A few questions to ask about God, I mean, ask yourself first (9)


I mentioned evolution theory last time, and then I want to talk about the following issues in a slightly broader scope:

Will theology and science conflict?

Before I talk about this issue, I want to explain that I don't really want to fight the issue of the literary and scientific group, because it is a problem of the education system, and it seems that the ancestors of Wenzu have no scientific mind... Although this seems to be the whole world There are common problems, but I think no matter what subject you study, you should have a correct understanding of science. I am not only talking about people in the literature group, but also people in the science group. I found that people who really know what science is Not much.

Do you think I know?

Yes, I just know, otherwise Le!

Of course, you can look up dictionaries, look up Wikipedia, they will give you a lot of scientific and operational answers, but if you only know that, it is definitely not enough.

What you should know is scope and limitations.

(As for philosophy, since no one fights philosophy--except for the way out of graduation, I will ignore it for now.)

As I said before, all knowledge that involves "seeking the unknown" begins with theology.

If you know where to gather berries, that's known knowledge, not theology. If you know where the mammoths gather, that's known knowledge, not theology.

But if you predict that the tree will still have berries next year, and that the mammoth will still come to this puddle next year, that becomes theological, because you are prophesying.

Later, everyone found out that this is really the case, and it happens every year. This matter has become common sense. Through observation and induction, everyone noticed the laws of spring, summer, autumn and east, so scientific observation brings knowledge, and science can be used to deal with "already" The knowledge of "existing" can be used to "discover".

And more and more are discovered, and it continues to be "discovered" to this day.

During this period, theology kept going backwards until one day someone suddenly felt that theology was useless because he couldn't use it to discover any existing "things" and declared that theology was useless.

Don't think this is a new thing. In fact, primitive people have already thought this way. Whenever there is a scientific victory, someone will declare that theology is useless.

Once again, the rate of religious belief among modern people is higher than in ancient times. In ancient times, belief was usually forced by political factors, and theology was also responsible for scientific tasks in those days (what do you think is the reason why Muslims and Indians are strong in mathematics? How many chemistry studies have been achieved?), so many people believe all of them in a daze, but in fact have not seriously thought about theology at all.

Again, believing in God may be easy, but knowing God is a completely different level.

This is where the common misunderstanding lies, also for answering questions, science is for "discovering what already exists", but theologians are for "explaining the root behind the reasons of science".

Yes, the root.

I often use the concept of approach in calculus to explain that science can only approach the wall of truth, but it is also destined to only approach and never touch.

In fact, the most advanced physics or mathematics are generally similar to metaphysics, because they are always approaching the final solution. Unfortunately, the nature of science makes it always only approach.

As another analogy, you can imagine two bubbles, one wrapped around the other. The bubble inside is the scope of science, the middle of the two bubbles is the scope of theology, and the infinite mystery of truth is outside the two bubbles.

Now we keep blowing up the bubbles inside. The more you blow, the more human knowledge expands, which is really amazing.

But you are still in the inner layer, and you can only be in the inner layer. This is science.

Of course, the theology outside is also getting bigger, because it is expanding with the science.

But it is also getting thinner and purer, because theology no longer has to be burdened with scientific tasks that did not belong to it, and can concentrate on the task of contacting the truth.

And everyone should know that the theology that can be understood by human cognition, compared to the infinite truth of the Most High, is still only fine dust and sand.

This is what everyone must understand. Science has its limits. If you don't have this knowledge, your understanding of science is wrong. You "have no scientific thinking" because that is the essence of science, but you are just superstitious about science. Your thinking is not scientific in nature.

But on the other hand, for theology to expand, it needs science, not denying science. You must understand that science, as a piece of God's truth puzzle, has a reason for its existence, because God says everything is good, don't forget these universes Rules are tools created by God, and science is absolutely a necessary part of learning if you want to truly understand God.

What I'm saying is not that you have to understand quantum mechanics or relativity, but that you should think about what science itself means to you... Yes, this part is very philosophical, there is no way, science and philosophy are originally drawn from theology In fact, science and philosophy were all part of theology in ancient times, and they were all mixed together. Today, these two tools are just disassembled and simply studied, but if the tools lose their purpose, they are of no value.

Theology is the purpose for which these two tools exist. You say that science is used to benefit mankind, right! What could be more beneficial to mankind than theology? Are all the values and cultural customs you have experienced in your life based on theological foundation?

Not to mention the aftermath of your death!

As for what you said, science, philosophy, and theology have all screwed up and persecuted many people, and they are still going on today.

Yup! Because we are all sinners, and as I said above, because most people simply don't study theology, science, philosophy.

I just didn't study well!

Besides, we often make mistakes!


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