Happy Experiment Record ♥ Break up peacefully with the Volunteers of Insect World

Thank you for everything that is willing to part with me peacefully~

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally came up with a beautiful and elegant name for the daily insect world, in order to expect them to live in a beautiful and elegant manner, respecting each other and not interfering with each other.

If you call others Xiaoqiang every day, you will become stronger and stronger; if you think people are annoying every day, then you will become more and more annoying. The volunteers in the article are more stylish, and are nicknamed by the mosquitoes and cockroaches. We are serious and determined to learn from them and find the opportunity to break up peacefully from their living habits.

The following is the main part of the research based on these three objects:

In order to lay eggs smoothly and for her own children, she must suck blood (the female mosquito); the Zhang family (the army of cockroaches) with strong adaptability; in the family, they do everything from raising children to finding food and building nests, but there is no gender. Breeding volunteers (worker ants).

➤ Coffee grounds

  • Wen girl

Burning coffee grounds has an expelling effect. The smell is very similar to the aroma of barbecue, and I am a little greedy when I smell it.

  • Chapter family

There is a blocking effect at the beginning, and later you will find that they start to walk on tiptoe... This learning adaptability is self-defeating, failure!

  • Volunteer

At the beginning, there is a blocking effect, and then there will be 360 degrees without dead ends to find other alternative roads. There are old houses with holes everywhere, and they can't be blocked! fail!

  • If you happen to be in a humid environment, the coffee grounds will become moldy. It is not recommended to spend time cleaning or diligently replacing them. Compared with the effect, it is not recommended!
    Used coffee grounds can be composted for zero waste recycling. Burnt ashes are also low compostable.

➤Prickly heat powder

  • Similar to coffee grounds, it is a good helper to promote the evolution of crawling.
  • The disadvantage is that it needs to be cleaned from time to time. Taiwan's high humidity is easy to absorb moisture and agglomerate. The subsequent cleaning of the butt is not easy to clean, and the floor will occasionally be stuck. And it is not suitable for environments with small children, hairy children, and old children at home.

➤ Wormwood, citrus peel

  • Using dried mugwort, mugwort sticks, mugwort velvet, etc. to light smoke requires long-term and high-frequency use, especially Miss Wen can be significantly reduced, but cannot be completely stopped. It is speculated that there may always be a special person who can accept this taste haha!
  • I have the habit of soaking citrus peels in alcohol. After soaking, they can be fully dried and smoked. The faint citrus fragrance is not bad. The smoked ones seem to be good and useful to Wen girl!

➤ Left hand incense

  • If you have a left-hand incense at home, you know that it often bursts and you don't know what to do.
    Cut it out and put it in various corners. The mechanism of left-hand incense is like this. When it is stimulated, it will spread fragrance. So it can be a bit of a ravage, natural fragrance. The more you put it, the drier it gets, and even if it dries, it still has a nice aroma. Of course, it's just a little ugly haha!
  • Its smell is actually useful for a long time, but there are always a few who insist on coming in, and just watch one of the Zhang family take a detour... I want to ask how deeply it loves so desperately. Want to climb in?
  • This is also used to compost the scraped parts when sweeping the floor from time to time, and it is replenished from time to time.
  • I'm not sure whether it will be harmful to small children, hairy children, and old children. There is no object to study in my family.

➤ Tangerine oil

  • The volunteers and the Zhang family directly expressed their dislike, and Miss Wen felt that she would not get close. Tangerine oil is an agricultural product that needs to be used for a long time, and can gradually build a circle of enchantment. It can be replenished from time to time.
  • Tangerine oil is actually the essential oil squeezed from the skin of oranges. In theory, applying oranges or citrus peels should also be effective, because my citrus peels were all used to soak in alcohol, so I can only deduce theoretically.
  • If there are small children, hairy children, and old children at home, you should pay special attention to use. After all, my family are normal adults, and there is no group that likes to lick or bite things. In particular, some pets may have symptoms of orange oil or be harmful to their health. Please be sure to investigate before using it. You can add some orange oil when mopping the floor or cleaning and wiping. It is much safer to be diluted than the original rich version. Of course, special groups still need special treatment.
  • As an experiment, my room has a wooden floor. I first observed it in the corners for a few days, and it seemed that the floor was well adapted. After that, it was dripped directly into every corner. When sleeping on the floor, first drop it on the old cloth or toilet paper and put it next to it. After using it a few times, spray some alcohol and wipe the cabinet and wipe the corner of the floor before throwing it away. Later, it is okay to drip directly on the floor as a diffuser for a few times of laziness. It is still necessary to say that the material is different or you need to experiment first. The addition or subtraction of the wood floor will still leave some marks. It needs to be cleaned with alcohol from time to time and maintained with a small amount of oil.
    Please make changes according to personal circumstances.
  • It is very suitable for busy people and lazy people or friends who want to save money and be effective, and have a good acceptance of orange peel fragrance.
  • There are many kinds of essential oils of various citrus in aromatherapy grade, and the effect and aroma are different, and the price is relatively high.
    Check "Orange Oil" directly. There will be some DIY materials for sale in large quantities and cheap. Of course, the smell is cheap orange flavor. It is relatively harmless to use it in large quantities for a long time, such as household cleaning and deworming.

