like now

The most powerful collection of graphic poems by two senior Korean creators.
Image source: Eslite Online

Can you believe the illustrator of the book cover is 95 years old this year? And the author of this collection of poems is also 78 years old. Do you feel inspired by the cooperation between the two senior creators? At least for me, the heart at the moment is very shocking, and I can't help but wet my eyes while admiring it. I was deeply moved before I opened this book.

Luo Taizhu is a very well-known poet in Korea. He has been writing poetry for 60 years in his life. Because of his reputation, he went to read his poetry collection "Looking at You Like a Flower", but I prefer this one. "As It Is Now" is not only accompanied by illustrations that are full of healing and warmth, but the poem itself is also more simple and simple. Perhaps it is to complement the illustrations of the illustrator, Grandma Jin Dooye, so the content of the work revolves around people. The feelings, daily scenery and natural ecology are as ordinary but powerful as the words uttered by three or five friends sitting in the shade of a tree chatting.

Image source: blog

The paintings presented by Grandma Jin Douye in this collection of poems have many scenes of blooming flowers, as well as endless green rice fields. People and animals are mostly accompanied by groups. The bright colors make people feel full of confidence and hope for the future. .

Image source: blog

The poet Luo Taizhu also depicts the setbacks and partings of life in his works, but he does not express excessive sadness, but interprets them with a clear and open-mindedness. These experiences are the inevitable process of life and the obstacles we have to overcome. And we are still working hard, and the author is using the identity of a past person to encourage us. Maybe when we are as old as the author, we will all look down on everything, and we will miss the hard years now!

This collection of pictures, texts and poems is very suitable to be bought for collection or to be read in a bag. It has the magical power of stabilizing emotions. As long as we think about the two old creators who are still energetic and continue to create, it also encourages us to Cheer up and live our own beautiful life.

Featured Psalms:

our home 1

Even if thieves come to our house
He also has nothing to take with him
But our home is for me
like a palace
because our home
nothing a thief needs
But there is something I desperately need


Let's not change our minds
The moment this sentence is spoken
Evidence of change of heart

January 1

Too much water in the pot and the flower will wither
If you give too much love, the other person will also leave
Willful and stubborn
I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you
What I will do in the new year
try not to miss you
try not to bother you
try to put away love
then you
send to a distant place
put wings behind you
goodbye, live well
I will look at the balloons floating in the sky

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