Taiwan is engaged in the Boxer populist movement


I just saw on the Internet that Jianwangsan and the Taiwan server have stopped cooperating.

Jianwang III was on 4.4, and the server was suspended for a day, but its Taiwan server did not stop. Some people in it had to post: Wuhan pneumonia in China; they were banned, and more Taiwanese players began to post: "China", "Wuhan pneumonia in China"... This led to disputes between game companies on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The agent in Taiwan said that he wanted to safeguard "freedom of speech", so he stopped the service.

Relevant comments on Weibo are very hawkish towards Taiwan - however, it must be said: this is caused by the anti-China reaction of Taiwanese netizens...

You have to know that the young people in the mainland basically didn't care much about Taiwan, and they didn't have the feelings of the older generation for Taiwan. The international status of the mainland and Taiwan is very different, and Taiwan has no sense of existence. It's the so-called feeling of "accidentally driving over and running over you without noticing"...

However, the long-term anti-China rhetoric of the Taiwanese has made mainland young people generally have no favorable impression of Taiwan.

Taiwan uses the so-called "freedom of speech" as a shield. Well, you have freedom of speech, but you have to pay the price for your choice. Your freedom of speech hurts the feelings of the people in mainland China. Can I not cooperate with you?

Your freedom of speech can insult the mainland is Taiwan's standard, then the mainland follows the mainland's standard: the civil war between the two sides of the strait is not over, and you can continue to fight against Taiwan, so what do the people of Taiwan listen to? How are you?

I have repeatedly persuaded Taiwanese netizens to be wise and not self-willed; the United States can be a hooligan because it is the strongest; Taiwan does not have the capital, and it has to repeatedly provoke the mainland and hurt the feelings of the mainland people. Isn't this the Boxer? Playing with fire and setting yourself on fire, what are the benefits to Taiwan?

Now that the DPP has been in power for four years, the official confrontation between the two sides of the strait will continue; the confrontation between the people will become more and more serious. Taiwanese like to say: That's because you bullied me first, and I just fought back. But whether the egg hits the stone or the stone hits the egg, the egg is injured. Don't the Taiwanese people understand this truth?

Take this example as an example, the mainland game was suspended for one day, but after negotiation, it was decided not to require the game's Taiwan server to be suspended. Why do Taiwanese have to provoke the mainland? It is not a lie that populism can destroy Taiwan.

Some people may say that it is the words and deeds of a few people. But

1. Now is the Internet age, the words and deeds of a few people will be magnified. It was rumored.

2. A pot of mouse feces, a pot of soup.

3. It is also an uncivilized behavior for a few people to urinate on the side of the road when the mainland travels freely to Hong Kong. However, Apple Daily calls mainlanders locusts, and mainlanders are generally discriminated against when they go to Hong Kong. Are we not wronged?

On the one hand, Taiwan is at a disadvantage of the forces on both sides of the strait; on the other hand, social values do not want to restrain Taiwan's populist anti-China remarks; the final result must lead to mutual hatred between the two sides of the strait. When they hate each other, the two sides will fight each other. The result of the struggle must be Taiwan's defeat. Of course, Taiwan will say: "Why don't you reflect on why Taiwan is anti-China, because you bullied me first"... Let me give an example:

It's like my grandfather killed your grandfather, your dad killed my grandpa, my dad killed your dad; you killed my dad...a feud, and now I'm suddenly very strong, and I'm coming to kill you. You told me: both of us are at fault, and it was your grandfather who did it first. Your family's injustice came first, so you shouldn't kill me.

But to me, my grandfather and father were both killed by your family. Now that I am capable, it is only natural to seek revenge from you...

It is difficult for people to understand each other. You want me to give up avenging my father and grandfather and think from your point of view. , in this case, it is even more difficult...

Therefore, Taiwanese people should be more wise... If you continue to criticize because Beijing suppressed you first, so you are not guilty of hating China, and it is justified; then the people on both sides of the strait may really come to a dead end.

Taking history as a mirror, a bright mirror hangs high; I hope people of insight in Taiwan can take the lead as a warning to the death of the Boxer Regiment...

Appreciate the end of the article.


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