Quotation Sharing 01: Even when strong people are tired

Do you have a similar habit pattern? When bothering others, are you used to arranging things properly first by yourself?


In the near future, Xuanyin will share some of the creators' mood quotes in the "Echo" column.

Then, I will also write the content of the article that echoes the theme, please promote and support it!

This time I share a 179word article.

(Supplement: All parts of the article are shared with the consent of the parties.)

Do you have a similar habit pattern?

When bothering others, are you used to arranging things properly first by yourself?

Sometimes things don't go as expected, and you'll have a feeling of anxiety creeping up. It's not that we're incompetent, but that when we're so focused on the success or failure of something, we can't hear or see the discernment of other things.

Whenever this happens, you can make yourself offline or offline for a short period of time. For example, you are sitting in front of the computer and busy with work all morning, but you have to drive out important projects before you get off work. It's just that no matter how you modify it, you don't look satisfied. At this time, you can choose to leave your seat and go to the bathroom, go for a cup of coffee, or go to the smoking area to smoke a cigarette.

Let the tense nerves be relieved a little, and after you adjust your state, go back to your seat and continue the work just now. Maybe you will have different ideas or practices, right?

Quotations will be shared and connected in "pure text" mode. If you like this series of stickers, please support Xuanyin's creation. Your likes, shares, and comments are the biggest driving force for Xuanyin!


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玄音我是玄音,是以靈異、玄幻、寫實短篇風格為主。 本身對於插畫也有興趣,歡迎與我認識成為寫作小夥伴。
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【插圖】聖誕貓-Happy New Year !

