How much money can you make by posting 24 articles a month

Haha, forgive me for the title party, I just discussed related topics with my friends on liker social, and I am learning and using it now.

June has finally passed, and July 1 has finally passed, but it seems that my vigorous desire to express has not passed.

Throughout June, I wrote almost 26 articles, 24 of which were posted on matter, and earned 6700 likes. This should also include the support amount of the activity text, which will be sent later. It seems that it is a fantasy to rely on matters for a living, haha.

In fact, in the days when my heart is swollen, I often feel a little embarrassed. After an article was written and published, on the one hand, I imagined the moving grand occasion that a large wave of clapping was coming, on the other hand, I was a little nervous. I imagined people frowning and saying in their hearts: Here we go again! At this time, it is very understandable for those who have quit Matters and started a new career in other relatively closed platforms.

Most of my die-hard fans don't post frequently, and some don't even post here anymore, purely for friendship support. In this case, I also feel that posting an article every day like this is also a kind of pressure for people who are chasing and watching. Every time I come here, there are new ones, and I can't catch up with them. It's like riding a bicycle over a mountain and I'll never reach the pass. Although I had an article before that I wanted to see who only clapped their hands and didn’t read the article, but I was by no means proud. I felt that if I wrote well, others should burn incense and take a bath, sit upright, and after reading it, I was willing to clap my hands and make money.

No, Shuang Xuetao is not that arrogant either.

I am a bit slow in writing articles. A journal of 1,000 words often takes two or three hours, not to mention the propositional composition. Since I called matters, I have become obsessed with the number of words in the article. I feel that I don't have enough words to write a thousand words, and it is like not allocating matters. Therefore, the frequency of posting articles like June must have taken up a lot of time that was used for other things in the past. That is work and commuting. If he hadn't quit his job and was basically idle at home, no matter how swollen his heart was, he would have to suppress it, or quickly divert his attention. After all, life has to push you to go, where is there so much emptiness that hurts spring and autumn. It can be understood from this point that it should be a good way to make people stop reading and writing, and use a whip to chase after them.

I don’t know if I’m lucky or unfortunate, except for my parents, I don’t have a family and I can basically stop when I want to. And most of my colleagues, there is no way to stop. It's good to be able to spend time with family after endless overtime. Not long ago, two colleagues who were over 30 years old asked me what to do when I took a plane for the first time. And their first time was on a business trip. Therefore, their Weibo Moments are unwilling to use them, and Douyin is the most popular.

It was also June's practice that made me realize that I couldn't work from home. There is a small job, if you do it seriously, it should be completed in one day, but I haven't finished it for a week. Be attracted to matter every day, attracted to Liker Social and Goodreads, a rare start. For two days, I was determined to go to the company for work the next day, but when I woke up, I thought that the journey was far away, and my ambitions died down again.

So I admire those citizens who have to work and send long articles every day. They must have super self-control to implement all plans.

When I start to reflect, it means that it is time to adjust a certain life habit. But when I think of the next few days, I can't use writing to pour out the chest in my chest, and I feel a little reluctant to give up. Maybe it's just inertia.

But it is destined to reduce the frequency of posting in July, because I am going to take my parents back to my hometown. It is a big project. It is like carrying a baby for a long distance. We must do all the logistical support and entertainment work. I am afraid I don’t have that much time to write. . Maybe not obsessed with long articles, nor obsessed with impressing readers, and simply recording it on your own blog will be a better choice.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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