[Transportation of Yanfeng] Danwan Lunpo and Xiaogao Kazugang's "violent aesthetics"

| Author: Amazawa Tortoise | | Editor: RuaYiii

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Yanfeng Animation Club 2021-11-25 22:22


After achieving "financial freedom" after the college entrance examination, the first game I bought was none other than "Danwanonpo 2: Goodbye Desperate Academy" . Whether it's the grotesque worldview of "Danwan Lunpo", or the nonsensical and unethical values it contains, it attracted me "morbidly" and made me interested in this "cannibalistic" campus.

Taking advantage of the dim light of the screen in the dormitory, I finished all the works of the "Danwan Lunpo" series - this includes the "Danwan Trilogy", two fan dramas and an OVA (there should be a rumored novel, a rumored game, etc. , let's put them aside for now), which made me feel incredibly refreshed and inspired me to write a push (bushi).

However, before boasting about the originality of the story and gameplay of "Danwan Lunpo", there is a problem that needs to be solved urgently: Ignore A Xu's cliché for the time being ("Those who seek reality in the virtual world must have problems with their brains"), As a game of "three views are biased", why does Danwan Lunpo attract us to realize its so-called "hope and despair" ? Therefore, we cannot but talk about Xiao Gao and Gang, as well as his violent aesthetics.

(As an aside, there is a stage play at the Winter Festival that will have a small character appearing (yes!) , holding "If you can write an article to help the audience have a deeper understanding of the characters in the stage play, the perception will definitely be improved. Let's go." This idea is still finished after a long time of pigeons! This article only represents the author's personal opinion and is suspected of a lot of spoilers, please read it carefully. )

spread out the chessboard

// School //

This is a school that symbolizes hope .

The private Hope Peak Academy is a place where successful people come out in large numbers. Students who can enter this school have extremely high talents in their respective fields. They are called "super high school level" and symbolize the hope of the world's future. Therefore, being able to enter this school to study means that life has stepped into the door of success.

Unfortunately, hope is mixed with a seed of despair . With the help of other "super high school level" powers, she manipulated the minds of preparatory students who did not have talent, making them despair of everything in the world. In the end, 2,357 students in the preparatory discipline committed suicide collectively, and the flower of despair bloomed, and the pollen of despair will also be scattered all over the world...

// world //

This is a world full of despair .

People who were dissatisfied with the mass suicide incident expressed their dissatisfaction with the society, but no one expected that this would turn into a global riot against "the strong oppressing the weak". But it didn't take long for this to turn into an event of sheer desperation - despairing people killed each other aimlessly out of desperation, culminating in wars between nations under the influence of desperation. The world is in turmoil because of despair, and the absurd because of despair .

Faced with such a situation, the faculty and staff of the former Hope Peak Academy established the "Future Agency" and actively fought against the forces of despair. The story unfolds...

fiddle with pawns

The board has been distorted, but fortunately the pieces can still be roughly divided into two categories: black and white .

"Black Queen"

Enoshima shield

The "queen" of Black Chess is called Enoshima Shield , and he calls himself "Super High School-level Despair" (the reason why the shady story was exposed as soon as he came up is because Shield's reputation is already familiar). Secretly, she manipulated the "black and white bear" to monitor the cannibalism of the students; after being exposed by the protagonist and his party, she readily confessed her crime, experienced all the executions, and feasted on the despair in it.

Interestingly, Enoshima Shieldko does not seek to destroy the fame and fortune brought by the world. In her own words, bringing despair to the world was enough to please her . But what's more interesting is that we don't simply think of shields as "pleasure criminals". Just as we are defined as human beings, "despair" is the definition of Enoshima Tsukiko, and the pursuit of pure despair is the criterion for all her actions. This is an inescapable and indisputable fact for those with "super-high school-level" talent.

Compared with Enoshima Enoshima's dedication to despair and single-mindedness, the situation on White's side is much more complicated. From the plot point of view, the protagonist Makoto Naomu and his party defeated Dunzi and led the surviving students to escape from the campus of cannibalism, which is regarded as "super college-level hope", which is naturally a generally recognized fact.

