Cross-chain preparations are underway recently

Cross-chain preparations are underway recently

Before Maicoin did not support BNB, we found a way to switch to BNB.

On the FUSE network, you can use FUSE to cross the chain to BNB. I happen to have a GoodDollar that can be exchanged for FUSE, so I slowly save it and wait for the quota to be exchanged.

Because his cross-chain bridge has a minimum limit, he needs 100 FUSE, so he has to save it slowly.

But now Maicoin support can be changed to BNB, so it is a two-pronged approach, storing FUSE and Matic at the same time.


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LusiLusi,男同志,台灣, 出生於古代所以非常低調 如果你在下列地方看到的我大概率是真的, 其他地方可能是假的,保有都是假的的戒心即可 lusilu.eth也是我的,所以可以去看 <a rel="me" href="">Mastodon</a>
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