, I will wash this manuscript for everyone to see.

Step 4: Assemble the articles and complete the manuscript washing

We have collected movie stories, famous quotes, opinions and analysis before, and then we can assemble the manuscript.

Before that, you must have a general idea of the usual writing structure of film reviews (we're not going to do anything innovative after all)

Here I propose an idiomatic structure:

1. Opening quotation (you can use anything related to the movie, such as your personal experience of watching movies)

2. Story retelling (many readers from the media have never seen the movie, and retelling is a very important part).

3. Highlight certain characters, stories, and events to illustrate your analysis and point of view. The end.

In the opening quotation, I suggest writing most of it by yourself. A personal introduction can greatly erase the traces of your manuscript. I wrote it like this:

Every summer, I watch "Kiujiro's Summer" several times. Presumably due to living in the city for so long, my summers have become an escape from the heat. Close the curtains tightly and stay in the shadows. Once the air conditioner is turned on, the so-called summer will be wiped out, and it will be hard to find a trace.
But in Takeshi Kitano's "Summer of Kijiro", we can find the summer sky lost in our memory instead.
The sunflowers on the backpack, the angel's bells ringing, the lotus leaves on the top of the head, the green corn in the fields, and the summer wind blowing from the sea full of sunshine .
Summer is like this. It is so hot everywhere that people want to shrink into the ground, but a cool wind blows, and you think this is the most beautiful season.
As a road movie, every scene in "Chrysanthemum" is so close to summer and so far from the city. Therefore, we were quickly wrapped in the warm cicadas, in the light and bright music of Hisaishi, and spent this part of the journey with Kikujiro.

In the bolded part of the paragraph above, I used a short description of the movie scene from a previous review:

Many people are fascinated by Kitano Takeshi's props: the sunflowers slanted on the backpack, the potato leaves on the top of the head, the jingling angel's bell, the green plants on the field, and the blurred summer wind, Loud waves.

I dare to quote it because this is an iconic object in the movie, and everyone has written it in the same way, so I only adjusted the adjective. (I can't help but write about the sea breeze, right?)

There is another golden sentence:

But as long as there is a gust of wind blowing, summer is the best season of the year.

Too lazy to change, only two sentences.

Next, is the retelling of the story. In this link, there must be the character, behavior, important details and stories of the characters, and the choice of details should also be detailed. At the same time, "narrating and discussing" is a good way to play, and specific opinions can be used from previous film reviews.

Here's the beginning of my "story retelling":

The story tells the story of an uncle Kikujiro, a young boy, with a little boy Masao, to find his mother who has already remarried.
Kikujiro is a middle-aged man who has nothing to do. He bullies the soft and fears the hard all day long. Entrusted by his wife, he traveled with the neighbor's child, Masahiro, but lost all the tolls in the gamble, and finally had to hitch a ride to Tokyo on foot.
He is obviously not a gangster, but he has a scary tattoo on his back. Apparently he couldn't swim, but he pretended to be a veteran in the pool. In the end, he had to rely on the rescue team to pull him up from the pool. In order to catch a ride, he also used a big nail to puncture the tire of the moving vehicle. After being refused to ride in the car, he smashed the car window with a stone.
In the usual moral sense, this person is too bad, so bad that he should be sent to a Japanese court for a national public trial, so that people all over the country can see how despicable and wretched people can be.
But his despicableness is too unusual, and he always plays his cards out of common sense. When he saw someone else's bento at the bus station, he took the opportunity to exchange it with an orange, and hid behind the station and stuffed it into his mouth secretly. The peculiar behavioral logic makes people laugh out loud, and the bad things they do are like children shaking their wits, which makes the whole film a bit more comical.
And it was such a wretched and ridiculous uncle who embarked on a long and difficult road to find his mother for the wish of a child.

This step is about characters. Since Kikujiro is the protagonist of this movie, he is introduced in detail. It's pretty much the same way a lot of novels are written. Here are the two main paragraphs I copied:

Uncle Kitano Takeshi looks like a bumbling ruffian. At first glance, in addition to bringing us helpless laughter, it is a contrast to the various human conditions encountered along the way: perverted gay, innocent and kind hotel waiter, personality Different but equally enthusiastic lovers, wandering poets who travel around the country, underworld thugs who collect protection fees, car racers with disgusting faces... The world is not completely pure, but it is beautiful because of it.
No learning and no skills, doing nothing, bullying the soft and fearing the hard, preying on each other, having a low temperament, loving revenge, and taking advantage of small gains... Kijiro is such a middle-aged uncle who can be seen everywhere, because he lost money in gambling and had to hitch a ride to Tokyo on foot, obviously I have no background but want to get a ridiculous tattoo, obviously can't swim but like to put on a pose, secretly smashing the glass of the car when someone refuses to take a ride, stealing other people's food, putting nails on the road in order to stop the car, at temple fairs Shang was beaten up for taking advantage of something and almost cheating...