➤Essential oils

  • I have experimented with essential oils myself. To be effective, you must add enough essential oils. If you use them at home, it is a very rough thing. To use natural plant fragrance to repel insects, you must always use it to maintain the effect. If you adjust it yourself, you have to adjust it frequently... So if you are getting lazy, add or subtract orange oil haha!
  • If you use a sufficient concentration of essential oil to adjust the oil, put it in a ball bottle or a pat bottle and take it with you (of course, it can be made into a paste!), and you will not regularly wipe your skin in outdoor activities. According to the experience of yourself and your friends, it is impossible to completely It can be avoided but can reduce all kinds of insects and insects in very many girls or other natural environments, and after being bitten, it also has a slight swelling and itching relief effect, which is more suitable for personal use.
  • There are many related insect repellent natural and safe cleaning products with pure essential oils on the Internet. Although they are all advertised as safe, suitable for family size, pets, etc., it is recommended to do some homework by yourself. And when using it, try it in a small range, and carefully read the precautions such as concentration and usage.

➤Skin temperature

  • This method is specifically aimed at Miss Wen and the volunteers, and is useless to the Zhang family.
  • There is an urban legend that alkaline constitutions are less likely to be targeted, so I always feel suspicious! The body naturally responds to the acid-alkaline environment with different needs due to different functions of its parts. What is the definition of alkaline constitution? Need a special test? Relevant theories are not available for comment.

Let’s talk about a personal experiment, which is supported by our traditional ancient Chinese medicine theory! Chinese medicine body parts are divided into various exterior and interior, and the skin surface is normally at a cool temperature. And if the abnormal temperature of the leather watch is too high, it will be especially favored by Miss Wen and the volunteers.

There is usually a special presence among relatives and friends. As long as he is with everyone, he will feel at ease and secure, just like a human mosquito sucker. If you have the opportunity, you can feel it to see if the skin temperature of the same part is higher than that of others. Or children with yang qi usually have a higher skin temperature, which is usually the hobby group of Wen girls.

I used to be a very popular member. Before the rain, the volunteers ran into the room to forage for food, and they would definitely get a few bites. Every time I was proud of myself and said that I was a natural and good ingredient certified by the volunteers. It's just that I always wake up at night by being bitten or itchy, and itchy for a long time, which is also very troublesome if I don't sleep well.

After I began to seriously adjust my diet, I suddenly found out that in the same space, when the girl did not choose me, but went to bite my brother, it was a refreshing moment!

After careful observation, after the temperature of the skin surface dropped, it was really not bitten for a long time. Volunteers would pass by but rarely bitten. Whether it's Miss Wen or volunteers, after biting it, it won't be swollen and itchy for a long time, but it will be fine all of a sudden!

The way to cure the root cause is to completely adjust the physique. If the physique becomes better, the natural skin surface will have a cool temperature; to cure the symptoms, temporarily let the skin surface cool down! For example, spray some water, etc., but this is completely temporary, and it will soon be returned to its original shape, not to mention the forced cooling will make the pores close and cannot dissipate heat, and there will be other problems after a long time.

➤ Treat it to a meal

  • Wen girl

This story comes from the fact that as long as one flew into the room occasionally, I was so annoyed that I couldn't concentrate on what to do all night. The most embarrassing thing was that when I couldn't sleep well, I gave up on myself one day and just watched how much you could eat. result! At that time, I would be eaten once every two or three days on average, and I could not be sure if it was the same one (forgive me for mosquito blindness...), according to the degree of relaxation, the meal time was about five to ten minutes, watching a video and swiping a mobile phone to read a novel Divert your attention so that you can stay still, the time will pass quickly!

After it is full, it will become very sluggish, and it will slowly not notice where it is flying. When I was eating, I felt a little pain at first, then numbness, and then a little itchy, so I needed to divert my attention to stay still. Once you are full and fly away on your own, the bitten part will only be a little itchy and disappear quickly, and then you will be completely calm and comfortable for the next two or three days.

Usually you can only focus on one girl at a time, it is best to keep it within your sight, so that you can determine how long you have to be a statue based on her body shape...

  • Volunteer

The time when they run indoors is usually a few days before the rain. Once there are signs of foraging, they will put a little sugar in the corner of the balcony to help them store food and reduce the chance of coming indoors for food.

Combined with the above tricks, it is almost always peaceful. However, on the eve of rain, a barrier is usually set up with essential oils or orange oil. A few volunteers who are very adventurous will also perfectly avoid the barrier area, at least they can get a good night's sleep.

  • Chapter family

About this group that sees one is equal to seeing a family, and learns and evolves at an amazing speed. I can only do everything I can to break up with it, and I can't invite it to eat...

When it comes to eating food related to the Zhang family, I think of a hunter-type spider commonly known as "La Ya" and scientifically called "White-fronted High-footed Spider" who does not weave a web and looks amazing. In fact, it is a good spider. The Zhang family is on the list of food favorites. Usually they just pass by, eat for a few days, then leave on their own when they're done, and then we can have a good time in the next few months without a single chapter family at home. To me this is simply the VIP of the spider world!

It's rare to have enough to eat, the girl who stopped beside me and asked me to take pictures
Rare to meet in the room


After careful research, there are really many ways to break up peacefully, and the various strange records accumulated over the years are very interesting and fun. Experimenting with all kinds of breakup tricks is still a happy mood! Under the mixed experiment, even a thirty-year-old house can become more and more refreshing~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

鈴瀧編人生轉彎後,發現遍地驚喜。 所有的安排都是最好的安排。 讓自己,活的不要太方便。 保持對世界的好奇心與覺察力! 混跡於Matters、方格子、Potato Media、google blogger
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