[Painting Relay] Mid-Autumn Festival Painting: Prison Rabbit Pounding Shemale Chicken

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, some Sha has a little brain hole. 🤣🤣🤣

❀ Antecedent summary❀

Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival.
Yesterday, after the article " Mid-Autumn Festival ☆ Furnace Promotion: Free Entry for a Limited Time " was released~
So far, it has been found that 16 works have been successfully marked with the hashtag #中秋painting .

I was moved to see everyone participating so enthusiastically~
A certain Sha had to lose but not lose, so hurry up and draw a picture XDDD

This time, let's create a picture for the Mid-Autumn Festival.
When it comes to the Mid-Autumn Festival, I think of Tutu, and when it comes to Tutu, I think of " Prison Rabbit "

Friendly reminder:
  • An unofficial event, # Mid -Autumn FestivalPainting and #PaintingRelay are linked!
    🔗 For the description of this painting relay activity, please go " this way " .
  • A graphic work can participate in both sides✦ (ฅ^>ω<^ฅ)

❀ Hand drawn illustrations❀


Prison bunnies are cute.
So, Mousha opened her mind~

The Mid-Autumn Festival reminds people of the moon rabbit pounding mochi, so the rabbit is on the moon.
But prison rabbits don't have mochi, so what do they have?

That's right, it's the famous shemale chicken✦
Therefore, the picture becomes a bit of a strange and strange picture of "Prison Rabbit Beating Shemale Chicken" .

Killian Lek (Pink Rabbit) took a wooden pestle and was about to knock Komaniki (shemale chicken), but the result was green juice (?)
Putin (Green Rabbit) was eating moon cakes while watching how the battered shemale chicken was stabbed. 🤣

As for the background?
Be lazy and be lazy, or put a globe on it✦
Because these "moon rabbits" and chicks are on the moon~🤭🤭🤭

❀ Painting process❀

Paint to the point of breaking

In fact, I originally wanted to paint a little more detailed, such as the texture of the wooden pestle.
It's a pity that the drawing book used this time is a cheap one that I bought before, and the paper is very thin.
No need for white, I painted it, and then I almost broke it when I painted it! (つд⊂)

Fortunately, overall, it feels pretty good. XDDD
The appearance of the prison rabbit is relatively simple, so it is not too difficult to draw three at a time~
Done in three hours ✦

That is to say, I still owe a long list of illustrations for the painting relay series...
As well as the series of birth flowers that had accumulated fake vaccines before, I suddenly felt that I couldn't finish painting every day. ( ×ω× )

In short, continue to draw according to the progress that can take into account your health!

🍵🔥🥩\ Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone/🌕🥮🐇

This limited unofficial event will only end tomorrow (23:59, UTC+8 time zone), so be quick to draw~✦

🎈 Indicate at the end of the article (*´ω`)person(´ω`*)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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