The discussion about "despicable and wretched" is also taken from the scattered narratives of these film reviews. I wrote the transition sentences, the concluding sentence, and that public trial metaphor.

Then I wrote a climax of the story:

The turning point of the story comes after the mother is found. Relying on all kinds of tricks and tricks, Kikujiro finally came to the house of Zheng Nan's mother, only to find that his mother had remarried and formed a brand new family, living a life that Zheng Nan could never get involved in.
At this time, Kikujiro's gentleness with a three-point hooligan temperament gradually showed. In order to comfort Masao, Kikujiro grabbed a bell from the roadside and gave it to him, and said that the bell was called "Angel's Bell".
"This is what mom left for you. Just shake the angel's bell and mom will appear."
Of course, the bell can never call back his mother, but Kijiro's lie can bring a touch of comfort to the little boy's heart and ease his lonely feeling of being abandoned.
In life, perhaps many people are looking forward to such a bell, but they can't wait.

Except for the last sentence, the above are similar passages from other film reviews:

1. The climax of the film is when they find their mother's place to live, only to find that their mother has already remarried, and they have a new happy family, a family that a little boy can't get involved in at all.
2. In order to comfort the little boy, Uncle Kitano almost used threats to deceive an angel's bell, saying that it was left to him by his mother before he moved out. As long as the bell is rang, the angel will appear to protect him. Zheng Nan rang the bell, but the angel did not appear, but the boy did not give up, he kept shaking, the bell of the angel symbolized hope.

Then write the final climax and ending of the story:

Although Zheng Nan didn't find his mother, he found another group of friends - Mr. Good Guy, Mr. Heavy and Mr. Bald.
Mr. Good Guy is an unknown writer who travels across the country in an RV, and Mr. Heavy and Mr. Bald are a motorcycle duo with no serious career. Under the leadership of Kijiro, four marginalized people who were abandoned by society started a wanton play. The purpose is to make Zhengnan happy.
But in fact, "it's just a group of boring and lonely adults who are playing by themselves using the excuse of children." As a director, Kitano Takeshi commented on this game.
Mr. Good Man tells the story of the Big Dipper in the moonlight. In order to save her mother who had a fever, the little girl carried a water bucket and walked a long way to find water. On the way, she met a thirsty puppy, and she fed it to the puppy. At this time, the water bucket turned silver, rose to the sky, and became the Big Dipper.
The story is a metaphor for the entire movie. I lack love, but I am willing to give love to others, thus turning the feelings between people into eternal stars. Kijiro is that kind little girl.
With the clear blue sky above their heads and swimming into the clear river water, they camped on the beach, played the roles of octopuses, aliens, and Indians, and played "One, Two, Three, Wooden Man" together under the illumination of the Big Dipper.
The boy smiled and laughed happily, and he had an unforgettable summer. Kikujiro also smiled and laughed happily, and he also spent an unforgettable summer.
I sat in front of the screen and laughed too. There is also a faint regret in my heart, and I always look forward to this summer will never end.

The story retelling still uses several articles, which are mixed together, and will not be presented separately here. The comment in bold is this short comment:

Angels will never come. But we still have the Big Dipper. (The origin of the Big Dipper: A little girl walked a long way to find water for her mother who had a fever, fainted on the road, woke up and saw that her water bucket was full of water, she was happy to run home , At this time, a very thirsty puppy came, she fed it with water, and the water bucket turned silver and rose to the sky. Even if she lacked love, she brought love to others, because there was a big bucket on her head. Everyone is traveling, with a purpose and no direction. Some people keep walking, some people stay in place, but we will all go through a lot of people, to meet, or to be met. Summer, that's the end of it. )

Many film critics have written here "with narration and discussion". Even if it is finished, we can still focus on expressing opinions and analysis. (A lot of material anyway)

So there is the third part, "The Other Side of Kikujiro":

