Questions about human relationships|About scars

Interpersonal relationships are the subject of recent breakthroughs

I've been having a lot of trouble with interpersonal relationships lately

not good at interpersonal communication

And it's limited to one-on-one tensions

Now it's become a big group where everyone quits in private

This incident really broke me down completely. I cried bitterly in front of my family and caused a lot of psychological scars.

There were not many girls in the company, but they quit the first time, it's really hard to accept

It makes me want to leave my current workplace, even if I have to run away with my tail between my legs, it doesn't matter

Because the severity is so severe that you will have heart palpitations, nausea, and difficulty breathing when you go to work, and you need to take sick leave.

But today I watched Teacher Tang Qiyang's 10/30 live broadcast on FB

I just found out that the teachers I'm going through now have all passed by.

Being bullied to the point of being scared to hear the names of certain people

Even seeing those few people made me very anxious

All need to go to the toilet to hide, or go to the warehouse to cool down, etc.

The teacher said that she later measured that she could get more experience in this workplace and get closer to fans, etc.

It's not just about money, but there are things that you want more that you don't have anywhere else

She just figured it out, so she made up her mind to hold on, and told herself not to be afraid

When you tell yourself not to be afraid, when you are bullied and indifferent, they bully you and make fun of yourself

After a few months even the person who bullied her quits

No one will bully her again, so she feels that this is the test God gave her

God touched her head and made her feel like she passed the test

I especially feel the last paragraph, so I probably wrote it down and shared it with you

 Someone left a message: "Why do hateful people keep hurting people?"
Teacher Tang said: "She hasn't suffered, this question is very interesting, he may have suffered too, but he has no wisdom, he actually uses energy to bully others, he is sending energy to you, energy is used on himself, energy It is a very precious thing. People who use it to bully others are achieving others, but they are not achieving themselves. Therefore, those who bully others will not end well. Have you ever seen bullying end well? So far I haven't seen it before, and my end is not bad. Now, I'm the one who was bullied. Have you seen me bully anyone? No."

Also mentioned in the live broadcast

"Only after suffering oneself can one know how to be considerate of others", so this is the starting point of gentleness.


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