[Classic Movie] Thrilling 1995 / The Shawshank Redemption - Busy Living, Busy Dying


In recent years, many classic works have been reproduced on the big screen. Stimulating 1995 can be said to be a classic among classics. It failed to catch up with 20 years ago, and now I have the opportunity to savor it in the cinema.

I couldn't catch up with the year when it was released. The first time I saw this film, it was at the school teacher's screening. As a college student, I don't really understand why this film becomes a classic. But some of the lines in the play are imprinted in my mind, the classics are not like this, plain but meaningful.

"Some people are busy living, some people are busy dying."

The most ironic joke in Sharkcastle is "I am innocent". While saying this, everyone just lived their lives day after day. When Andy played Mozart's Figaro Wedding Opera, everyone Something was touched in my heart, but Andy came out and told everyone, "They can shut me up, but they can't take away what's in my heart and mind." But for Andy, even though you can manage me, you can't control my thoughts. Only you can imprison yourself.

When Rhett told Andy, "Here, you don't have hope, hope is a dangerous thing", it was because he had forgotten what life was, just staying in this prison day in and day out. It was not until Andy escaped from prison and looked at the harmonica that Andy gave him that he remembered what life was.

Not only those people in Sharkcastle, the most terrifying thing is that even our ordinary life is like this.

A lot of times, we just live life day after day, "you hate him, you get used to him, and finally you get used to him"

Why is life in prison so regular? Because you need to get used to all this, just like we used to be in school, we have to abide by the rules, and in the company we have to abide by the rules, we just stay in different stages, stay in different systems, and are constantly standardized and institutionalized. We are asked to forget to think...

"Just to relive the free time..."

"He's just institutionalized..."

Andy was different from everyone from the very beginning. From the moment he helped everyone get beer when they went out to work, what he always wanted was to enjoy a moment of free time in the system and relive the beauty of life.

The 2019 NETFLIX annual drama - The Sinners, there is also a classic line in it, when you have no hope in life, you are afraid of life, but people in prison, it is neither alive nor dead, it just wants you to live like this. Why is the role played by Zhang Xiaoquan, said by his companions, as if he is watching Luoyin every day, echoing the "busy living, busy dying" said in the stimulation 1995.

So is Ruide, so is Zhang Xiaoquan... When you are in despair, your life has no meaning, but when you have suspense, your life has motivation.

To encourage each of us, when your life is compromised by reality, come back to watch this film "Stimulus 1995", and if you have hope in your heart, you will be "busy with life".


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