Concentrating on indexed investment, simple and not easy

Money and what money has become will disappear, along with me. So, no matter what you leave to anyone, it doesn't matter what happens after I leave. Then, the process of my life is actually the most important thing.

Almost everything you want to have will be lost. If you recognize this, your values will change chemically, and your behavior will change slowly. After all, if you want to change the fundamental fantasy overnight, it is better to start with simple cognition. .

Money and what money has become will disappear, along with me. So, no matter what you leave to anyone, it doesn't matter what happens after I leave. Then, the process of my life is actually the most important thing.

As early as in my career, I was often annoyed by the responsibility system. I still had to stay in the company after I finished it, so I couldn’t leave work early to go to a movie or meet with friends, or even just play shit at home. After that, I still accept my destiny to be a serious and good employee. When I get really busy, the shackles of the responsibility system will be firmly fastened. I have to fall in love with the company all the time, and it is the kind of passionate love, don’t say Only the East has such a culture. In fact, some friends from far away from the West are not too much.

I remember that when I first came out of the society for a few years, I really yearned for the vision of rising step by step. I felt that after working hard, I should have a very happy life. I can buy everything, travel wherever I want, and I don’t feel bad for every credit card. It's the best, it's too ignorant to think about it now! what!

As a result, I only made myself a vicious circle. I was so busy that I almost fainted a few times, and my colleague was half-carried and sent to the emergency room, and my colleague was still a petite girl than me. It was really difficult for her. Fortunately, I was at that time. Skinny.

I really don’t know how I survived at that time. In my impression, I only rested for half a day and then returned to the battlefield. I immediately rushed back to the battlefield and continued to work overtime like crazy. After all, it was just the rise of online shopping. , Basically as long as the goods are not too bad, they can sell well.

On the other hand, they are often very busy, and at the same time they are too busy, and they have to continue to find new people to share the burden. However, many teachers are frightened by the sight in front of them soon, and they will not come if they can’t say it. In the end, they are even more difficult to get sick. Support, probably the stomach was ruined at that time, but it seems that when I was young, I didn't care, especially when I saw the bonus being handed out, everything disappeared, as long as I had money.

Sometimes I think about it, maybe when I was young, I was more able to understand and cherish this thing. Some things must be lost or taken away, and then I know how to take a good look at it, especially time, everyone is fair and just, no one You can go back.

About a few years ago, the freedom of wealth was really like a treasure for me at the time, it was a beacon, and the different attitudes to life such as the advocacy of renunciation and minimalism, etc., all helped me a lot, otherwise I am now. The toys in my house should not fit in three rooms, which is very exaggerated. Now the accumulated amount of the remaining half of the small room has been cleared. When it was the worst, I bought a bunch of dolls with almost every month's salary... It's morbid. The decompression of (and I was very proud of it at the time)

After the real awakening, I sold half of it and emptied it and threw it all into the stock while there was a gap. It was actually quite painful at first, because many of the out-of-print products were almost no longer available for purchase, but they were no match for the persuasion of another partner. , I watched it for a long time, and I felt that I couldn't delay any longer. I executed it hard and took out the motivation. It took a month or two to sell half of the toy dolls. It was very refreshing in an instant. The other half, the rest of the toys, is my new job after leaving the workplace. After the move is over, I hope it can be resolved within two months.

When I think about it, I should have sold it all in one go, because at that time I sold the stock investment that I put directly into it, and now I almost make a steady profit on the book, not including the dividends I received. In fact, I was also following I bet myself, because at that time, I felt that as long as I put it on for a long time, these dolls will definitely increase in value. Looking back, it seems that. . . . . Well, I'd better not do the calculations seriously. It might be more realistic to sell them for money, or use them to pay the rent.

In short, my own experience has taught me that in the long run, following the index investment, it is generally safe to make a profit without losing money. It can be regarded as a lesson learned from life.


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