I received moon cakes from the landlord during the Mid-Autumn Festival, so touched~~


The Mid-Autumn Festival is here, because I am still traveling in Canada, and it is unlikely that I will buy mooncakes to eat by myself. In addition, it is difficult to gather a group of friends to barbecue when I am in a different place. Therefore, during the Mid-Autumn Festival in Canada , I can probably only look up at the moon at night.

The landlord of the new residence is a Guangzhou native who has immigrated for decades. Because her children have grown up and can’t live at home, she thought about renting out the empty room. Because it was the first time she rented out, so I decided on the house. At that time, I didn't collect rent from me first, and I felt very uncomfortable at that time.

How good is the landlord? On the first day I moved in, they gave me a big bag of beef, and then when I asked her if there was a measuring cup for rice, she told me to eat her instead of buying rice. I bought rice, although I still bought rice later, but I really feel that the landlord is very good.

Because I live in a semi-basement now, the landlord will often tell me that I can sit and read a book in the living room on the first floor if I have nothing to do. I can get more sunshine, and I really feel that the elders care about the younger generation.

The two days just happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival. The landlord also brought me some moon cakes. He also said to me a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Sometimes the blessings I receive in other places are really heartwarming!!

Finally, I also wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival~~


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