In the whole movie, we saw Kikujiro, who advocates violence but is gentle in heart, and saw his kindness and care for Masao. And all of this stems from the other side of Kijiro - his own childhood.
From the scene where Kijiro brought Masao to see his mother, we can see the secret place in Kikujiro's heart.
As a perverse idiot, Kikujiro logically said that once he arrived at his destination, he would walk up to the door and knock on the door, saying some nonsense words.
Why, your house is really big, do you want to keep me here for a few days? It's troublesome to bring this boy, Zheng Nan. You can settle the toll for me.
But when Kikujiro walked to the door, he hesitated. He pulled Zheng Nan and watched the family of four on the opposite side enjoying themselves, and he couldn't bear to step forward. Kikujiro shouldn't be such a sympathetic person, otherwise he wouldn't put nails on the road of other people's cars, but at this moment he felt distressed for Masao.
There is only one reason, that is, Kikujiro himself has experienced similar pain, or was abandoned by his mother, or broke with the family, in short, he has not experienced a complete childhood with a family. So he hesitated.
Subsequent stories also support this. While camping, Kikujiro went to the nursing home where his mother was. Just as the nurse was about to lead him to visit his mother sitting in the dining room, he just glanced away through the glass, then turned his head and left.
We can't know what kind of grievances and grievances Kijiro had with his mother, but Kijiro's inner pain was really conveyed through that silent face.
So let's go back to the beginning of the film, where Kikujiro's wife, acting like a mother, scolded the three bad boys who smoked. And Kijiro stood aside, made a "yeah" gesture, and smirked at the screen.
At that moment, Kikujiro seemed like a silly child immersed in family happiness. All his life, he was constantly looking for ways to make up for the lack of childhood.
So he found a mother-like wife, and at the same time played with the children who had lost their mother.
Many people say that this movie is so gentle that it melts, but I see the loneliness of the two children in it. The big boy, Kijiro, and the little boy, Masao, walked hand in hand in a life that lacked love.
Perhaps this is the tenderness of "Chrysanthemum". Because our lives are full of imperfections and our childhoods are full of scars, we feel tender when we see the people in the film healing the wounds.
But this is also the loneliness of "Chrysanthemum", because it reminds us of the fateful pain again with a wonderful summer:
The regrets of childhood are placed there, without the soft ringing of the angel's bell, nor the bathing of the Big Dipper. In other words, we are never cured.

In the above part, I used the logic of a film review almost completely:

1. Kikujiro's first appearance was ignored by many viewers. In fact, it was the beginning of B's story, which played the role of an outline. Kikujiro's wife put on the face of a working mother and stunned the three smoking boys. Kikujiro, who was beside him, hung his head, looking like an idiot. When his wife tugged at his sleeve, he suddenly raised his head, stretched out two fingers with a smile, and swayed danglingly. The innocent smile and funny behavior did not match his age at all. , then suddenly appeared on the screen. Reminds me of Forrest Gump in Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump, whose intelligence is comparable to Kijiro, is so kind, sincere, friendly, and righteous, but Kikujiro is mistaken by the audience as an old gangster, an old villain, a petty philistine, and a demon king. Why is this?
The most fundamental reason is that the mentally handicapped Forrest Gump grew up under the warm wings of his mother, while the mentally handicapped Kikujiro's mother eloped with someone. Without the love and guidance of his mother, Kijiro, who has been ravaged by society since childhood, could not make moral judgments and integrate values in the complicated world. Whatever the society gave him, he would reflect to the society. In a sense, the mentally handicapped Kikujiro is like a superficial mirror, all the ugliness he presents are actually the brand that the society has placed on him. In other words, the ugliness of his body is the ugliness of this society! Now, how bad he behaves is, in fact, when he grew up a little bit, how many hooligans, thugs, philistines, and demon kings of the world ever had a crush on him. What a bad ass!
2. Let's imagine how Er Lengzi brought the boy to find his mother?
Bang the door, straight to the point. "Oh, it's as beautiful as the photo! Zhengnan, we finally found your mother!" "I can tell you, I brought your son here, but I suffered a lot and spent a lot of money. You have to say whatever you want. Make up for it? Oh, this is your husband? It looks like a rich man!"  …
Kikujiro has been wandering at the door of the unfamiliar house, unable to bear to step forward. Why? Because at that moment, he had completely changed from a pseudo-gangster, a dummy, to a big boy who was at a loss. Facing Zheng Nan's mother's new home, he must have remembered a lot of past events. In the unbearable years in the past, has he ever looked for his mother who eloped with someone? Has he ever seen a scene that he does not want to see? Has he ever been pushed and scolded by a new family? In this way, a simple act will become so difficult for the big boy who has lingering fears.
Sure enough, history repeated itself. Zheng Nan's mother already has a perfect and harmonious new home, Zheng Nan has become redundant, and the big boy can only leave with the little boy sadly. The little boy whimpered with tears on his face; the older boy was numb with tears in his heart. When the sea breeze blew, the unwilling big boy wanted to return to question the woman, but he still gave up. We have reason to believe that the reason for giving up still comes from his childhood life experience. In the end, he only grabbed an angel's bell on the side of the road as a helpless prop to soothe the little boy's wounded heart. "My mother left it to you, just shake the angel's bell and my mother will appear." Of course, I can't see my mother with this wind chime, but this prop will become the best nutrient for the little boy to grow up alone in the future.

If you are interested, you can compare the paragraphs above, and you can naturally find the similarities in the internal logic of the article.

In addition, if you have difficulty choosing materials and don't know how to retell a story, then read a few more articles, and you can naturally add in the details that others have written.

It took me about two hours to clean the manuscript and collect the materials. The full text is linked below this article.

Finally, an important reminder! ! !

This article mainly shows the washing process. It is not recommended for everyone to use this method to create, unless you are really faced with very boring work tasks (such as party application and ideological reports), or you are forced to write garbage to make money.

After all, the creative environment is so convoluted, and the media’s pursuit speed has been crazy enough to count in minutes, and sometimes it’s impossible to hold back a film review for half a month. At this time, washing the manuscript may also be a must-have choice.

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