Mulled wine (caramel, apple, cinnamon) with a word for girls

Member NFT empowerment of Cat Mint Bar

Cat Mint Bar NFT empowerment: a free drink of bartender, a snack every month, and a (fictional) story to read .

 Some people ask why it is called "Cat Mint Bar", which is a mistranslation of catmint (cat grass), because mint also means minting coins or NFTs.

The bar was opened by a group of NFT artists, offering members who own the Cat Mint Bar NFT, a free glass of bartender, a side dish, and a (fictional) story every month.

The image referenced by the signboard is a cat-themed gold coin:

2007 Manx Ragdoll Cat 1 oz Gold Bullion Coin

2007 Manx Ragdoll Cat 1 oz Gold Bullion Coin

Continue to tell the story of A Miao meeting a girl before she became a cat coin bartender.

It was decided that the girl's name was Edamame.

Because the word edamame is feminine. (However, it can also be positive if needed)

It was raining heavily outside, and Maodou's shrunken body was awakened by a phone call. He wasn't sure who it was when he heard a voice: "I can find you...", and the words stopped at the end, not knowing what to say.

It was only in my mind that the screen flashed out of the corner of the screen. Maodou's mobile phone was out of power. After connecting the charger, I gradually recalled that it was covered by the sound of pattering rain, which seemed to be A Miao's call.

The edamame's stomach sacs would sometimes shrink into a ball, and it would not even be able to react. The last time I was at Eslite, a certain writer's new book launch meeting, during the intermission, was chatted by the uncle sitting next door, and the conversation was intermittent. When leaving, just sitting on the locomotive, the uncle chased him out in an instant, hiding behind the door and only showing his upper body. Edamame had never seen such an elated male face, her face was so red and her ears were so thoroughly red, her facial features were all entangled. I thought to myself that I would never have anything to do with this old cup. I couldn't tell what kind of thoughts it was, but I still left my mobile phone number at the request of the other party, and then ran away, I just wanted to get out as soon as possible.

The call came, and Edamame went to the appointment. It was pity and curiosity.

They walked and chatted while taking drinks outside the juice shop by the lake. The uncle said that he was a national dance teacher and opened a dance classroom in his house. Dancing with a married student, falling in love with each other over time, caressing each other in the car, the woman finally pulled away suddenly.

"Uncle asked me, why is this happening? Obviously we all have obvious physiological reactions." While stating to A Miao, Maodou thought to himself, what kind of mental retardation method is this? Kinky stories get confused with facts.

A burst of unspeakable discomfort enveloped the edamame, and there was still half a cup of carrot juice straw left in his hand, and he couldn't finish drinking it. The uncle quickly grabbed it without wasting it and poured it into the watermelon milk that he had not finished drinking.

The orange liquid gradually melted into the light pink, and at this moment, Edamame's stomach shrank, and the stomach acid almost spurted out.

In the pouring rain, because the Edamame mobile phone was out of power, the conversation ended flatly, leaving A Miao with only one sentence: Can I go to you...(Can?)

It sounded like the other party was ashamed to finish speaking, and immediately regretted it, and hung up in a hurry. In Edamame's expectation, if Miao appeared at this time, it would seriously disrupt the order of the room, for sure.

So the edamame's stomach sac seemed to be convulsed and tightened, and it turned out that this feeling could not be called nausea. The phone that was connected to the power cord never turned on again.

In A Miao's room before, after a quiet night, Edamame slept on the floor beside the bed, even sounder than usual. Edamame's intuition was mostly correct, sleeping next to this person gave him a subtle sense of security. Before leaving, he saw a CD of The Cranberries on the bookcase. In exchange, he dug out a The Doors album in his bag and stuffed it with A Miao.

It seems that all people are attracted to edamame, but don't know why, maybe don't realize it. Then, edamame rejected everyone, and I don't know why.

A Miao, who was refused to answer the phone, rode a bicycle around in the rain for a few times and made fun of himself. He hid in the room and boiled mulled red wine for warmth. Stewed with cinnamon and red wine, chewing on what the edamame had told him: "You don't have to say or do anything, just be there."

So, today A Miao's appetizers are accompanied by a sentence that edamame said.

At least there was mulled wine, and the room was finally filled with a sweet and pleasant aroma, and the depths that had been quenched gradually expanded.


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