And the author thinks: In the second generation, the concept of hope has been sublimated distortedly by someone, who is Komaeda Nagito, who is called "the leader of the hope sect" .

"Hope Master"

Komaeda Nagi

"Super high school-level luck" - the appearance of Komaeda has put a wonderful "stain" on the bright and beautiful word "hope": he does not think that hope is unique to just and innocent students; On the contrary, he believes that even the criminals who commit crimes have the same hope - those who kill to survive, their hope of survival will be even stronger than that of other students. Therefore, in pursuit of a strong and beautiful hope (Sparassi!), Komaede does not hesitate to assist criminals in committing crimes.

After learning the cruel truth that "he was a desperate remnant", in order to force out the dark side of the incident, he did not hesitate to plan a carefully disguised "homicide" case, and finally used his "super high school-level luck" ability. Let the shady kill himself - that is, the fifth chapter of the second generation. Now the author has finished the whole case with a few spoilers here, but at the time when I was playing, my whole body was shaking because of such an awesome modus operandi. I have to admit that the wonderful crime realized because of "talent", "this is the modus operandi that can only be realized in "Danwan Lunpo" .

Komaede broke the traditional perception that "hope and beauty are the same": he did not hesitate to dip the white paper named "hope" in the ink of "despair" and mix it in a circle, even if you can't identify this one The outline of the paper, he believes: as long as the essence of "this is a piece of paper" has not changed, then this lump of matter is worth protecting by him. Compared with Makoto Naoki, Komaeda's pursuit of extreme and morbid hope is more able to make it compete with "super high school-level despair" (it's broken, I also become a believer of Hope).

We might as well say that the core contradiction of Danwan Lunpo is the unbalanced contradiction between hope and despair -desperation pursues destruction, hope prays for light, and the earth as a bargaining chip swings at both ends of the scale, creating this bold and crazy world.

So the question arises: which side should we choose? If the answer we blurt out is still hope, then naturally it also contains the deformed "hope" that Komaeda admires. Isn't this what we should also pursue? Or, if the pursuit of human hope means sacrificing the ego, can this still be considered our "hope" ?

"The future of super high school"


You can't blame me for not being able to find a single-person portrait. The P station has turned dozens of pages and it is full of CP pictures.

Happily, the protagonist of the second generation, Sou Hyuga , gave his answer. At the end of the game, he is forced to make a choice: should he choose the despair of sacrificing the world for his own happiness, or the hope of saving the world at the expense of himself?

Fortunately, Brother Chuang made the most correct decision: to bear "hope" and "despair" at the same time, to create his own future. If the hope of "seeking survival in the cracks" itself is worthy of praise, then breaking the binary opposition and seeking a vague but bright future , Hyuga Soru may realize the true meaning of living in a cruel world...


The truth? What is the truth?

We seem to have made a mistake: we can never seem to be able to call the theory put forward by an "anime character" true , because there is some higher existence that cannot be ignored - the existence of "we" .

Chess player

The most surprising thing in the world of Danwan Lunpo V3 is the Meta element at the end - the NPC in the game boldly confessed the fact that "Danwan Lunpo" is a game, and boasted that the story of "cannibalism" will never be It's over, because the world's thirst for a game of "cannibalism" is forever.

Playing here, players can't help but scolded the street more or less: What kind of NT screenwriter is this, who dared to slap the player in the face after finishing it at the end? At this point, we have to introduce the protagonists of the story - Xiao Gao and Gang .

Don't say anything, shout first: "Let fly Xiao Gao!"

As the main screenwriter of the "Danwan Lunpo" series, Xiao Gao and Gang's greatest contribution to the game is to come up with countless plots that make players desperate (including but not limited to losing his father, wife, friends, etc. at the beginning). But the strange thing is that although the player shouted "Flying Xiaogao", he was really immersed in the story of "Danwan Lunpo" and couldn't extricate himself (oh, me too, that's fine). Therefore, at the end of the entire game, Xiao Gao finally truly released himself, pointed his finger at the player, and shouted: "You thought the characters in the game were your wife, but you have considered that your wife is forced to participate in cannibalism. feeling?"

