Life Notes – Stop the God of Fortune for me!

Wealth is loved by everyone, but what if it is hard to find it?

For the Chinese, the lowest and least ostentatious month of the year, the lunar month, July has finally passed. For the students, the happy summer vacation is coming to an end, and it is time to prepare to go back to school. Everything should calm down temporarily. Yes, but friends, pay attention to the things around you, it may give you unexpected gains!

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According to the "Thai Headline News" website, a couple living in Changwat Phayao recently went to a Thai barbecue restaurant in Chiang Rai to celebrate their birthday with their family. The boy "bited an unknown object" while eating snail meat. I thought it was because the small stones in the snail were not cleaned, so I spit out the snail meat, but after inspection, I found that the snail meat was covered with a pink-orange object similar to a bead, and then I checked it online. I know, it's the "Merlot Pearl" that is rumored to be very rare.

Merlot pearls come from a marine species called "Volutidae", nicknamed Melo snails. Pearls from Volutidae range in color from brown to tan, with orange being the most popular color, and it's not just that Merlot pearls are so sought after Their stunning color, unlike most pearls, contains no nacre, is made of calcite and aragonite, has a porcelain-like texture and a smooth hand, and has a glazed effect that looks like a flame that cannot be It is artificially bred, so it is particularly precious. The market price at auction can reach NT$3 million.

Merlot pearls are usually found off the coast of Myanmar and in the waters off the South China Sea, and merlot pearls can also be found in Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam.

When I saw that news, I couldn't help thinking, if people are lucky, they can't stop it! When I usually go to eat Buffet, I often take snail dishes. If I bite a foreign object, I must spit it out and throw it away, but maybe it was a hint from the God of Wealth, but I didn't get it! However, those wealth that are "off the beaten track" are more difficult to hold. Ordinary people like us can still work steadily and earn a decent amount of money. It is more realistic, but it is always good to keep your eyes open, pay more attention to everything, and make more friends. of .


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小小斜槓工程師我是個味覺白癡,味蕾分辨不出100塊的澳牛和1000塊的和牛差在哪裡,希望不要再打鐵了。 「打鐵」是指投籃不進,球打在籃框上就會聽到「噹」的一聲,就像鐵匠打鐵的聲音,有點引申為作白工的意思。 有拍盡力回拍,也歡迎關注,歡樂共享。
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