"The Apprentice" "White Eagle": Put down your pride, and the Tower of Ten Thousand Words will open for you.

As he spoke, he turned and walked into the tower, then looked directly at Gervey and asked, "So, do you know how to get in? Harold's Gervey?"
Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash, original image cropped and used. (https://unsplash.com/photos/tj24rcDcmkY?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink).

"He... conceded defeat?" Gervey was stunned by Owen's sudden surrender, but he was furious at the thought that he was just "letting him".

He shouted: "I'm a mage of Harold! Your retreat is an insult to me! We have nothing to fear!"

Ge Wei's hands condensed a ball of fire as soon as the voice fell, and aimed it at Owen, but he was unable to bear it at the moment, and the moment the spell let go, the flame dissipated in the invisible. Because of this, Gervey also slumped on the ground, lying on the ground panting, and Owen was not afraid of his anger, but said to him:

" Hey! I just wanted to help you, aren't you here to be an apprentice?" Owen folded his hands, sighed, and said, "Countless people have come knocking on the door over the centuries, but most have If you fail, do you want to give up?"

It was only now that Gervey realized that he was swept up in anger, that there was no point in wasting time here, and he knew that Owen was right. With his eyes closed, he quickly recited the motto of tranquility in his heart, forcing himself to regain his composure.

He recalled the time in the academy, the days of studying alone in loneliness, and the people around him gradually awakening with his talent and drifting away from him. He also knew in his heart that although he was talented in magic, this damn talent also cursed him, go back to the academy? He has no turning back at all. The Tower of the Archmage is his last chance to continue exploring his own power.

"I'm sorry, I apologize for my impulsive use of magic..."

"Me too, I just wanted to make a joke with you, but it got out of hand." Owen smiled and apologized again before Gerwie could finish his words.

Owen stretched out his hands, pulled Gerwie off the ground, and cast a simple recovery spell on him to make sure Gerwie could stand firm. Owen said, "Come here!" and beckoned Gerwie to follow. At this moment, he is standing in front of the gate of Wanyan Pagoda surrounded by trees.

Photo by mk.s on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/KGDVTn9lYDE?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink)

"You remember the tip I just said? The tip from Mei Mo." Owen said.

"Are you saying 'why did the archmage know the content of the recommendation letter without even reading it' ?" Ge Wei was still a little embarrassed when he remembered this, and his dark face turned red.

Owen stared at the other person's face, noticed Ge Wei's discomfort, and said after a pause, "Well... yes, this is a hint she gave, why do you think Meimo knows the content?"

"For the sake of safety, the academy sent the same letter to the Archmage?"

Owen rolled his eyes and said, "That's your answer?"

Ge Wei also noticed how stupid his answer was, so he could only silently accept the irony in the other party's words, and said:

"It's the Archmage who used mind reading on me, because I've seen the contents of this letter."

"Mind reading is limited by distance and the need to stare at both eyes. Even Mei Mo has to abide by the basic operating principles of the spell." After Owen finished speaking with patience, he added, "Think carefully and feel it. "

Ge Wei knew that the answer was still a long way from the correct answer. If he couldn't even get in the door, how could he become an apprentice.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, felt the sunset light creeping over his cheeks, felt the breeze brush his fingertips, and the smell of green grass mixed with the faint aroma of pine needles wafted into his nostrils.

Ge Wei unfolded his perception, brewed a simple spell in his heart, made his perception sharper, and tried to capture the traces of magic in the air. This is the basic spell of the mage, and more clues that are invisible to the naked eye can be found from the remnants of the spell. .

Magic is like a pot of soup that has been overturned all over the world, and those who understand the art can use it for their own use. Every spell cast will have an impact on this reality, no matter how small the spell is.

"I see." Gervey opened his eyes slowly, seeing Owen staring at him, Gervey continued, "Empathy, it's taking advantage of empathy."

Owen opened his eyes wide and said excitedly, "That's right!"

Photo by Esther Wechsler on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/Ty3C3cIRhug?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink)

"The remnants of the archmage's magic power are very obvious, almost a clear reminder." In fact, this undisguised spell, Gervey should have discovered it earlier, but perhaps this is why the archmage asked Owen to receive him: "It irritates me." Gervey thought this way: "Pride is the hallmark of wizards, and this is the message the archmage wants to give me: 'Let go of my arrogance .'"

Ge Wei continued: "When writing a letter, due to the concentration of thoughts, the intention of the writer is also wrapped in the text, so the archmage can know the content without opening the envelope. The biggest question is: 'how to Overcoming distance?" he said, pacing back and forth.

Owen leaned against the wall beside the gate, folded his arms around his chest, looked at Ge Wei who was calmly analyzing, and didn't intend to interrupt, just waited quietly.

Noticing Owen's gaze, Gervey turned to face the direction of the setting sun in the west, and pointed to the town and said, "This whole town is the domain of the Archmage, she uses the spell enchantment that covers the whole town, as long as she enters this area The people, things, and things inside are under the supervision of the archmage, of course, if she wants it! And there seems to be a special aura in the remnants of the spell..."

Owen stood up straight and said, "It's probably right. In short, 'empathy' is the correct answer. The moment you got off the boat, Mei Mo gave me this parchment." He turned and walked towards the tower. Go, then look directly at Gerwie and ask, "So, do you know how to get in? Harold's Gerwie?"

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/1bjsASjhfkE?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink)

Gevey faced the door again, closed his eyes confidently, and used his talent to explore carefully. Isn't this secret spell and secret mechanism his best at?

"Put down your arrogance," Gervey whispered inwardly.

He surreptitiously glanced at Owen with his squinted left eye open, then closed it immediately. Feel the faint remnant of the spell in the air, which is shrouding the gate of Wanyan Tower, feel the intention left by the will of the Archmage at the entrance, understand the words of the caster, and synchronise your thoughts with the opponent.

Knowing the composition of the spell, Gervey drove his talent to slowly cover, climb up the invisible door, and explore the secrets of the spell's door.

"Yes, finding the secrets of this world is my talent."

Ge Wei is full of confidence. At this moment, he has the power and smiles confidently, and what I can see from Owen's eyes is the afterglow of the setting sun behind Ge Wei, like a thousand rays of light blooming behind him.

Ge Wei stretched out his hand, and on the left side near the door, the completely empty place seemed to grab something, and turned it gently, and the door of the Archmage's Tower gradually emerged and slowly opened.

"Hello, Harold's White Eagle, the Tower of Ten Thousand Words will open for you to listen to your requests."

Owen smiled and waited for Gervey behind the door.

The Apprentice series of articles:

  1. "Apprentice": A prequel to the story that begins with community activities, Mei Mo appears, and Ge Wei casts divination spells with amazing momentum.
  2. "Secrets": Author's Preface (planting the seeds of stories, stories are like beasts), Gervey's talent, where secrets hide.
  3. "Temptation": Owen's temptation, and Gervey's vanity.

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