Therefore, it is not surprising that the real protagonist of V3 finally took the action: he chose neither despair nor hope, but at the same time he did not even pursue his own hope -in order to make the 53 chapters "self-contained" Cannibalism" life has come to a "satisfactory" end, so let this stupid academy bring itself and blow it up. With this thought in mind, the "Danwanonpo" series is indeed the real end.

Speaking of this, the author can't help but think of an unrelated work - "Three-Body Problem", a critic commented: "Da Liu's Three-Body Problem 1 and 2 build a wonderful Three-Body Problem, while the Three-Body Problem. 3 has expanded the worldview to the entire universe, reaching a new peak." I personally think that "Danwan Lunpo" is similar to this. The first and second generations tell a story of hope based on a world of despair, while the third generation breaks the "third wall" between characters and players, making the work sublime.

What I have to talk about is that, as a rookie screenwriter with no achievements and no backing, Xiao Gao became famous in the first battle with "Danwan Lunpo", which is inseparable from his innovativeness in worldview and character characterization. In a desperate world where rationality is worthless and humanity is declining, it calls for "trust" and "hope", designs rules to limit the actions of the murderer, and guides players to find the murderer calmly and rationally, which naturally greatly motivates It increases the passion of the players and makes the players more resonate with the works.

In addition, as an "all-star" game, one of the things I am very pleased with is that each character in "Danganronpo" is well-characterized , and no one is too prominent to cause other characters. The situation that was ignored; in fact, the ability of Xiao Gao and Gang to shape the characters is really average, which can be seen from "The Evil Jade of All Members". However, the setting of "super high school level" makes Xiao Gao not need to draw too much time to describe the diversity of each character's personality , but to emphasize the core setting of each character. Therefore, many characters in "Danwan" have left a deep impression on me, such as Tanaka's eye snake dream of the second generation. As a "secondary disease", he practices respect for life in a world of moral decay; Three generations of Wang Ma Xiaoji, he wrapped himself in layers of lies, but after unfolding all the flaws, he was still an unpredictable heart...

Through "Danwan Lunpo" and through these group portraits, what does Xiao Gao want to convey to the players? Players have different guesses about this, but in the interview, Xiaogao admitted frankly: " Actually, I have nothing to convey, neither I want to convey any ideas, nor do I expect people to gain something in the game. I am just as an entertainment product producer, It's just a fictional story." "(Characters) also have their own philosophical collisions in the dialogue between the grade judges. I hope players can experience something from it. In order to make people feel, the outlook on life of all the characters has been carefully designed. The philosophical opposite of things, including these are all seriously done" [1]

In other words, Xiao Gao did not pray that he could bring players a reflection on human nature through his "violent aesthetics", but gave each player the criteria for judging each character . [2] On this black and white chessboard, the game between the two players is the game between Xiao Gao and his production team and the players. It's a pity that, no matter the player's strategy, the profit will always be Xiao Gao - it is the player's different views on the game's connotation and its characters that actually present this illusory and unreal world three-dimensionally in the world. In front of it, the more profound charm of "Danwan Lunpo" is displayed.

refer to

[1] Zhihu "Danwan Lunpo" 10th anniversary interview: a 10-year legend intertwined with hope and despair: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/339046572

[2] Interview with Xiao Gao and Gang in "Danwan Lunpo V3" https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25536873

At the end of this article, please allow me to express my most sincere feelings for "Danwan Lunpo":

Ah, ah, Miss Sinmu Mikan, I like you, your smile is so cute, your crying face is so cute, even if you accidentally fall and give benefits, you are so cute, ah, ah, ah, ah, for you, I want to become a desperate remnant, and I want to write despair Tweet your desperate beauty to the world woo woo Miss Sinmu I want to be your dog but you said you wanted to be my dog I cried and I wanted to jump out of here but if you get bullied like this What should I do? You have to cherish yourself a lot. Stand up and let your classmates see the charm of being a health committee member.

Great きだよ, みんな!

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