27 Earning Blocks Chat Time | A big crash in the currency circle?


A few days ago, the trend of the currency circle was mourning

BTC once fell below 20,000

ETH once reached triple digits

Even my assets reached 100U a few months ago

The book value at this moment has also shrunk by nearly 70%

It is such a volatile market

In the past few days, I have received many people asking me various questions

Many of them are asked by the most

When are you coming in? Worried about a market crash?

When will it fall? Should it all be converted into stablecoins?

Today, I will explain my views one by one


1️⃣ Should you enter the market to grab a bargain?

Friends who haven't stepped into cryptocurrency yet

been on the sidelines

Now below the original buy price

But I haven't made a deal for a long time, and I keep asking me if I should buy it.

If it is a short-term operation

The timing is dangerous and the trend appears to be down

If you simply hold for a long time

You can buy it at any time, but you have to buy it in small batches


2️⃣Will you be worried about the collapse of the crypto market?

Saying you're not worried at all is a lie

The currency circle continues to panic and fall

will affect people's perception of blockchain

This greatly reduces the willingness of people to participate

This is bad for the development of encryption technology

It will also hit many high-quality project parties

Just because the funds are withdrawn, there are not enough resources to support the expenses

Or the sell-off one after another, leading to empty houses


3️⃣ When will it fall?

This question has never been settled

Like the stock market, no one can grasp the direction of ups and downs

All depends on the international economy, policies and market sentiment

But all we can do is prepare

Stick to your operating principles

Do not preset the trend of the currency price


4️⃣ Do you regret not converting your assets to stablecoins?

If all were sold before

It can avoid the rapid evaporation of the market value of holdings

You can even enter the market with overweight on dips

I don't regret this doubt

Stablecoins can certainly lock in profits, and are not afraid of market declines

But in my opinion

BTC and ETH have their own value

And think in terms of currency

Holding a Bitcoin is a Bitcoin

Will not change the number of holdings with fluctuations

✅If this article is helpful to you, remember to bookmark + press ❗️

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