Who have I supported recently (the second half of 111.04)

If you feel that you have gained something, thank you very much for your support! Please don’t support me (because I still have to find a way to support the support you gave me, which is actually quite tiring!) Please directly support the articles that make you gainful!

Received it from @于陈晨陈also volume @sunmoon @天马行空@阿Han@wuzhi Baker

, adding up to 81 $LIKE, into my support fund. In the second half of the month, I try my best to send these sponsorships that do not belong to me to those articles that make me gain.

If you feel rewarded, thank you very much for your support! Please don’t support my article (because I still have to find a way to support the support you gave me, it’s actually quite tiring!) Please directly support the article that makes you gainful Let's do it! (Other articles are beneficial to you, welcome to support 😁😁😁)

@Vicky Yu  Do you have friends, are you dead?

Although I have no such experience, through the words of this article, I seem to be able to experience the feeling that life is fleeting. Cherish the moments together and care for each other.

@阿Han [ Financial Management Series] Asset Allocation Rebalance (Rebalance) Mechanism

Han has written a series of financial management series, which is a good introduction to financial knowledge. This article clearly analyzes the advantages, disadvantages and applicable scenarios of the Rebalance mechanism.

@hellolinux2021Introduction to Page Recording Tool

I have installed it, but I am not used to it yet. I feel that Hypothesis can be used with many softwares to create a combination of punches. If you use it well, it will definitely increase the efficiency.

@Daisy Rewarding the Computer - Use It Well

Daisy's Osmosis series is the most comprehensive article on Matters (or even the entire network). Those who want to invest in Osmosis must read it!

@Wendy Prisca Self Cultivation - Wisdom in Action

Great fables to share, I especially like 1+1+1, which is the same as what I saw in <9 Habits of the Super Rich: The Babylonian Financial Bible>. The simple truth is that if you can do it continuously, you can play 1+1+1 and produce exponential changes over time.

@Dr. Soonlin  Workplace - Before Doing - Deciding what not to do

There are many things, but few that really matter. Before entering the workplace, you can learn this thinking first, which is to earn. As a supervisor, if you can make good use of this thinking, it will be even more powerful! (I did not say that the supervisor is a tiger!)

@yingqi Letter from Yingqi - like things

For the "live in the moment" narrative, it's pretty accurate, I love it!

Is our current life what we like? Or to get compliments from others?
The person in front of you, where you are, and what you are doing. It is a real love and a real enjoyment, and it is a joy without any impurities.

@It's that light  You are very rude eh-i- who said internet etiquette

There is an in-depth discussion on "politeness", this sentence is straight to the point

The reason "politeness" is emphasized is usually because of "offensiveness" , not because of "impoliteness"

@小frogIt doesn't matter if you don't have rich dad - become rich dad yourself

Cryptocurrency tweets, be careful! 😎😎😎 If you are interested in cryptocurrencies, you can check out Little Frog's analysis!

@石哥The children of the green light seed classroom, bring you the blessing of innocent smile handwriting

I admire Brother Stone who uses $LIKE to do good deeds. Although I don't have such kindness, I can still feel that kind of selfless giving without expecting anything in return, but receiving simple thanks from the recipient, that pure joy.

Assisting people in need is a kind of act of kindness and deserves support! Those who have the ability to help others are happy!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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好久沒寫作啦! 筆尖(不~是手指)鈍了嗎?