Africa, Asia and Four Countries Tour N17-Last day of Madagascar's capital Antafona


Pack up the clothes that were barely dry, tidied up the luggage, and went to have breakfast first. Last time I left before it was light, and this time I still have time to see the morning in the capital. The last time I went out too early, I didn't have breakfast at the hotel. Although it was a similar French breakfast, French buns and eggs cooked in different ways, this restaurant is delicious. On the next trip to Laos, it was also colonized by France. I don’t know if it is a French breakfast.

I have to take the luggage up the stairs again, so I finally stuffed my suitcase and backpack, so I don’t need an extra hand luggage. When we took a selfie at the door, we accidentally or unintentionally photographed the security guard who was looking at the camera.

Mi's car is pretty good. Actually, the road is bad. It's worse than Kenya's road to the wild park except for the mountain hotel. However, Mi will slow down on uneven roads. The onset of motion sickness pills is also a factor. After eating in Laos, I could sleep lightly for a while. But I dare to say that the mountain road connecting Lao City to the city is comparable to that of Falklands.

During these three hours, I slept for a while. Looking at the raised sections of the road, it is hard to say that it was an architectural design problem or cutting corners. Mi had to be very careful to decelerate in advance. The three hours of sitting still depended on superb skills. driving technique. Half of the road is deep in the mountains, and I occasionally see some villages. There is a park Mandraka Park at the bottom of the valley, with pavilions and pavilions, small bridges and flowing water. It is really a park that can be parked for half an hour.

We finally arrived at Réserve Peyrieras Madagascar Exotic. There were not many guests. We were guided by a thin young man wearing an Argentine mespo shirt. The bungalows at the entrance were full of men, women and children. We followed to visit one by one small brick bungalows/cages, where different species of frogs lived. They were as small as fingernails. In fact, I can't remember the species.

There are also bats that were not seen in Bekopaka cave, but also seen here. The bat didn't move, just hung upside down wrapped in a ball. Leave after a while. There is a pool in the garden, bigger than a ping pong table, in which a crocodile lives, but only sticks its head out for a while, and then lurks in the water and can't be seen again. There are also some small bungalows with cages of different species of frogs. Some are so small that you have to open the leaves to find them. The thinnest is as big as a finger, but I have no interest in touching the smooth skin surface.

Some cages live with lizards BB, and C is very excited, some can be taken out and placed in their hands, standing on their fingers in a stable manner. Lizard BB is cute, but I accidentally glanced at their food, the strip-shaped creatures shaking slowly, but I am not afraid of huge snakes, the smaller the more afraid. There are also snakes here, and we all watch from a distance without fighting.

The focus is on a greenhouse where chameleons and lizards are raised in captivity. We looked for them on different branches. In fact, I forgot about the introduction of the tour guide. He pointed and introduced, and sometimes put the chameleon on the body, C will then take it to his hand and let it crawl. Because we are wearing coats, we are not afraid of their claws, but C long hair will be easy to be caught. Later, I also stretched out from C and let the chameleon crawl over. I wanted to take one, but two came. One of them climbed on my hat without thinking, and rested peacefully without moving. . C said to put the chameleon on my head before departure, and now it comes up automatically without taking any action. Everyone is a little dumbfounded. It was not until the last time that the leader put it back on the tree before leaving. C said that it should like my hat very much. , maybe grey like stone.

At the end of the event, we have to take another three-hour drive to the airport. Fa was afraid of traffic jams, so we all made it early. Traffic jams are a problem in any city where there are cars.

When we went to the airport, Fa mentioned that we could go to the restaurant upstairs, but the post office we were looking for was not in the airport, only the post box. Fa is very good, he helped us send postcards, but he remembered the postage incorrectly, so we need to post it a little bit backwards, and our tip should be more than enough. Because the two days are only a half-day trip, I don't know how to calculate it, so we just calculate the tip for two days. About nine to ten days later, we received postcards, no wonder C always said Fa Fa is good. Because of high efficiency.

It's a pity that I lost all the postcards in Kenya. It's a pity that I only lost postcards in Kenya. Other than the long wait, nothing happened. Even if Langkawi forgot to write Hong Kong, it was successfully received.

We originally wanted to go to the restaurant on the second floor, but when we saw the long stairs, we thought we should store our luggage first, then follow the security check and then go to the counter, because we had to transfer to Bangkok in Kenya. Does it matter where you go? After leaving the luggage, I didn't know why I couldn't leave the security check, so I walked to the departure counter next to it, and the lobby was only ten steps away. We thought that there were also restaurants and exchange shops in the restricted area, but we soon regretted that there were no exchange shops, and there was a fast food shop, all of which were reheated buns and lunch boxes, which were worse than Morondava, but we also had to eat something, because European It's a good deal for RM, we still use Euro to buy lunch, I had a chicken baguette that was a bit tough, and C ordered chicken rice. I went to the liquor store and bought two bottles of water for 2 Euros. The price at this airport is really expensive, and I feel that it is better than Kenya. We reunited at the airport with a couple who lived in Hong Kong. They went to the market in the morning. The Korean girl also picked a delicious Korean restaurant. I don't understand the reason for eating Korean food in Africa. Is it authentic? ? Or looking for a fellow countryman? However, we were in a hurry and had to have lunch at the airport. She took the itinerary and asked us, the travel agency is different, and her extravagant 8-day group has one more day, so it is about 5,000 Hong Kong dollars more expensive. I think clean water is worth the price.

They were playing with poker Monopoly. Originally, C and I wanted to participate, but they bet 500 Hong Kong dollars per game. If it was AR RM, 5000 would not mind. We had to chat and wait. In the end, we couldn't buy vanilla spice, no African totem fabric, no lobster, and we left with a lot next time.

C and I had already picked our seats, but we changed them when we boarded the plane. There was no entertainment equipment when I flew over, but I had it on the return flight. I watched a movie until I got off the plane, and finally arrived in Kenya four hours later.

C. I want to exchange ringgits at Kenya airport. How do I know that no one is willing to accept it? Similarly, in Africa, we left with hundreds of thousands of ringgits. After returning to the Falklands from Mauritius, play two island countries.

C I bought beer on the Falklands and alcohol at Kenya Airport, because I still have two long-distance buses in Laos.

We still have time, so we went to Java to eat rich, because it will take nine hours to go back to Bangkok, we ordered spring chicken, chicken wings and fries, all chicken...and lemon drinks, very rich. After the price, we pay in Euros.

The tummy left Kenya satisfied. However, when I boarded the plane, I also changed the position randomly, and I had to separate the seats. I finally got the theory. I finally sat back in the same row. Two people sat in three seats. The flight attendant ignored me. The Korean girl said she didn’t need to sleep, but I could give it to me. I watched a movie a seat away from me. I was obviously sleepy at dinner in Java, and I still couldn’t sleep on the plane. , only a light sleep.

There is a feeling of taking the early morning machine and starting a day's itinerary in the morning.

Bye bye Africa.


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