Prose|Green Grassland

Nature is our good friend. Since ancient times, we humans and nature have survived in peace. It is the object we rely on. We have taken root here, but it does not mind.  Animals in general, work hard for survival , what we forget is - we are also a member of the biological chain ,  But after thousands of years of development, we have long lost the emotion of caring for them, we have become selfish, use more A lot of nature, forcing  other animals to leave , have we ever wondered how we would react if we were the one being forced out? 

Under the shining sun, there is a fresh breath;

Green comes from the earth, the green flowers and plants that the breeze blows over and over again;

I smell the scent of flowers,

Refreshing me, I am surrounded by the scent of flowers;

Colorful and colorful, in fact, not only green grass, but also purple, red, and yellow;

The little yellow bees are looking for their delicious lunch, and the little insects spend their ordinary time leisurely,

Ya, ya, ya, I saw countless birds of prey from the sky - eagles looking for prey,

There are also many white pigeons, in fact, they are very lovely;

There are squirrels from the tree, they are small and exquisite, and they are extremely cute, and their little hands are working hard to break the pine cones-

that is their food,

I took the camera and approached this happy nature carefully, not wanting to frighten them or distract them;

Now human beings touch nature too much, we have affected nature's recuperation,

Can many small animals say that we are selfish because we need to relocate? If we were forced to relocate -

How much reason do we have for the township government to investigate and compensate them, then what do we compensate them for?

Many migratory birds are forced to move to uncharted territories, where they originally set their homes early in the four seasons.

Decades of unchanged now actually have to change, climate change even if they have to make a decision,

The green woods have become unpopular, and everything has changed except the cold wind;

What should have appeared disappeared, and the scope of sweating to nature was narrowed,

Humans hope to have more living space, weight lifters and high-rise buildings have narrowed the scope of nature,

Have we asked their opinion?

More absorption of the atmosphere of nature can make us calm down, forget the hard work at work, the problems in life,

Sitting in the park in your spare time and listening to the sounds of nature, everything in the world seems to be imprinted in your ears,

It is clearly visible and can be felt even if you close your eyes, this is the gravitational force in the universe,

In fact, we are all members of the biological year, we are all a kind of animals, but our communication methods are different;

We need food, sleep, emotions, we can't live alone, we need to breathe...

Most importantly - we can all feel the living breath of everything in the world.


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寫作之貓2022 年開始寫作,22 在布里斯托學習歷史, 一個武術家、歷史學家、作家,一個仔細考慮自己未來的人,喜歡享受。 源自亞洲,崛起於歐洲。
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吉旺特山脈與“救國的”沉睡的騎士傳說 (Giewont)

