How to search and read, Brother Stone's series of articles?

That day, I met a girl who can design web pages~ Lenox; her true temperament prompted me to organize and rectify the 6S, and sort out the website articles. As for those changes? take me to...
Image source: Stone brother drawing

How to search and read, Brother Stone's series of articles?

The other day, I met a girl who knows web design~ Lenox, so I asked her what advice she had on my Wix web page? In fact, I didn't have great expectations after the words were thrown out. After all, I asked no less than ten people, and very few people would read it well and give me their opinions or opinions. Unexpectedly, after a long time, she unexpectedly received a Line text message that listed six major projects.

All I can say is: wow~ I admire your true temperament!

"Those who are in action should stay out of their interests; those who make suggestions should be placed in their own interests." - Master Hongyi

Her true temperament prompted me to organize and rectify the 6S, and to sort out the articles on the website. As for those changes? Take me to....

Brother Stone took advantage of the weekend and vacation to think about the revisions item by item. After all, I am not an expert in Wix website design, but I have improved 1/3 of the website. For friends of certain articles, if you do not search by category, or do not classify according to the author's personal articles on the Matters platform and PotatoMedia platform, you can probably find the article you want by just picking the header template in the future!

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Image source: Stone brother drawing; template for internship series articles

✅1 . Internship series articles:
Template 1 adopts brighter colors, and the content is relatively simple. It is suitable for young students to read. It helps you understand industry-university cooperation, summer internships, and semester internships, allowing you to easily integrate into the workplace. I think there are not many people who are willing to write and can write a little bit in depth. Although I am a second-hand, I have interviewed thousands of people, and the industry and education have also gone from China University of Science and Technology, Universal University of Science and Technology, Yuanzhi University, Mingxin University of Science and Technology, and even these years to focus on national University summer internship program. Therefore, you are also welcome to submit articles that have not been written in the internship, so that I can add color and help the backward.

Image source: Drawing by Brother Shi;

✅2. Workplace game series articles:

Template 2 lists the lectures in a well-organized way and divides the series into ten lectures, from knowing myself, knowing the workplace, and jumping all the way to strategic planning. I think this classification will also help me in my future age. When I’m old, if I want to publish a book as a souvenir based on the suggestion of Matters internet celebrity writer @Sunline to change the date line, it is also very convenient to find articles and organize them.

Image source: Drawing by Brother Stone; Template for the series of articles on straight games
Image source: Drawing by Brother Stone; Template for the series of articles on chasing dramas that are not alone

✅3. Chasing dramas are not alone series of articles:
Since it is a drama, of course, the first photo of the article version must be full of stills, so this series of modules will basically not be too fancy, taking away the brilliance of the domineering president and the handsome man in the plot.

Image source: Stone brother drawing; template for life gleaning series articles

✅Fourth, life gleaning series articles:

The series of articles on the gleaning of life is nothing more than recording the memorable moments in life, as well as the love of my family, the repentance for my mother's disability, and the love that came late. Therefore, I simply use the leaves of the rubbing to match the rose sister's. Photos, and then put the text concise enough.

Image source: Drawing by Brother Stone; Template for a series of articles on professional soul lectures and reading experience

✅5 . A series of articles on professional soul lectures and reading experience:
Since the lectures on the soul of the craftsman and the reading experience, then use a girl holding a pile of books as the template for the title of the article, and then match the recommended books and the photos of the lecture. I think it should be simple and clear.

Image source: Drawing by Brother Stone; Template for Demi Good Eater series articles

✅Six , Demi-Human good eaters, good moments series articles:
This series is of course Demi-Human #3901 leading the way to eat, eat, eat! However, if there are not many such articles in the future, I am still thinking about whether to integrate them into the gleaning of life, and reducing the classification will also help the search of articles.

Finally, I also welcome you to recommend friends who are familiar with Wix web design to me , so that Brother Stone's lesson-assisted volunteer resources integration platform, outsourcing to find experts to modify more concisely, 🍁Welcome to the link: 🔗Look at Brother Stone's Wix website This improvement can make reading more refreshing? ! Thanks ~ for your participation. 🙏


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