Who is the genius and who is the shooter?

"Genius Gunner", the story of the cheating geniuses. Guess, did they succeed?

The Thai movie "Genius Gunner" released in 2017 has a good score and a high popularity. It's about a talented girl Xiaolin and everyone committing an earth-shattering case of cheating on the STIC scholarship exam. The prototype of the incident is the 2014 SAT exam cheating case. You also found out that I am not a quiet person (laughs), I have loved watching these since I was a child. After all, youth without exams is incomplete. As for cheating, dare you say that you haven't done it, or haven't made a move?

Here I mainly analyze some plots and give my views on the issue of "cheating". Of course, as a new leaf ("reformed person" in American slang), I firmly resist cheating. There is a lot of analysis on it on Zhihu, and I have also been inspired a lot. If there are any similarities, count me as cheating.

In order to make a good film, close-up details are indispensable. During the two hours I watched, I was constantly nervous and excited. The rhythmic soundtrack, the gradually accelerating drum beats, the sweat on the protagonist's face, the eyes, the exam paper, the close-up of the pencil, and the movement of the mirror, have the feeling of a suspense film. Put some pictures to feel it.

In addition to the shooting skills, I also saw a lot of things behind the cheating cases from the film itself, such as class, morality, and interpersonal relationships. It can be said that the four protagonists in the film come from different classes.

Pat (Apai): Properly rich second generation, there is no such thing as his parents spending money to settle things. The family has a mansion, a swimming pool, and lives a life of fine clothes and food. However, the rich second generation also has his troubles. The parents wanted him and Grace to go to Boston University for gold plating, but the grades were really bad. Therefore, he promised to pay a huge amount of money to let the protagonist Lynn (Xiao Lin) cheat for him. He is very loyal and kind to his friends. When Xiaolin transmits the answers in the exam room, he does not hand in the papers directly, but passes the answers to other students who need them. He's also an unscrupulous man, knowing that Bank (Aban) might not want to get involved in a cheating case, he sends the underworld to beat Aban and dump him in the junkyard.

Grace (Grace): Apai's girlfriend, Xiao Lin's best friend. Good looks and a wealthy family. She has a very good relationship with Alpai, so Alpai's parents want to send her to Boston University too. Study is not very good, especially math. Computer, PS is very capable. She is also a person who understands interpersonal relationships. Knowing that Xiaolin is quite a teacher, she uses this name to satisfy Xiaolin's vanity and ask her to help her with tutoring. Xiaolin finally ran to Sydney for the exam (actually cheating), her father came to the door, she found a reason for Xiaolin Aban to fall in love, and did not arouse suspicion.

Pat and Grace are people in the upper middle class of society. Lots of money, freedom, choice, and connections. More importantly, they are very capable of manipulate. They can see exactly what Xiao Lin and Aban need, and use these as bargaining chips to let them help to achieve their goals. For the purpose, they can use any means with high fault tolerance and low risk.

Lynn (Xiao Lin): A genius girl. His parents divorced and he lived with his father. His father was a teacher, and his salary was barely enough to cover Xiaolin's tuition and even let her learn the piano. When Xiaolin saw that the exam questions were the same as when she was tutoring for Grace, she discovered the secret of the cram school: as long as you paid for the cram school, you could see the questions ahead of time. Therefore, she decided, for the benefit of her classmates and condemning the immorality of the teacher, to pass the answer to her classmates in the form of piano melody. When planning STIC cheating, she wisely figured out how to take advantage of the jet lag, memorized the answer, and sent it out on her mobile phone. Pat and Grace in Thailand converted the answer into a barcode and printed it on a pencil and sent it to her classmates. She is smart and willing to do what she thinks is worthwhile for the so-called interests and morals. But she did not lose her conscience throughout the process. After she and Aban were caught, she refused Aban's invitation to cheat again, choosing to surrender herself with the support of her father and face punishment.

Bank (Aban): The character that bothers me the most. If for Xiaolin, Pat and Grace are the second rich generation, then for Aban, Xiaolin is the second rich generation. Xiaolin's father cared enough for her to let her learn the piano, while Aban and her mother could only make a living by running a laundromat. Ironically, he has multiple washing machines at home, but his clothes are full of oil stains. It can be said that he has nothing but good studies. After being beaten by the underworld, he collapsed. Because if something happened to him, the mother would have nothing to rely on. Later, he was fooled by Xiaolin, and decided to assist in cheating for the compensation and medical expenses. After the incident was revealed, he was expelled from school and lost the only chance to turn over. For Aban's final blackening, I can only feel sad. He was forced. When a person's way is completely blocked, what is the use of the so-called conscience and morality?

The ending of the film is not happy, but very realistic. Those who benefited from the cheating case were able to move on with their lives and look forward to the future, while Xiao Lin and Aban paid a heavy price. Obviously they are all participants, the top people "get out of their shells", while the bottom people are caught in the quagmire. Are you familiar with this phenomenon?

Talk about cheating. I resisted it not just because of morals. Yes, cheating is not fair to others, and it is also deceiving herself. As Xiaolin said, "The society will not give you multiple-choice questions." However, from a purely utilitarian point of view, cheating is an illegal transaction. The poor with good grades get money, and the rich with bad grades get points. Sounds like it's all about getting what you want? Actually not. Pat and Grace, as the initiators, firmly grasped the weaknesses of Xiaolin and Aban and took advantage of them. Xiaolin seems to be in charge of the whole process and has made the whole plan. However, she took a great risk and was used as a gunman by two rich second-generation generations. Once things come to light, it is never the wealthy who benefit from it. Irony, the truly "bad" people are at ease, and those who have gone astray have no time to regret. The cheating deal is essentially the exploitation of the poor by the rich, because they deprive you of the only opportunity to stand out from the crowd with scores and be on an equal footing with the so-called elite. So, who is the genius and who is the shooter?

Finally, let's talk about the details of the movie:

1: Xiaolin and Aban have no relationship, but I feel that Xiaolin likes Aban. She tidied his collar and took a photo with him, saying that Aban was the hardest and most sincere boy she had ever seen. Finally at the airport, her father asked her, "Where's your boyfriend (referring to Aban)?" She cried sadly.

2: In the movie, in order to prevent cheating, the examination room provides two kinds of examination papers. This practice is very common, and the small exams in the United States use AB papers. As for the effect, it can only be said that "there are policies above and countermeasures below".

3: The way of cheating by using jet lag is not high-end, and it is said that the current international exam time zone is different, and the questions are also different, just to prevent cheating.

4: Xiaolin left the examination room early. When she was dealing with the examiner at the Sydney subway station, strictly speaking, she could escape. Because there are many people in the subway station, and the distance between the two people is also very large, if Xiaolin is not in a hurry to send the answer on the road, she can catch up with the subway and send it again in the subway. I guess it was arranged to be caught by the examiner in order to pass the trial.


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